Special masters on campus

Chapter 876 Stabbed the dragon's nest?so what!

Chapter 876 Stabbed the dragon's nest?so what!
Inside the gate of the ancient fairy world, in the void of tens of thousands of miles.

The moment Chen Dong grabbed the flame dragon's reverse scale and successfully suppressed the flame dragon with the pure yang fire.

In the empty sea of ​​flames below, the huge flame vortex suddenly vibrated violently, and there were waves of roaring and roaring sounds!



Almost at the same time, several huge golden bodies rushed out of the flame vortex at the same time!

"Did I stab the dragon's nest?" Chen Dong's eyes remained the same, and the corner of his mouth raised.

In the sky, there were actually seven huge flame dragons that were the same as the hundred-foot-high fire dragon that Chen Dong stepped on!

These seven flaming dragons hovered non-stop in the void, as if they were not bound by the laws of space at all, and could roam freely in the void.

"Roar!" At this time, the seven flame dragons had no time to prepare with Chen Dong, and rushed towards Chen Dong almost at the same time!

"Hoo hoo!" These giant flame dragons have not yet reached the wave of heat that can burn everything in this world!

"Crack! Crack..." This time, even the ancient stone road, which was not damaged by the impact of the flame dragon just now, made a crackling sound, as if it would be roasted by the heat wave at any time.

"Since I have the ability to tame one, then why don't you come to seven more!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and the pure Yang True Fire on his left hand surged again!
"Boom!" Just as the seven flaming dragons rushed in front of Chen Dong, an extremely dazzling white light suddenly lit up, completely illuminating the entire void, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

The surrounding temperature reached a fever pitch, not to mention the mid-stage Nascent Soul, or even the late-stage Nascent Soul, Tianxuanzi himself and the man in black would have a hard time getting out!

And it was precisely because of the white-hot white light that the seven flame dragons suddenly seemed to lose their target.

When the white light in the void gradually dissipated, only a huge flame dragon was suspended in midair.

No!If you look carefully, you will see this man standing on top of this huge dragon head!

This person was dressed in a purple-gold robe, standing on top of the dragon's head, staring at him for life!

It was Chen Dong!

Now that Chen Dong was standing on top of the dragon's head, the flame dragon seemed to have lost the resignation and anger just now, and seemed to be very obedient instead.

There is only one possibility for this to happen, that is, it has been completely subdued by Chen Dong!
And the reason why Chen Dong was able to subdue this ancient beast wasn't just because his cultivation had skyrocketed, but because his Pure Yang True Fire had reached the realm of transformation!
This flame dragon was born in the sky fire when the primordial chaos first opened.

Both their will and their bodies are made of fire.

Their will is the will to represent fire, so to speak, the materialization of fire.

And their entire bodies are made of ancient sky fire, and they are the top-level existence of all flame creatures in this world.

But whether he is a sky fire or an earth fire, in the final analysis he is fire after all!

And is Chen Dong's Pure Yang True Fire the source of all flames in this world? It is the emperor of fire!It is a fire of a higher level than the ancient sky fire!
No matter what kind of fire you are, you must surrender under the imperial power of the emperor in the fire, the pure yang real fire!
"Roar! Roar!" At this time, the seven fire dragons who had just rushed out of the flame vortex were obviously enraged by Chen Dong and the betrayal's firepower, and they all let out a loud roar.

"If you stab the dragon's nest, I'll take it all!" Chen Dong raised his left hand with a cold snort.

"Roar!" At this time, the seven flame dragons that had been furious for a long time roared and rushed towards Chen Dong at the same time!

Those who offend Xianwei will die, and those who offend Longwei will die!

And just when the seven fire dragons violently rushed in front of Chen Dong.

"Om!" A white light flashed from Chen Dong's left hand.

A fist-sized white flame appeared in Chen Dong's palm.

"Are you the embodiment of the will of flame?" Chen Dong smiled, "At best, he is half a king, but I am your emperor!" Chen Dong's voice turned cold!
"Then surrender to the emperor!"

"Huh!" Before he finished speaking, he saw the white flame in Chen Dong's hand suddenly shot up into the sky.In an instant, it exploded from the size of a fist to a white fireball the size of a hundred feet!
"Boom!" The whole world was once again illuminated by this white light, but this time it was not a flash, but controlled by Chen Dong.

"Hoohoo!" The seven flame dragons had no time to dodge, and crashed directly into the huge white flame.

"Aw! Aw!" Almost at the same time, the roar that filled the entire void turned into howls!

In the white flames, seven huge figures could be seen twisting and struggling in pain, as if they wanted to rush out.

But it is impossible to rush out under the suppression of the emperor in the fire, unless they surrender!

"Aww!" At this moment, the huge flame dragon under Chen Dong's feet seemed to be laughing at the stupidity and overreaching of his companions.

But now time is life for Chen Dong. If it is like the first fire dragon that was subdued before, it will take too long to completely subdue these seven fire dragons.

Therefore, Chen Dong had to subdue seven articles at once.

"Surrender or die!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and the five fingers of his left hand began to slowly make a fist.

And as Chen Dong's five fingers slowly closed, the huge white fireball in Tianlong also began to shrink slowly, from a radius of a hundred feet to a size of eighty feet.

"Aw!" With the shrinking of the pure yang real fire, the seven fire dragons in it were also compressed to [-]% of their previous size. The pain of being compressed can be imagined.

But these flame dragons seem to have no intention of surrendering, and are still struggling desperately.

"Not enough? Then come again!" Chen Dong snorted.

"Boom!" This time Chen Dong directly clenched his fists!

"Huh!" At the same time, the eighty-foot-sized Pure Yang True Fire in the sky immediately became the size of a fist!

"Aw!" And the seven fire dragons in the Pure Yang True Fire were directly compressed into seven little fire snakes that were only as thick as a little finger.

But this time, the seven little snakes seemed to have lost the will to resist all of a sudden, and they all stopped struggling.

Even if you are a noble dragon, you are still a snake now, what right do you have to refuse!
"Huh!" And almost at the same time, the huge flame vortex below dissipated at the same time.

The front of the stone road that was shrouded in flames was also revealed.

Chen Dong looked forward and saw another door appeared at the end of the stone road, but this door was far smaller than the previous Baizhang Gate, and more like an ordinary stone gate.

"This is!" But at this moment, Chen Dong's expression suddenly changed.

Because he saw a person!

A living person!
(End of this chapter)

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