Special masters on campus

Chapter 826 Dharma body!

Chapter 826 Dharma body!

"噗噗! Whoosh!" Above the sky, piercing whistling sounds resounded through the sky.

The icicles all over the sky hit Chen Dong, who was surrounded tightly in the middle, almost at the same second!
Each of these ice picks can easily obliterate a strong person in the late Jindan stage, and even cause damage to a strong person in the Nascent Soul stage.

And the most terrifying thing is that there is not just one ice cone, but endless ice cones all over the sky!

Even the purple-robed venerable and the blue-robed venerable were not sure of surviving this attack!
This white-robed venerable is the second only to Tianxuanzi in the cultivation alliance, it seems that it is definitely not a lie!

"Hmph! In this realm of comprehension, there are no more than three people who can survive my blow from Xuan Bingzi, but it's a pity that you are not included in these three people!" The white-robed venerable Xuan Bingzi snorted coldly, There is an invisible coldness in the voice, just like an ice god who is not in the world.

For a moment, the whole world was quiet, and everything seemed to be over.

It is a miracle that Chen Dong can stand up to now against the three high-ranking venerables in the Cultivation Alliance, the white robe, the purple robe, and the blue robe.

"This son has several pieces of Tianhuo Xuanbing in his body, take them and return to the Cultivation Alliance!" At this time, Tian Xuanzi's coercive voice came from the sky again.

"Understood! Let me take it!" The blue-robed venerable whose arm was cut off by Chen Dong just now said, and moved to the position where Chen Dong was.

The blue robe was severely injured by Chen Dong just now, and it was very embarrassing.That's why he rushed to get the Tianhuo Xuanbing. He wanted to crush Chen Dong to ashes, otherwise he couldn't swallow this breath.

At this moment, Chen Dong was completely surrounded by a huge hockey puck.

It is impossible to imagine anyone who can survive under these ice cones. I am afraid that the people inside have become a pile of debris at this time.

The viciousness and power of this move is not only unimaginable for ordinary cultivators, even several other venerables in the cultivation alliance are extremely afraid.

"Senior Brother Xuanbingzi's Xuanbing Tribulation and Killing really deserves his reputation! My little brother admires it!" The blue robe smiled.

"Hmph! Hurry up, I'm already getting a little tired of this place." The white-robed venerable Xuan Bingzi snorted. In his eyes, apart from Tian Xuanzi, no one else in the Cultivation Alliance could be equal to him.

"Haha! This Chen Dong has probably become a pile of scum right now!" The blue-robed venerable sneered and walked over the huge ice ball.

"Crack! Crack!" At this moment, the huge ice ball began to crack open continuously, and the ice cone began to melt continuously.

"Huh? Broken so quickly?" The blue robe frowned, feeling something was wrong in his heart, but he was embarrassed to say it out of face.He had already been wounded by Chen Dong, if he said anything at this time, Bai Pao would look down on him even more.

"I don't believe it anymore, you can't die?" the blue robe thought to himself.

"Crack! Crack!" At this moment, the ice ball shattered faster and faster, and cracks soon spread all over the ice ball.

The blue-robed venerable didn't say anything, the white-robed and purple-robed two venerables naturally thought that the blue-robed broke the puck, and didn't pay much attention to it.

"Boom!" And in the next second, the huge black ice ball exploded instantly!

"not good!"

At this time, Xuan Bingzi and Zipao realized something was wrong, but it was too late!

"Boom!" But at the moment when the huge ice ball exploded, a huge figure of flame flew out of Xuan Bingqiu!
This huge figure is completely composed of golden flames, just like the nine-day Vulcan descending on the mortal world!
And in the body of this flame giant is none other than Chen Dong!

"This is his Dharma body!"

"He was able to stop the Xuanbing robbery!"

The two venerables in purple robe and blue robe exclaimed at the same time.

"He even comprehended the Dharma Body!"

And that Xuan Bingzi's complexion also changed for the first time!
"噗!" At this moment, the flame giant made a move with both hands, and the Taiyi sword appeared in his hands instantly.

"Hoohoo!" The white flames on the Taiyi sword soared into the sky, like a flame dragon!
"Die to me!" All this happened in an instant, but seeing the flame giant slash at the blue-robed venerable above with the sword in his hand!
"It's not good! Shuiyue Liantian blocked me!" After all, the blue-robed venerable is the fourth-ranked powerhouse in the Cultivation Alliance, and he is definitely not a generation of rich people.

But seeing him push forward violently with one hand, at the same time his figure retreated sharply.

"Huhu!" In an instant, three huge waterfalls appeared in front of the blue-robed venerable.He is confident that these three waterfalls are enough to block the attack of a strong man in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

"Boom!" In the next second, the Tai Yi sword in the flame giant's hand instantly slashed on the first waterfall.

"Prick, prick! Boom!" Bursts of white water vapor rose into the sky, and there was a dense pricking sound in the sky.

"Boom!" But the first waterfall couldn't stop Chen Dong's sword from breaking instantly!
"Boom! Boom!" Immediately after the second, the third waterfall also shattered continuously!

"Damn it! You underestimate me!" At this moment, the face of the blue robe who kept retreating was extremely ugly, and his fragile self-esteem had been deeply hurt by Chen Dong.Chen Dong was able to repel him every time, which made him unable to hold his head up in front of the other two great masters!

"Ah! The sea of ​​blood is overwhelming!" But seeing the embarrassing blue-robed venerable slapping Chen Dong across the air with one hand, he rushed towards Chen Dong instead of retreating!

And at the same time, a bloody light suddenly flashed in his hand, and then the bloody light continued to grow bigger, covering the sky and covering the ground in the blink of an eye!
A huge sea of ​​blood completely blocked Chen Dong's dharma body!
And it can be seen that Chen Dong's flame dharma body is being corroded and eaten away by this sea of ​​blood!

"Haha! Junior Chen Dong! This sea of ​​blood of mine can melt even a high-grade magic weapon in an instant. Let's see how long your dharma body can last!" The blue-robed venerable sneered while controlling the sea of ​​blood with one hand.This time, he finally regained some face.

"Hmph!" Xuan Bingzi snorted coldly when he saw this scene, "It's not too incompetent after all."

"It seems that the fourth child's blood sea poison attack has improved again." The purple-robed venerable also laughed.

If the two of them make another move at this time, they will directly hit Lan Pao in the face, and they still have to give Lan Pao some face.

"Hmph! Kill one first!" At this time, Chen Dong, one of the flame giants, snorted coldly.

"Teleport!" None of the three venerables noticed that Chen Dong's figure disappeared in an instant!

Just when the blue-robed venerable felt that he had regained some face, Chen Dong's figure instantly appeared behind him, but a voice suddenly came from his ear.

"What would a Venerable without his hands look like!"

"What!" The blue robe instinctively realized the murderous intent behind him, but it was too late to turn around!

(End of this chapter)

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