Special masters on campus

Chapter 881 Execution

Chapter 881 Execution
Western China.

This is a towering, inaccessible plateau top.

In this environment, not only ordinary people cannot survive, but even any other animals and plants cannot survive.

But few people know that on the top of this high mountain is the most powerful force in the entire cultivation world, where the sect of the Cultivation Alliance is located - Cultivation Mountain.

At the moment, it is on the top of a comprehension mountain.

A magnificent hall stands on the top of the mountain.

This place can be said to be the most powerful and dangerous place in the entire cultivation world. Even Jindan stage practitioners who come here are not allowed to fly in the sky, otherwise they will be turned into ashes directly.

"Hmph!" At this moment, a deafening cold snort suddenly came from above the majestic hall.

"Trash! A bunch of trash! Half of the hundreds of people were killed or injured without even seeing Chen Dong's face!" Sitting on the middle of the nine huge stone platforms above the main hall was none other than Xuanzi Tiantian.

"Hmph! Master Master, the reason why this kid surnamed Chen and the man in black robe let the rest of them go is to establish their prestige and shake our Cultivation Alliance's position in the Cultivation World!" At this time On the stone platform beside Tianxuanzi, Ziweizi, the purple-robed venerable, said in a strange tone.

"That's right, this matter has already spread throughout the cultivation world, and now some cultivation sects are even perfunctory to our orders, which is obviously a wait-and-see attitude!"

"If this continues, the prestige of our Cultivation Alliance will be wiped out!"

The venerables of several major cultivation alliances on the other stone platforms said one after another.

"Arrogance! Does this kid surnamed Chen think that he can defeat our main body if he can hurt our avatar? Didn't Hei Pao and Yang Tianding get beaten to the bum by us back then when they were at their peak!" the green-robed venerable said coldly .

"That's right, as long as this kid dares to step into the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance, we will let him go forever!" The red-robed venerable had a gloomy expression on his face. He was the first one whose avatar was lost by Chen Dong, and his injuries were naturally severe. The first to recover.

"But it has been so many days now, and they still haven't moved at all. Do they know that the danger from the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance will not come?" The orange-robed venerable said in a cold voice.

"The black-robed man suffered from the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance back then. Compared to him, he would definitely tell the boy surnamed Chen." The yellow-robed venerable nodded.

"Hmph! Now that the doll is in our hands, with Chen Dong's character, he would come even if he knew that coming to the Cultivation Alliance would be a dead end." Tian Xuanzi showed a sneer on his pale face.

"Doesn't he want to establish his own prestige, and want the entire Cultivation Alliance to know that he is strong enough to fight against our Cultivation Alliance? Good! Then follow his wish!" Tian Xuanzi said with a sneer.

"Brother Master Master, what do you mean?" Ziweizi, who had a soft face, looked at Tianxuanzi obsequiously.

Several other venerables above the main hall also looked at Tianxuanzi.

"Notice, all the masters of the major cultivation sects are coming to the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance! I want them to punish the traitors in the cultivation world! Haha!" Tian Xuanzi burst out laughing.

"Great! Brother in charge is really smart! In this way, even if Chen Dong is afraid, he must come, otherwise his woman will be regarded as a traitor in the cultivation world and killed!" Ziweizi clapped his hands quickly.

"If Chen Dong doesn't come, he will be ridiculed by the entire cultivation world. How can he gain any prestige! He is the laughing stock of the entire cultivation world!" The other venerables all sneered.

"Chen Dong! I want to see if you will come or not!" Tian Xuanzi looked coldly outside the main hall in the direction of Donghai City.

In the next three days, the fact that the Cultivation Alliance will publicly kill the traitors in the Cultivation Alliance headquarters has spread throughout the Cultivation World.

The Cultivation Alliance also released word that there was a traitor from the Cultivation Realm named Chen Dong, and the two actually colluded with evil cultivators from outside the territory to betray the Cultivation Realm!
Three days later, at the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance, on the side of Cultivation Mountain.

Thousands of people have already gathered densely on the huge Cultivation Alliance Square at this moment!
These people are not ordinary people. These people are all elders of various sects in the comprehension world today, or they are elite disciples within the sect and powerful casual cultivators with some status.

These people gathered here because they were notified by the Cultivation Alliance that they were going to execute the traitors of the Cultivation Alliance here today.

This is the first time in the history of the Cultivation Alliance that the Cultivation Alliance executes traitors in such a grand manner. If this grand event can be witnessed on the spot, it will be a symbol of their qualifications and status that they can show off for life.

In addition, at this time, the master of the cultivation alliance and the most powerful person in the cultivation world, Tianxuanzi, who would dare to disobey the order?
Therefore, most sects in the comprehension world sent representatives of their sects to watch.

Representatives and experts from all the sects in the cultivation world gathered in Xiuzhen Mountain. This can be said to be the biggest grand event in the entire cultivation world for thousands of years.Anyone who is lucky enough to be able to participate today is enough for them to brag about it for a lifetime.

"Everyone be quiet!" At this moment, a red figure was seen rising from the main hall of the Cultivation Alliance on the Cultivation Mountain Square.

I saw this person coming to the sky above Xiuzhen Mountain Square, he was wearing a red robe of raging fire, behind the robe was a striking red star.

"This is the Cultivation Mountain! The headquarter of the Cultivation Alliance is located, and even the strong in the late Jindan period dare to fly against the sky! How dare this person stand in the sky in front of everyone!"

"Then there is only one possibility!"

"One of the nine venerables of the Cultivation Alliance!"

Thousands of cultivators on the Xiuzhen Mountain Square realized this, all of them were shocked!Most of them in public have only heard of the Nine Venerables of the Cultivation Alliance, and very few have actually seen them.

And in the minds of these cultivators, the status of these nine venerables can be said to be supreme!They are the closest people to the true immortal!
"See Your Honor!"

"See Your Honor!"

For a moment, on the Xiuzhen Mountain Square, all the people, no matter how noble their status or how advanced their cultivation, all bowed their heads to the red-robed venerable in the sky in the sky.

"En." The red-robed venerable nodded slightly, and everyone raised their heads and looked up at the sky.

"The reason for calling everyone here today is clear to everyone. Our cultivation alliance has always put the interests of the cultivation world and all practitioners first. We will never allow anyone to dare to betray the interests of the cultivation world! Especially collusion Evil cultivators outside the territory will threaten the safety of everyone in our cultivation world! This kind of cultivation alliance must not be left behind!" The voice of the red-robed venerable reverberated in all directions.

"A traitor in the comprehension world! Must be killed!"

"Yes, kill him! Kill him!"

"How dare you betray the realm of comprehension and collude with evil cultivators outside the territory? This person really deserves death!"

All of a sudden, the entire Xiuzhen Mountain Square was filled with excitement.

At this time, the red-robed venerable waved his hand, and the whole square fell silent.

"Bring out the traitors from the comprehension world!"

(End of this chapter)

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