Special masters on campus

Chapter 865 Cohesion!

Chapter 865 Cohesion!

"Buzz!" In an instant, the entire secret room on the third floor was filled with light, and streaks of white and blue light illuminated the entire room brightly and dazzlingly.

"Boom!" But seeing the shards of Skyfire Xuanbing in the hands of the black-robed man melted into Chen Dong's dantian all of a sudden!
"Yeah!" Chen Dong's eyes shone with white light, and now there are nine pieces of Heavenly Fire Black Ice in his dantian!

"Okay, whether you can fuse these nine fragments or not depends on your own luck and strength." The black-robed man's hoarse voice came.

"No thanks!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth raised.

The black-robed man was taken aback for a moment, apparently a little unresponsive, but then he burst out laughing.

"Haha! Good! Thank you very much!"

"Xiaodong, next you go all out to refine and integrate, and the three of us will protect you. Even if the nine dogs of the Cultivation Alliance come, we will let them come and go!" The old man Yang Tianding laughed.

"Xiaodong, remember not to force it. If you feel the signs of going crazy, stop immediately. The three of us may work together to save it." Su Mengru is obviously more careful than the other two men.

"Don't worry, Mistress, your apprentice is not an ordinary person." Chen Dong smiled.

Su Mengru nodded, and the three powerhouses retreated to Chen Dong's left and right and the rear three guards began to protect Chen Dong.

Chen Dong closed his eyes and began to refine the nine fragments in his dantian.

At this moment, within Chen Dong's dantian, in the middle of a halo is Chen Dong's golden Nascent Soul.

In the space around Yuanying, there are nine ice-like fragments of different sizes and shapes floating.It is exactly the fragments of nine pieces of Tianhuo Xuanbing.

Previously, Chen Dong had tried to fuse the six fragments in the dantian forcibly with the power of zhenqi and Yuanying, but every time Chen Dong brought the fragments together, the six fragments immediately separated as if they were repelling each other.

After many failures, Chen Dong temporarily gave up on fusing the six fragments.

Before, Chen Dong had speculated that the reason why these six fragments would repel each other and fail to fuse together might be something missing.

Now Chen Dong knows, because the Skyfire Profound Ice was broken into nine pieces in total back then, so if you want to completely refine and fuse these pieces, you need to refine all the pieces together!
Now that the nine fragments have all been fused into his dantian, if this matter gets out, it will definitely set off a huge wave in the entire cultivation world!
This is the only one for so many years!
"Then let me try again now!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth raised, and a golden light suddenly flashed in his dantian.

"Om!" The golden Nascent Soul in the middle of the dantian opened his eyes instantly, and golden pure yang power suddenly exploded.

"Hoo hoo! Hoo hoo!" In an instant, Chen Dong's dantian completely turned into a golden ocean.

"Buzz! Buzz!" I saw that the nine shards of Skyfire Profound Ice began to rapidly revolve around the golden Nascent Soul, and the speed of rotation became faster and faster.

In the blink of an eye, the nine fragments had been condensed to the side of the golden Nascent Soul.

"It's now! Together!" Chen Dong suddenly opened his eyes.

"Huh!" But seeing the nine high-speed rotating fragments began to gather rapidly towards the top of Yuanying's head.

"Hoo hoo!" I saw that the nine fragments were slowly assembled together under the impetus of endless pure yang power.

But this does not mean the final complete integration, Chen Dong has also achieved this level before, but soon these fragments will immediately disperse.

"Fusion for me!" At this moment, Chen Dong clasped his hands together in front of him.

"Huh!" At the same time, the golden Nascent Soul in the dantian folded his hands together.

"Buzz!" But seeing the nine pieces of Skyfire Black Ice gathered together all emitted a dazzling white light.

Chen Dong could already feel a part of the power of sky fire and black ice slowly merging, which had never happened several times before.This shows that Chen Dong's previous guess is still correct.

But now is not the time to be happy, because the fragments are far from being fully integrated.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The nine combined fragments in Chen Dong's dantian kept imagining above Chen Dong's golden Nascent Soul, and the white light emitted became more and more dazzling.

But Chen Dong found that although the nine fragments were constantly merging, the speed of merging was still too slow!

If you want to completely condense the nine fragments into Tianhuo Xuanbing at this speed, I am afraid it will be impossible in not a few decades!

Decades or even hundreds of years are just a flick of a finger for a strong Nascent Soul like Chen Dong, but now that time is running out, it is impossible to give Chen Dong such a long time to slowly condense and refine.

Chen Dong needs to recondense the Skyfire Xuanbing in the shortest possible time, the shorter the better!

As for the matter of refining and condensing the skyfire and black ice, the three powerhouses of the black-robed man couldn't help, so it could only depend on Chen Dong's strength, and even more on his own fortune.

"It seems that everything is ready now, only Dongfeng is missing!" Chen Dong frowned.

"No!" At this moment, Chen Dong's heart suddenly moved.

Because he suddenly thought of a problem, which was also a phenomenon that he had been ignoring before.

That is, no matter how big or small these shards of Tianhuo Xuanbing are, the aura that can be emitted or extracted and used by Chen Dong is all extremely cold.

But the reason why this Tianhuo Xuanbing is called Tianhuo Xuanbing is because the Tianhuo Xuanbing is perfectly fused in this Xuanbing!

Tianhuo Xuanbing is also the only thing in this world that can achieve the balance of yin and yang, and the unity of ice and fire!

"Could it be that the breakthrough point is above the frozen sky fire?" Chen Dong's eyes lit up.

Speaking of the power of fire from the most rigid to the yang, there is probably no one in this world who can rival Chen Dong except the man in the black robe!

Because he has long comprehended and condensed the purest fire in the world, the pure Yang fire!
"Then just give it a try!" Chen Dong never hesitated in his life and actions, he would stop immediately!

"Pure Yang True Fire!"

"Huh!" With Chen Dong's belief, the white fireball that had been integrated into the golden Nascent Soul's eyebrows appeared instantly.

At this moment, it can be clearly felt that Chen Dong's Pure Yang True Fire has grown from a slight flame to a fist-sized flame, and it is even brighter and more dazzling than before!
"Refining for me!"

"Huh!" Almost at the same second, I saw this white pure Yang fire appearing on the nine fragments in an instant!
Strange to say, when the Pure Yang True Fire appeared on the shards, in an instant, the celestial fire that was originally frozen in those shards seemed to revive spiritually.

"Huh! Huh!" In the next second, the nine fragments seemed to melt, and purple flames appeared and merged with the white pure Yang fire in an instant!
"Give me concentration!"

(End of this chapter)

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