The fast-wearing empress arrives

Chapter 282 Special Mission: Encountering the Phoenix Man

Chapter 282 Special Mission: Encountering the Phoenix Man (11)

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Mu Jin left quietly, while Zhou Xinran was still crying pitifully, trying to explain.

Finding a place where no one was around, Mu Jin took out her phone and called Cui Jiaqi.

"Jiaqi, did you really not betray me?" Mu Jin asked angrily.

"Of course not, what's wrong? Still losing your temper?" Cui Jiaqi's voice was unusually gentle.

"What is losing your temper? I just found out that Zhou Xinran actually likes you. She really likes you. God, how could she hide it for so long? Why didn't she say it when she liked it? If she said it from the beginning, we can do it." Fair competition, but she has been hiding it, but she made good friends with me and tried to get close to you, it's too much! I don't have a friend like her, so hypocritical..." Mu Jin smiled, but her voice was full of anger complained.

Cui Jiaqi on the other side squinted his eyes and listened, his mind spinning quickly, but no matter how he analyzed it, Zhou Xinran's game was almost useless. If this kind of thing happened, no stupid woman would become a good friend with her.

But how could she be exposed? !
"Is that so? I didn't feel it, maybe you misunderstood it?" Cui Jiaqi tentatively helped Zhou Xinran clean up.

"How is it possible? Wait, you won't really be in collusion with her, are you?" Mu Jin asked sensitively immediately.

"Of course not. The person I love is you. It has always been you. Qing Yi, you have to believe me."

"I believe it, but I don't believe Zhou Xinran. I will ignore her from now on. I warn you, stay away from her, so as not to make me angry."

"Okay, okay, listen to the baby." Cui Jiaqi softly comforted Mu Jin.

After the two hung up the phone, they both sighed.

Mu Jin rubbed her forehead, from now on, she has to deal with Cui Jiaqi again.

But fortunately, Zhou Xinran was finally thrown away, and there was no need to take her to live in Wang's house.

After walking around the campus, Mu Jin went to the second class.

Zhou Xinran looked at Mu Jin with a look of "you failed me" all day long, and hesitated to speak, but Mu Jin never paid any attention to her.

After returning home at night, Mu Jin realized that today's 'surprise' was not over yet.

As soon as he entered the door, Mu Jin was stunned.

"Qingyi, come quickly. This is the bodyguard your father found for you. He is here to protect you. With him around, no man can approach you." The queen mother happily pulled Mu Jin to sit on the sofa.

The corner of Mu Jin's mouth twitched, hehehe, asked Qi Jun to be her bodyguard?This was sent to him to kill him, right?

Qi Jun looked at his 'goal' and frowned slightly. Although he didn't like this woman in his heart, he just came to complete the task. When the year was up, he would take the money and leave. There was no need to train anything with the 'goal' emotion.

"Come on, let's get acquainted. This is the most outstanding bodyguard of Zhenlong Security Company. Your father paid a lot of money to hire him for a year." The Queen Mother introduced enthusiastically: "This is my daughter's young guard." Yi, the person you want to protect is her, besides the safety of her life, the most important thing is to keep men away from her, especially the one named Cui Jiaqi, who must be kept out."

Qi Jun nodded, indicating that he knew that the jobs he usually took were very dangerous, and in comparison, this job was considered a vacation.

Mu Jin stroked his forehead weakly, but he never thought of objecting. After all, it would be easier for her to find Ying Yu if Qi Jun was by her side.

Until now, she didn't know that Ying Yu hadn't entered this world at all.

Qi Jun always followed Mu Jin three meters away with a straight face, including when she was sleeping.

Mu Jin pretended not to see him, since Ying Yu didn't show up anyway, so there was no reason for their contradictions and conflicts.

Early the next morning, Cui Jiaqi came to find Mu Jin with breakfast.

He saw Qi Jun standing behind Mu Jin at first glance, because he was really a person who could not be ignored.

Cui Jiaqi squinted his eyes slightly, his heart awe-inspiring.

"Qingyi, this is..." Cui Jiaqi asked with a gentle smile.

Mu Jin replied weakly: "Father hired bodyguards to protect my safety."

Cui Jiaqi raised his eyebrows, and hurriedly asked worriedly: "What's wrong? What happened? Your life is in danger?"

"Not yet, it's just that my dad cares about me, and there's nothing I can do about it." Mu Jin spread her hands helplessly.

Cui Jiaqi approached, and just about to reach out to pull Mu Jin, he was pushed lightly by Qi Jun, took a staggering step back, and almost fell down.

Mu Jin continued to spread his hands and said: "He is also responsible for not letting any man come within one meter of me."

Cui Jiaqi was stunned immediately, and after he realized it, he looked at Mu Jin with an aggrieved face and said, "Even me?"

Mu Jin looked at him apologetically, and said, "I've been wronging you for a while, and I don't want to worry Dad, so just work harder and let Dad accept you as soon as possible, okay?"

"Of course I will work hard, for you and for our future, but..." Cui Jiaqi hesitated.

"I believe you, you can do it." Mu Jin immediately interrupted him.

Cui Jiaqi twitched his lips, then nodded reluctantly, and said, "I'll take you to school."

"Don't bother Mr. Cui, it's also my duty to send Miss Qingyi to school." Qi Jun came out with a straight face and interrupted.

Mu Jin glanced at Qi Jun from the corner of his eye suspiciously, not quite understanding why he did this.

In fact, Jun Qi was just doing it for convenience. Originally, he had to follow Mu Jin at all times, so he might as well drive her to school, and get rid of this defensive man.

Cui Jiaqi was depressed, but he is currently in the probationary period, so it is not easy to go too far.

Zhou Xinran was still able to speak well of Mu Jin in Mu Jin's ear, but now he can't, he can't get too close to Mu Jin, Cui Jiaqi feels a sense of urgency.

At the same time, Mu Jin also felt a force, and began to control her body again.

"Jiaqi, it's very hard for you to go to work every day, why don't you come in the morning, how about I go find you after school? I promise to go every day." Mu Jin raised his right hand and promised.

"Okay, then I'll go first, you come after class." Cui Jiaqi slightly relaxed, as long as Mu Jin is still willing to touch him.

Sure enough, after Mu Jin promised, that power disappeared again.

Mu Jinhou patted her chest in fear, if she was controlled, I don't know what she would do.

She didn't want to fall short.

Qi Jun became a scene in the university, but like Mu Jin himself, he behaved very calmly.

Over time, everyone will not feel strange.

Mu Jin also fulfilled her promise. Every day after class, she went to see Cui Jiaqi in Wang's enterprise, chatted with him, cultivated her relationship under Qi Jun's gaze, and then went home to be a good daughter.

Zhou Xinran was the most disappointed these days, Mu Jin really ignored her, even if she took the initiative to find her, Mu Jin could still ignore her.

And because of this, Cui Jiaqi no longer discussed any plans with Zhou Xinran.

Zhou Xinran became more and more flustered, she always felt that she was going to be abandoned, she loved Cui Jiaqi, and she loved Cui Jiaqi so much that she could let go of her self-esteem, but now she couldn't do it if she was asked to give up, Zhou Xinran stood quietly under the moonlight, tight Clenched fist.

(End of this chapter)

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