Special masters on campus

Chapter 878 This Chance Is For You

Chapter 878 This Chance Is For You
On the majestic Immortal World Hall.

Anyone standing here seems so insignificant.

And you must know that this is just the ruins of the ancient fairy world, you can imagine the grand occasion of the fairy world in its heyday!

"Plop!" And when Chen Dong followed that weird young man to the main hall, he actually knelt down directly.

Chen Dong narrowed his gaze, and looked up.

I saw a big black chair in the middle of the hall.

And the author is alone on this big chair.

"It's him!" When Chen Dong's gaze fell on the person on the big chair, he immediately recognized who this person was.

This person was wearing a fine attire, his eyes were like stars, it was none other than the person in the portrait above the first stone gate.

"An ancient Immortal Emperor?" Chen Dong fixed his eyes on the man on the big chair.

He couldn't feel any aura from this person, nor did he have the slightest aura fluctuations. To be exact, he looked more like a dead person!

"Go up and as long as you can replace the Immortal Emperor and sit on the Immortal Emperor's seat, you will get all the immortal power of the Immortal Emperor! You are a new generation of Immortal Emperor! You are No.1 in this world!" Kneeling at this time The young man on the ground lowered his head and said in a low voice.

This voice is full of bewitching, so that anyone will follow his advice without hesitation, step forward to replace the Immortal Emperor, and sit on the Immortal Emperor's seat!

Immortal Emperor, the No.1 in the whole world, the one who stands on the pinnacle of the world, this is the highest goal of every cultivator!

Becoming an Immortal Emperor is a temptation that no cultivator can resist!
I saw Chen Dong stepping towards the big chair in the middle of the hall.

Along the way, Chen Dong hardly encountered any obstacles, and soon came to the big chair.

At this time, there was only one thought in Chen Dong's mind, and that was to sit on the seat of the Immortal Emperor!Replace this ancient Immortal Emperor and become a new generation of Immortal Emperor!

"Replace him! Sit on it! You are the Immortal Emperor! No one in the whole world will dare to violate your will, and everyone will surrender at your feet!" At this moment, the bewitching voice of the weird young man came again.

I saw that Chen Dong stretched out his hand to touch the ancient Immortal Emperor sitting on the big chair, and wanted to drop him off the big chair.

But this ancient Immortal Sovereign still looked like a dead person, as if he had no consciousness at all, and there was no gap to the point that Chen Dong was getting closer and closer to him.

"Pull him down, sit on it! You are the Immortal Emperor!" At this moment, the young man's voice trembled, as if he expected Chen Dong to sit on it even more than Chen Dong.

Chen Dong stretched out his left hand and got closer and closer to the ancient Immortal Emperor on the big seat.

Three inches, two inches, soon Chen Dong's hand was only one inch away from the Ancient Immortal Emperor!

But what Chen Dong didn't see was the weird young man behind him, his eyes were shining brightly at this moment, he was extremely excited, it looked as if a wish he had been looking forward to for many years could finally come true.

"Hurry up! Don't hesitate! Hurry up!"

And at this moment, Chen Dong's hand suddenly grabbed the top of the ancient Immortal Emperor's head.

"it is good!"

"Ha ha!"

The young man jumped up from the ground all at once.

"Huh!" But at this moment, a ball of white flame suddenly appeared from the palm of Chen Dong's hand.

"Pure Yang True Fire!" Chen Dong's mind suddenly came to his senses, and at this time his palm was only half an inch away from the head of the ancient Immortal Emperor. His hand was on the head of the ancient Immortal Emperor!

And just now, Chen Dong's memory was blank, he didn't even know how he got in front of the ancient Immortal Emperor!
"No! There is a problem! It's this person who claims to be a disciple of the Immortal Emperor!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold.

"You! What's wrong with you? Are you going to give up the chance to become the Immortal Emperor? This opportunity is not available to everyone! You are the first person to have this opportunity in tens of thousands of years! What are you still hesitating about? "The young man's face changed, and he became extremely anxious, as if he had lost his chance to become the Immortal Emperor.

"Really?" Chen Dong raised the corner of his mouth.

"That's right! If you miss this opportunity, you will never have such an opportunity! You will regret it forever!" The young man said bewitchingly.

"Then how about you come to be the Immortal Emperor?"

"Huh!" But before Chen Dong's words fell, Chen Dong's figure suddenly disappeared.

"Huh!" Almost at the same time, Chen Dong's figure suddenly appeared in front of the young man.

"You..." Before he could react, he felt that Chen Dong had grabbed his neck and lifted him up!

"Are... are you crazy? Have you given up the chance to become the Immortal Emperor?" The young man seemed to be terrified, and his eyes were full of panic.

"You are not a disciple of the Immortal Emperor." Chen Dong snorted.

"You...what did you say?" The young man was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't expect Chen Dong to say that, "Why am I not a disciple of the Immortal Emperor? I am a disciple of the Immortal Emperor."

"That's right, your body should be that of a disciple of the Immortal Emperor, but your soul is not!" Chen Dong smiled.

"I... I don't understand what you are talking about! You should inherit the immortal power of the Immortal Emperor now, otherwise you will lose this opportunity forever!" At this time, the young man said anxiously.

"Hmph, are the IQs of the cultivators outside your domain so low? Do you think I'm a fool?" Chen Dong said with a smile at this moment.

"You!" And when Chen Dong said this, the person's face changed obviously, "I... I don't understand what you are talking about, what kind of cultivator from outside the territory? I am the disciple of the Immortal Emperor!"

"Then let me tell you, back then when you evil cultivators fought against the Immortal Emperor! Your body was destroyed in the end, but your soul entered the Immortal Emperor's Tomb and occupied the body of the Immortal Emperor's disciple. It's just your soul Even if it is damaged, it means taking away the house and surviving, but the cultivation is lost." Chen Dong said with a smile on his face.

"This!" The frightened look on this man's face grew stronger, and his whole body was trembling non-stop.

Originally, this was just a conjecture in Chen Dong's mind, but judging from the person's current reaction, it should be roughly guessed by him.

"No! What nonsense are you talking about! I am the disciple of the Immortal Emperor, and I am your guide! You only have one chance to inherit the power of the Immortal Emperor!" The young man yelled madly.

"There is only one chance to inherit the power of the Immortal Emperor? Alright! Then I will let you have this chance!" Chen Dong smiled, and instantly brought the person who claimed to be the Immortal Emperor's disciple in one hand to the ancient Immortal Emperor.

"What are you going to do!" the young man suddenly screamed.

"I'll give you a chance to become the Immortal Emperor!" At this moment, Chen Dong grabbed this person and threw him on the ancient Immortal Emperor!

(End of this chapter)

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