Special masters on campus

Chapter 872 The Power of the Void

Chapter 872 The Power of the Void
The living room on the first floor of the villa in the western suburbs.

But seeing the man in black robe standing in the middle of the living room, the three of them nodded at the same time.

"Open the seal!"

All three of them cut their right index fingers almost at the same time.

"Tick tock! Tick tock!" came three clear ticks.

Three drops of blood dripped from the three of them's index fingers and landed on the marble floor of the living room.

"Hum!" When the blood of the three places fell on the floor, a blood glow could be clearly seen flashing from the ground.

"Open!" At this moment, the man in black slammed his palm on the ground.

"Huh!" A gust of wind blew by, and the blood on the ground became thicker and thicker.

This blood light reflected the whole living room in a bloody light, which looked very strange.

But at this time, as the blood light became thicker and thicker, the marble above the ground began to melt continuously!

Chen Dong stared closely at the scene in front of him, because before that, he also thought that the ground was just ordinary marble.

Now it seems completely not!

Obviously, the ground is not ordinary stone, but the three black-robed men have set a seal many years ago, which can completely seal the aura emanating from the local abyss of death.

Soon, a huge hole measuring two meters wide appeared in the original ordinary ground.

It was pitch black under the hole, without any light or sound, just like the gate leading to hell!
This is the entrance. For thousands of years, dozens of cultivators tried to break in but never came back.

The abyss of the dead, the reason why it is called the abyss of the dead, on the one hand, it is the fairy tomb of the ancient emperor, and more because it has swallowed the lives of too many people!
From ancient times to the present, no one who stepped in from this entrance has ever come out alive, so it is called the abyss of death.

But Chen Dong had no choice, whether it was for himself or the responsibility he shouldered, he would go through this abyss of death!
"If there is anything abnormal, you should seal the exit immediately so that other innocent people cannot be harmed. Of course, don't come down to save me. If I am alive, I will come out by myself. If something happens, you will only lose your life in vain. "Chen Dong stood up and looked at the three people standing in the room.

Although he didn't admit it, he couldn't avoid the identity of the man in black.

The reason why Chen Dong didn't recognize him was because he hated the black robe. It was this black robe that designed his whole life, and Chen Dong would have gone berserk already.

But it was a fact that Chen Dong knew who the black-robed man was, and he couldn't avoid it.

And the old man and the teacher's wife are also his most respected elders, they raised him up.

I saw Chen Dong walking towards the black hole in the middle with a smile on his face.

"Xiao Dong..." Teacher Su Mengru looked at Chen Dong with tears in her eyes. She had already regarded Chen Dong as her own son, so she naturally didn't want Chen Dong to take such a big risk.

"Master, make some side dishes for me, I'll come back to eat later." Chen Dong raised the corner of his mouth, took a step forward, and stepped into the abyss of death!


The old man and Su Mengru didn't seem to be able to react yet. By the time they did, Chen Dong's figure had already disappeared into the black hole.

"This is the fate we designed for him!" At this moment, the hoarse voice of the man in black came.

"As early as when we designed this plan, we knew that this day would come sooner or later. Maybe I am a loser, a failed husband and a failed father. If I can enter the abyss of death, I will never let my children Enter!" the man in black said, looking at the black skeleton at his feet.

"Maybe we were too selfish and didn't consider Xiaodong's feelings at all, and didn't give him a chance to choose. This is not his responsibility, but the responsibility of our generation." The old man sighed.

"No! He had the opportunity and the right to choose not to do so when he learned all the truth! But he didn't, he knew his identity and what mission he should undertake! The current fate is his own choice!" This The man in black shook his head.

"What we have to do now is to stay here and wait for his return! Maybe that time will be the day when the whole world will change..."

The three strong men stood at the entrance of the dark hole in the middle of the living room, looking at the darkness under their feet.

And at this time in the darkness.

Chen Dong's figure slowly descended, and the surroundings were as dark and silent as the void.

There is no light or sound, as if no one has entered here for thousands of years, until today.

Chen Dong's eyes were closed tightly, but his spiritual consciousness spread in all directions like a huge net.

Without any aura fluctuations or the breath of any living things, this place is like a dead zone.

But Chen Dong knew that the reason why this place was called the Abyss of the Dead and the reason why countless strong men were swallowed up meant that there must be murderous intentions hidden in this seemingly boundless darkness!
And this kind of killing intent is invisible to you!
He didn't know how long he fell in the darkness, but at this moment, Chen Dong suddenly opened his eyes, and the purple-golden light suddenly penetrated the darkness in front of him.

There was a bright spot right under Chen Dong's body, like a faint fire or an exit from a desperate situation.

"Huh!" While seeing this light, Chen Dong suddenly felt a violent force sucking his whole body in, and the direction was exactly that light!
"Hoo hoo!" The clothes Chen Dong was wearing were instantly shattered into pieces by the power of the light explosion, and these pieces quickly turned into nothingness!
"So strong!" Chen Dong's eyes were serious. He could feel that this power alone was equivalent to the power of the Nascent Soul's initial stage.The power of the Nascent Soul's initial stage alone is not terrible. What is terrible is that this kind of attack exists in all directions, all the time, all the time, every place.

It's like a person suddenly entered into a sea of ​​flames, you have no way to dodge but keep resisting.

Therefore, when a normal Nascent Soul early stage strongman encounters this suction force, he may be able to resist it at first, but it will become more and more difficult as time goes by.Like a swimmer who swims toward the depths of the sea, sooner or later he is exhausted.

And when you can't resist this force, you will be ruthlessly torn to pieces by this force, and eventually become a part of this boundless ruin.

However, although this force is terrifying, it does not pose any threat to the current Chen Dong.

Because after Chen Dong completely refined Tianhuo Xuanbing, his realm had reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and it was infinitely close to the late stage of Nascent Soul.

Not only that, Chen Dong finally broke through to the eighth level in "The Book of Nine Suns"!
False God Fire!

"Is this the place?" At this moment, Chen Dong opened his eyes.

What appeared in front of him was a huge stone gate with a height of hundreds of feet!

(End of this chapter)

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