Special masters on campus

Chapter 828 It's You

Chapter 828 It's You
Two huge fists in the sky hit Chen Dong who was flying upside down at the same time!
According to common sense, any cultivator would do everything possible to dodge when faced with such a situation, and even if he couldn't dodge, he would try his best to resist.

This may have a chance!
But at this moment, Chen Dong, who was flying upside down, suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and stopped suddenly!
"Pure Yang Dharma Body!"

"Roar!" A huge flame giant appeared outside Chen Dong's body instantly.

From a distance, this giant with golden flames looks almost exactly the same as Chen Dong's face!
"Hmph! Do you want to resist even if you don't hide? You're really overconfident!" Xuanzi sneered in the sky that day.

"Liuyang Xuantian!" And just when Tianxuanzi thought that Chen Dong would overpower himself and want to make a last stand, four dazzling golden balls of light suddenly appeared in front of Chen Dong!

"Boom!" But seeing Chen Dong push with both hands!
At the same time, the golden light flashed above Chen Dong's fists, instead of retreating, he directly blasted towards the huge fists!

"What! You chose to confront the elder brother in charge! You really asked for a dead end!" The purple-robed venerable sneered.

"I really like this kid's character, but it's a pity he's not from our Cultivation Alliance. It's a pity." Xuan Bingzi snorted.

Obviously, in the eyes of these two powerhouses, Chen Dong's behavior is courting death!
There was also a sneer on Xuanzi's face in the sky that day, if Chen Dong ran away desperately, maybe Chen Dong could live a little longer.

But now Chen Dong took the initiative to die, which saved him a lot of effort.

And at this moment, the two huge fists of Tian Xuanzi's dharma body collided with Chen Dong's flaming dharma body!

"Boom! Boom!" But above the sky, two pairs of Dharma Body fists collided continuously, and a roar came from the sky.

"Hoo hoo!" Waves of invisible impact raged across the sky!At this moment, if there are cultivators below the Nascent Soul stage, they will be torn to pieces by this terrifying impact again!

"Crash! Crash!" Although the collision happened in the sky, the sea below was still stirred up by huge waves!
"Boom! Boom!" After confronting Tian Xuanzi's dharma body giant hand several times in a row, the gap between the two sides suddenly became apparent.

But seeing Chen Dong's flaming Dharma Body's fists constantly shattering, the entire Dharma Body soon shattered!
But at this moment, the four golden Xuanyang did not meet Tianxuanzi's giant hand, but went towards my position in the sky where Tianxuanzi was!

"What? On the one hand, he fought head-on with the senior teacher, and on the other hand, he attacked the senior teacher's body at the same time! It's really good to be able to maintain this calmness in such a crisis situation!" Xuan Bingzi nodded.

"Hmph, so what? With this level of attack, it's impossible to injure the master master!" The purple-robed venerable sneered.

Sure enough, in the sky, Tian Xuanzi snorted coldly, waved his big sleeve, and a black light flashed out and instantly enveloped Chen Dong's four Xuan Yang.


"Boom boom boom!" The next moment, there was an explosion in the black awn, but there was not a single ray of light revealing the black awn.

Obviously, with Chen Dong's current strength, Liuyang Xuantian was far from being able to hurt Tian Xuanzi.

On the contrary, in the sky where Chen Dong was, with the flame dharma body outside his body shattered, Chen Dong no longer had any defensive measures!

From now on, I can only talk directly with Tianxuanzi's Dharma body!

But in fact, all of this happened too fast without giving Chen Dong any chance to think about it!
But Chen Dong's fists collided with Tian Xuanzi's giant hands!
"It's over!" Tian Xuanzi smiled slightly.

"Boom!" An incomparably dazzling golden light rose into the sky, and the clouds and mists in the entire sky were instantly dispersed by the golden light!

But that day when Xuanzi was so confident that he could kill Chen Dong with one blow, his expression suddenly changed!
But there was a crack in his huge dharma body hands!
"Crack! Crack!" And the crack was getting bigger and bigger, and soon spread all over the giant hands!


"Surprisingly, he was able to knock out the cracks in the Master Master's Dharma Body!"

Xuan Bingzi and Zipao, who were watching the battle in the distant sky, also exclaimed at the same time.

Obviously, this situation exceeded all of their expectations.Chen Dong, a junior, was able to injure Tian Xuanzi's dharma body!If it is reported at this time, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire cultivation world!

"At this time, the power of Tianhuo Xuanbing is more than one piece! Junior Chen Dong, it seems that you have another reason to die!" That day Xuanzi snorted coldly and disappeared in an instant!
"Huh!" Almost at the same time, Tian Xuanzi's figure had appeared in front of Chen Dong!
"I've run out of patience! Die!" Just as Chen Dong was still trying his best to resist Tian Xuanzi's giant hand, the black-robed Tian Xuanzi slapped Chen Dong's chest with his palm!
"Boom!" But Chen Dong fell into the sea below like a meteor!

"Boom!" Without any suspense, Chen Dong fell into the icy sea water.

"Gulu Gulu!" Chen Dong's body sank rapidly.

Chen Dong felt as if he had sunk into an ice cave, every part of his body was extremely cold.

"Just hang up like this? I really don't want to be reconciled! Lao Tzu's "Nine Suns Collection" has only reached the seventh level, and there is only one level left to reach the eighth level! Master and wife, my disciples are so unworthy that I can't serve you two old people , I couldn't find my junior sister either!" Chen Dong closed his eyes tightly, and his body kept sinking.

"Is it you, Junior Sister? How are you doing now? Have you left Haidong Island..." Chen Dong thought of the Japanese female killer whom he had never seen for a long time.

"Now that I'm still thinking about it, it seems a bit ridiculous..." There was a wry smile on the corner of Chen Dong's mouth.

Xuanzi was too strong that day, the palm he slapped on Chen Dong's chest just now completely penetrated Chen Dong's defense.At this moment, the Qi and blood in his body were churning, and there was severe pain like acupuncture in the meridians, and the Nascent Soul in the dantian was also sluggish.

And if it wasn't for the fact that Chen Dong's body had undergone reshaping into a golden body, Chen Dong might have been directly blasted into pieces by the blow just now.

And even though Chen Dong's physical strength had reached the point of terror, facing Tianxuanzi's direct attack, Chen Dong was seriously injured!If he was attacked by any of the three great masters above the sea at this time, Chen Dong would have no chance to fight back!
And at this moment, Chen Dong suddenly felt a pair of hands holding his body!

This is obviously not an enemy attack, because she is too gentle!
At this moment, Chen Dong suddenly opened his eyes, and saw a face that was both familiar and unfamiliar to him.

"It's you……"

(End of this chapter)

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