Reborn Hollywood Ladies

Chapter 65 Thanks

Chapter 65 Thanks
Last time at the charity meeting, Lila had a pleasant conversation with director James Cameron through the introduction of her mother. Even for the sake of her mother, I believe her request should not be rejected.

Turning on the phone, she found the Cameron number that she had recorded before and dialed it.

Things went as smoothly as she thought. The director with the "set tyrant" not only kindly handed her the phone number of the director of the special effects company, but also made an appointment to take her to see the company in person.

This made Leila very happy. It was very meaningful to her to see the digital field of one of the four major special effects companies in Hollywood.It is the first time to cooperate with a real special effects company, which is a rare experience for the blockbuster special effects she plans to produce in the future.

I made an appointment with Director Cameron two days later, and he happened to be going there too, so he could accompany her on a tour and introduce the company.

At three o'clock in the afternoon that day, Laila arrived at the agreed place 5 minutes early, and before she got out of the car, she heard Cameron's roar coming in from outside.

"Not enough! I need at least 2000 million more. I don't want the director's salary. In short, you must give me another 2000 million! Yes! Just before tomorrow! I'm not kidding you!...Next month It will definitely not be better next month, so don’t think about it. If you can’t spend another 2000 million, next year’s movie won’t come out! Do you think movies are so easy to make?...What? I spent too much money? Wasted? Someone wants to replace me? You can try! Who else can take over my job! Or are you already planning to give up on this movie? Don't forget, that's over 1 million dollars! … ...What? Two hundred million? Isn't it here yet?"

Cameron's words made Laila chuckle in the car.In her previous life, she had heard that there were many troubles during the production of the Titanic, but she never thought that she would be able to see it with her own eyes.

She opened the car door and walked out, just in time to see Cameron hang up the phone angrily.

Seeing her coming, the great director sighed a little tiredly: "People all over the world think that directing is a glorious profession. Who can see the hard work of us people behind the scenes?"

Recalling the hard work of making the film, Laila nodded with a feeling: "Is there any trouble in the film?"

"Forget it, don't mention it, it will make you angry." Cameron stroked his hair with his hands to calm the anger in his heart: "Let's go, I will take you to see the company's situation."

Founded in 1993, Digital Realm has helped many famous classic movies to produce special effects images.For example, Titanic, The Fifth Element, Interview with the Vampire, which have not yet been released at this time, and later Pirates of the Caribbean, Transformers, 2012 and Avatar, etc.

There is no doubt about their strength, otherwise they would not have developed into one of the four major special effects companies in the world.

And being able to shoot the Titanic so wonderfully, I don't worry that I won't be able to achieve the effect Lila wants because I don't have advanced technology.

In fact, Reaper is Coming is a movie produced in 2000. The shooting methods and special effects techniques at that time would definitely be much more mature and advanced than they are now.Laila didn't want to make a movie that should have left a classic impression in movie history a bad joke just because she made the movie a few years ahead of time.

During the visit to the company, Cameron stayed with him for only a while before he was called away to work. Before he left, he specially called a staff member to take Leila around and discuss the new job instead.

The special effects of the movie are not performed after all the shooting shots are completed, but start during the shooting or even before the shooting.What seems to be just a few seconds may take many days to produce, which also determines that the production cycle will be very long.

Generally speaking, during the filming process of a movie, the special effects company will produce relevant special effects screens according to the needs of the director.

Accompanying Laila was Dewey Cook, the supervisor of a special effects team.Accompanied by him, she visited and appreciated the production process and effects of the Titanic picture.

Although she had seen many more and more gorgeous special effects images in her previous life, she was still shocked by the scene of the big ship being cut in two.This is the power of classics. No matter how time goes by, the charm of classic films cannot be washed away.

After walking around, Leila told Dewey her request in the resting place after giving the script and storyboard: "I believe that the shot of the plane exploding in mid-air and other places should not be difficult for you. "

Dewey nodded with a smile after reading the script: "Yes, I think we will make the pictures you need, but the time may be delayed. As you can see, we are mainly working on the last scenes of the Titanic, If there is sufficient funds, it may be completed by July. If there is no funds, maybe we will delay until the end of the year."

"No problem." Lila knew that the final release date of the Titanic in her previous life was this year, so she was more confident than the other side, and she also knew that Director Cameron would definitely get the money. "My film will start shooting next month. The filming period is tentatively set at two months, and the expected release time is scheduled for next year. You have plenty of time to make it."

"Then there's no problem." Dewey stood up and shook hands with her, and said with a smile, "I think we'll have a good time working together, Director Moran."

"Nice cooperation, Mr. Cook." Laila returned a smile.

Rejecting the dinner invitation, when she came out of the digital realm, the evening glow had dyed half of the sky red.

She was also very happy that the conversation went so smoothly, and was about to call back to the company to inquire about Louise's situation when she suddenly received an unexpected call.

"Hello, Elena."

"You, hello, Miss Laila." The voice on the other side of the phone was weak, obviously caused by extreme nervousness.

Lila smiled: "Is the work going well?"

"Yes, thanks to you." Elena took a deep breath, and pressed her hands on her heart, as if she could suppress her pounding heart. "I wanted to thank you."

"Is there anything to thank me for?" Lyra chuckled.

"Of, of course! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be eligible to be selected as a brochure model. Because of your photo, I now get a lot of jobs that I would never have dreamed of before. It's just that I have never had the courage to say thank you to you personally , it has been delayed until today.”

Laila hooked the corners of her lips: "You don't need to thank me. Your success has a lot to do with yourself. I chose you because you have a very charming and bright smile, and you can wear Moran's clothes with taste." Body. If I have to say thank you, my mother should say thank you too. She's only going to be as successful because of your pictures, isn't she?"

(End of this chapter)

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