Special masters on campus

Chapter 820 You Are Too Simple

Chapter 820 You Are Too Simple
"Do it!" Heikoujian suddenly shouted in a dark voice, but instead of coming towards Chen Dong, he retreated in the opposite direction.

Chen Dong frowned, Heikoujian's abnormal behavior made him feel an inexplicable murderous intent!
"Could it be!" At this moment, Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and he quickly dodged to one side!
"Phew!" But at this moment, a sharp blade directly penetrated Chen Dong's body!The distance between the person behind and Chen Dong is too close, and Chen Dong's attention just now was on the black mouth fitness in front of him, and he didn't pay attention to the back at all!

Because the three girls behind him are all people he trusts!

And now it must be one of these three girls who inserted this sharp blade into his body!
"Brother Chen!"

"Chen Dong!"

At this time, Chu Shanshan and Xu Jiaying's screams came from behind Chen Dong at the same time, and Chen Dong didn't need to turn his head to know who it was.

It's Tian Mihui, or it should be called Ozawa Mieko!
"A low-grade fairy weapon?" Chen Dong looked down at the sharp blade that penetrated his body, and it turned out to be a low-grade fairy weapon.Only a magic weapon of this level could harm him, obviously this was carefully planned by the other party!

At this time, Tian Meihuizi, who was standing behind Chen Dong, had a cold face, holding this short sword in her hands!
"Chen Dong, I'm sorry, for myself, you have to die!" Tian Meihui said in a cold voice, the Tian Meihui that Chen Dong knew on weekdays was completely two people.

Now this Tian Meihui is more like a killing machine without any emotion!
"I didn't expect it to be you." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched slightly.

"If you think of it, then it's not me, Mieko Ozawa." Mieko Ozawa smiled.

"I almost forgot, your real name is Ozawa Mieko, not Tian Meihui." Chen Dong said lightly.

"But I've never forgotten it." Mieko Ozawa said holding the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands.

"In other words, from the first day we met, your purpose is for today, right?" Chen Dong said.

"Chen Dong, you are very smart, but you are too simple! I'm sorry, for my own purposes, only you are dead!" Tian Meihui's eyes were cold, and her tone was full of coldness.

"Hahaha!" And at that moment, that black-mouthed Jiankuan's insidious laughter came again.

I saw Hei Kou Jian, who had retreated just now, walking towards Chen Dong again.

"Chen Dong! You never imagined it in your dreams, did you? The woman you desperately want to protect is actually your worst enemy! How does this taste feel good!" Heikoujian said with a wild laugh.

The grievance and anger from being wounded and ignored by Chen Dong burst out at this moment. Seeing Chen Dong being pierced by a low-grade fairy weapon, he felt that this was the happiest thing in his life.

"I admit that I did trust someone who shouldn't. But do you think you can kill me, Chen Dong?" At this moment, Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"Chen Dong, you are too simple, this is your biggest weakness." Mieko Ozawa said coldly.

"In order to become stronger! In order to fulfill my father's wishes, I will do whatever it takes! And if I kill you, I will get everything I want!" The corner of the thief Mieko's mouth showed a slight smile, without any emotion.

"Kill me? Just rely on this broken sword that you begged from your master?" Chen Dong snorted coldly.It is impossible for a comprehension force like the Heikou Group to have a magic weapon at the level of a fairy weapon. The only possibility is the Cultivation Alliance.

"Haha! Chen Dong! Can't you see it? The thing that penetrates your body is a low-grade fairy weapon! It was given to me by Tianxuanzi, the master of the Cultivation Alliance! How can you resist it? Hmph! Even if you don't die now! How can you resist the attack of several great masters of the Cultivation Alliance with your seriously injured body! Haha! Chen Dong, you will definitely die today! This small island is your grave!" Heikoujian said with a wild laugh.

"Brother Chen! Are you okay!" Chu Shanshan burst into tears when she saw Chen Dong's appearance.

"Chen Dong! Chen Dong, you will be fine!" Xu Jiaying was also frightened, looking at the fairy sword that pierced through Chen Dong's body, she felt like reaching for the sword without even thinking about it!

"Mieko! What are you waiting for!" At this moment, Ken Kuroguchi suddenly snorted coldly.

"Chen Dong, I'm sorry!" At this moment, Natian Meihuizi's eyes turned cold, and she was about to draw out the short sword in her hand with a force on her hands, and gave Chen Dong another fatal blow.

But at this time, she found that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't pull out half of the blade!
"You don't need your apology." At this moment, Chen Dong smiled slightly, and reached out to stop Xu Jiaying who was about to draw his sword for him.

"Chen Dong..." Xu Jiaying was already in tears, looking at Chen Dong with tears in her eyes. At this moment, she really hated herself for being too weak.If she is also a cultivator, she can help Chen Dong at this time, the boy who is buried in the most important position in her heart.

"Brother Chen, don't scare me... woo woo..." Chu Shanshan's face turned pale with fright. In her mind, her brother Chen is the strongest person in the world and will never get hurt of.But now that the cold sword shining with white light was stuck in Chen Dong's body, she was terrified and didn't know what to do.

"Why are you two crying? Do you think I will die so easily? If I die, who will protect you?" Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"Chen Dong!"

"Brother Chen!"

"Impossible! This is impossible! This is a low-grade fairy weapon! You have been penetrated by the treasure of the Cultivation Alliance! Why! Why haven't you fallen down yet!" Mieko Ozawa's expression changed completely behind Chen Dong.

She thought that with this Heikoujian fairy weapon obtained from the Cultivation Alliance, she could hit Chen Dong hard in one fell swoop!If Chen Dong was seriously injured, he would have a chance!But now she found that Chen Dong, who was completely penetrated by this fairy weapon, thought that there was nothing wrong at all!
But just when she wanted to draw out the fairy sword to attack Chen Dong again, she found that she couldn't pull out the fairy sword!
"Your plan is very thorough, and indeed I did not expect it." At this time, Chen Dong slowly raised his head.

"But your biggest mistake is to overestimate your master cultivation alliance and underestimate the strength of your opponent. If it were a late-stage Jindan cultivator, he might be dead, but unfortunately I am not a late-stage Jindan. "Chen Dong shook his head, his signature smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You! What did you say!"

"What! It's not Jindan Late Stage!"

Heikoujian and Tian Meikezi exclaimed at the same time, because their highest estimate of Chen Dong's cultivation was the late Jindan stage!
"In front of Nascent Soul stage powerhouses, you are two clowns!" Chen Dong's voice suddenly turned cold.

"噗!" The dagger that was originally stuck in Chen Dong's abdomen suddenly flew out, and went straight into Mieko Ozawa's abdomen!


(End of this chapter)

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