The fast-wearing empress arrives

Chapter 168 The Nightmare of the Special Mission

Chapter 168 The Nightmare of the Special Mission (13)

The entrance to the cellar was next to a villa, but it was fastened with iron rods and not locked.

Mu Jin entered very smoothly, and the bottom is also an ordinary cellar display, with a lot of sundries and dust.

But because of the dust, Mu Jin was able to identify the routes that people often come and go. Although it was not obvious, her eyesight could not hide everything.

There was an old washing machine in the corner. Mu Jin looked at the ground, then looked up at the wall.

After a while, she pressed a hook.

I saw that the ground where the old washing machine was placed suddenly rose an inch, then moved to the side, and a hole was slowly exposed.

Mu Jin landed lightly, put on her glasses, and sure enough, there was a burst of infrared rays in front of her eyes.

It seems that the people inside were sure that no one would come in again, so they opened the organs.

Little tossing and turning, Mu Jin made all kinds of unimaginable movements, moving freely in the infrared.

After passing through this passage, Mu Jin leaned against the corner and pointed the small mirror forward.

A large pane of glass was illuminated inside. It was a duty room, and four duty officers were playing cards.

French windows!Mu Jin couldn't guarantee that he would not be discovered, so the only feasible 'road' was the roof.

Mu Jin looked up, if she was fast enough, there should be no problem.

Stepping lightly on the metal wall, Mu Jin floated to the roof of the shed, and then ran forward quickly.

"Huh? What is it?" A person looked up, but found nothing.

"There is nothing, play the cards quickly, do you want it?" Someone urged.

Mu Jin fell lightly to the ground without making a sound.

In front of her is an elevator.

[Master, I found a unique line with monitoring, please wait a moment, I can invade! 】The little housekeeper's eyes twinkled.

Mu Jin glanced at her, and couldn't find the line outside, probably because they were blocked by manipulation.

In other words, if she wants to make a phone call now, she will never get through.

[Master, the intrusion was successful, there is a video sent back, we don't need to go down. 】The little housekeeper was very excited, she didn't want Mu Jin to take risks at all.

A light curtain appeared in front of Mu Jin, and there were many small pieces on it, each of which showed the movement captured in a lens.

Mu Jin picked the one she was interested in and zoomed in. There was no surveillance in the corner she was in, but from the elevator to the five floors below, it was all covered by surveillance, without any dead spots.

"Record this." Mu Jin said, pausing for a moment. In the picture she zoomed in, there was a Chinese face staring at the surveillance camera, as if she was looking at her through the lens.

Mu Jin stared at the scene without changing, and the man also kept looking at the camera without any other movements. The two seemed to be competing through the camera.

【Owner? 】The little butler suddenly felt a little weird.

"Can I find this person's information?" Mu Jin squinted his eyes, but was surprised to find that the other party also squinted his eyes.

[Well, Fu Yan, 27 years old, from Huaguo, doctor of biological science, doctor of mechanics, master of chemistry, disappeared two years ago. 】The little housekeeper said, 【Someone must have erased his information, and it took so much effort to find out. 】

Mu Jin nodded. She knew the little butler's strength. Since she couldn't find him, it meant that he was almost impossible to find on the Internet.

"Can we still monitor here after we go out?"

【Master, no, I don’t know what materials they use, but I have to get here before I can break in. 】The little butler lowered his head, feeling useless.

She is a system produced by Jiuyou Temple, but she was restrained in the small world.

Mu Jin leaned against the wall and said, "Copy all the recorded clips to a USB flash drive and remind me in half an hour."

[Yes, Master. 】

Mu Jin didn't look at anything, but closed his eyes instead.

"Fu Yan, have the data come out?"

"Well, here you are." Fu Yan lowered his head, he had an inexplicable feeling that his fate was about to change, just like two years ago, but he didn't know whether it was good or bad this time.

But the fast beating heart made him a little flustered. He was always rational, and he was never nervous even when facing a gun.

But now... his heart... is jumping for joy!
Fu Yan's eyes are full of confusion, what's the matter with this feeling of "heart" finding "home"? !
Half an hour later, when Wang Su couldn't help but want to go down to find her, Mu Jin came out.

Throwing the USB flash drive to Wang Su, Mu Jin disappeared into the night.

"Boss, don't look, she's gone." Blade Shadow patted Wang Su's shoulder helplessly. It's not a good thing for their boss to fall into it. It's impossible for this woman to be controlled.

"Let's go back and see what she got out." Hawkeye was curious about the contents of the USB flash drive.

Wang Su nodded and said, "Go back, point D is not exposed, so I will use it again today."

Several people left separately, and an hour later, they all returned to the gathering place.

Wang Su inserted the USB flash drive into the computer, and they were dumbfounded by the displayed screen.

A large five-story base, each floor of a laboratory over [-] meters, hundreds of people inside are busy.

Soldiers with guns guarded the entrances and exits of various laboratories and the doors of the laboratory.

The people inside don't seem to have any freedom.

"He...they used humans as experiments..." Cheetah pointed to a picture.

It was a very thin man, but after being injected with the injection, his whole body swelled up like steamed buns.

After a few minutes, I became very strong, not puffy, but really strong. The muscles on my body were bulging, and I looked full of strength.

But 10 minutes later, like a punctured balloon, the whole body deflated again, and the person fell into a coma, with blood stains oozing from his body, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Everyone's heart is very heavy. Although they are not from the Hua Kingdom, they still feel cruel.

"Look at this..." The hedgehog called up another screen.

Inside was a tall man, but his limbs were all mechanical. Judging by his expression, his IQ and thinking were normal, and his movements were as comfortable as a normal person.

Blade Shadow clicked a button, enlarged the screen, pointed to the man's steel arm and said, "Did you see it? That's where the gun was stuck."

Wang Su nodded. This is a mobile fortress specially rebuilt for war. From his point of view, at least a dozen different light and heavy weapons can be mounted on that person's body. If they are fired together...

"Tell me, how did she do it?" Hawkeye held his chin, he had never seen such a godly person.

It is impossible to copy the surveillance video from other people's base silently, even if it is only a few seconds, let alone the video is more than half an hour, and it has not been discovered yet!

Everyone was silent!

Suddenly Blade Shadow yelled: "Boss, Boss, show off your charm and give me a power too!"

"I also want!"

"I also want!"

"And I!"

Wang Su: ...

 Dear friends, don't forget to rest after working, the body is the most important!

(End of this chapter)

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