The fast-wearing empress arrives

Chapter 279 Special Mission: Encountering the Phoenix Man

Chapter 279 Special Mission: Encountering the Phoenix Man (8)

Ying Yu stared at the void with deep eyes, his eyes were shining with bright colors, he slightly raised the corners of his lips, and his smile flashed away like fireworks.

If people who are familiar with it see it, they will definitely shout 'miracle'!
And Mu Jin seemed to feel something at this moment, and looked into the distance of the sky, as if realizing something.

Two hours later, Mu Jin was able to use a bit of her soul power, and she rushed to the hospital with the added soup.

Mu Jin quietly entered the ward without disturbing Cui Jiaqi's deep sleep. She put the soup in a bowl and put it aside to cool, then sat by the bed and played with her mobile phone.

After a while, she tested the temperature, and when she saw that it was almost ready to eat, she pushed Cui Jiaqi up politely.

"Jiaqi, wake up, you won't be able to sleep at night if you sleep again, come, have a taste of my soup." Mu Jin's voice was soft, but his hands were not weak.

Cui Jiaqi woke up, rubbed his eyes, and smiled softly, but looked at the soup with some fear in his eyes. Although it smelled very fragrant, he didn't want to taste it at all.

"I..." He was about to refuse when Mu Jin interrupted him.

"I know, you are afraid that it won't taste good, but it actually tastes good. Let me drink it for you."

Mu Jin scooped up a spoonful with a spoon, put it into his mouth, and looked at Cui Jiaqi with a smile.

"I'll come by myself. Baby Qingyi made the soup with his own hands. How can I not show face? I must finish it." Cui Jiaqi's words changed immediately.

"Okay, I'll feed you, I'll wash my hands first." Mu Jin ran out happily.

Then spit out the soup wrapped in soul power, how lethal is her own masterpiece, anyway, she dare not try it.

After washing his hands, Mu Jin ran back quickly, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw Cui Jiaqi looking at her helplessly and tolerantly.

She looks very doting, like she is a naughty little girl.

Mu Jin's footsteps paused, and he returned to normal in the next second. He got rid of the diaphragm in his heart, picked up the bowl with great interest, scooped up the soup, and fed it to Cui Jiaqi's lips.

Taking a sip of the soup, Cui Jiaqi's face turned blue. He couldn't believe it. How did Mu Jin drink it just now?Even said it tastes good?
"How is it? Is it delicious? I tasted good." Mu Jin's expression was cheerful, and the movements of his hands were not slow, and another tablespoon was fed to Cui Jiaqi's lips.

Cui Jiaqi pursed his lips tightly, the soup was full of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty and five flavors, all bursting out, he didn't want to take a second sip.

"What's the matter? You don't think you still dislike my craftsmanship, do you? I really put my heart into it." Mu Jin wrinkled her face aggrievedly.

Cui Jiaqi still pursed his lips tightly, his eyes fixed on the spoonful of soup.

After a stalemate for a while, Mu Jin smashed the bowl angrily, and shouted angrily: "Cui Jiaqi, do you not love me? You have been pretending, right? I knew it, not only I saw it, but even Xin Ran I can see that you really don't really love me, you accept me only for my money, don't you?"

Cui Jiaqi was startled, and said in amazement: "What are you talking about? Don't you know my heart for you? Do you doubt me so much?"

"Then tell me, why is it so difficult to drink the soup I made? Isn't this disgusting?"

"This..." Cui Jiaqi was struggling in his heart.

"This is dislike. Even if what I make doesn't taste good, it's not bad. If you're like this, you definitely don't love me." Mu Jincai doesn't care about that much, anyway, just grab a reason to throw a tantrum.

She found that the more Cui Jiaqi treats her badly, the more freedom she has, so let's make a fuss, just grasp a reason to make a fuss.

"How come, I drink and I drink, don't be angry." Cui Jiaqi picked up the thermos bottle as if he was dead, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and poured most of the soup into his mouth.

A lot of it flowed out from the corner of his mouth, making it all over the bed.

Mu Jin looked at him coldly, this man could do anything to him, his forbearance was really unique, and he pretended to be eager to drink it, but in fact he didn't drink much.

That's right, she was also afraid that she would have to be sent to the emergency room after drinking all of it, so that it would be difficult to bring him food. This is not bad, slowly grinding him, watching him suffer, can also resolve the resentment of the original owner.

"Is it good?" Mu Jin had a straight face, obviously still angry.

"Cough, cough, good... drink!" Cui Jiaqi said reluctantly, clutching his stomach.

"Then have a good rest, I'll come see you tomorrow." Mu Jin stomped her feet and ran away quickly.

Cui Jiaqi stretched out his hand to Mu Jin, but before he could speak, he was already gone.

He didn't move too slowly, and immediately ran to the bathroom to induce vomiting.

It took a long time to empty his stomach, but he felt that his body was weaker than when he was sent to the hospital in the morning.

Cui Jiaqi lay powerlessly on the bed, thinking carefully about Mu Jin's performance.

What do you mean he really doesn't love her?Did you say that Xinran also found out?
Could it be that Zhou Xinran showed something?

Cui Jiaqi called Zhou Xinran with a solemn expression, and Zhou Xinran faltered and picked up the conversation with Mu Jin that day.

After hanging up the phone, Cui Jiaqi's face became more serious, how could he not know that Zhou Xinran was hiding something from him.

This woman has learned to lie!However, it also confirmed from the side that Mu Jin really began to doubt him, and there may be Zhou Xinran's connivance in it.

No matter what, he had to be careful every step of the way, and things like this that made Mu Jin angry couldn't happen again.

He went through his plan in detail again, and it will take a few more years. As long as he endures for a few more years, he will be able to enter the upper class and become a person who truly holds power.

Cui Jiaqi fell asleep, and not long after falling asleep, the phone rang.

"Hello? Baby Qingyi, you're finally not angry with me." Cui Jiaqi pulled himself together and coaxed Mu Jin.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't lose my temper, but you are not good, you don't even give face to someone who practiced cooking hard." Mu Jin complained.

"Yes, yes, it's my fault, baby forgive me."

"Hmph, don't."

Mu Jin hung up the phone again, then turned it to silent, intending to sleep for a while before calling again.

After repeated several times, when Zhou Xinran went to visit Cui Jiaqi quietly the next day, he found that he had two thick dark circles under his eyes.

"What's wrong with you? Didn't you say you can be discharged from the hospital? Why do you look... so bad?" Zhou Xinran raised Cui Jiaqi worriedly, let him lean against the bed, opened the porridge he bought, and handed it to him .

Cui Jiaqi took a deep look at Zhou Xinran and said, "It's nothing, I just didn't sleep well."

After taking a mouthful of porridge, he frowned. His taste buds were stimulated to the point yesterday and he hasn't recovered yet. Everything he eats is bitter.

"Are... are you worried about her? Don't worry, she will work hard to make you fall in love with her." Zhou Xinran lowered her head, her face was full of loss and pain.

"That's the best." Cui Jiaqi patted Zhou Xinran's hand and continued, "What I said won't change, don't worry."

"Well, I believe in you." Zhou Xinran raised his eyes and looked at Cui Jiaqi with sparkling eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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