The fast-wearing empress arrives

Chapter 292 Special Mission: Encountering the Phoenix Man

Chapter 292 Special Mission: Encountering the Phoenix Man (21)

Cui Jiaqi's hand holding the photo was trembling, and his face was pale. He seemed to have seen himself being stripped of his hypocritical mask in front of the Wang family, and then being purged and left the house.

After that, he can only live a difficult life, and he will never have a chance to live a wealthy life.

Can't!Absolutely not!
Cui Jiaqi bit his lip, he had planned for so long, he would never allow failure!
"Jiaqi..." Zhou Xinran cried out in fear when he saw Cui Jiaqi's increasingly ferocious face.

Cui Jiaqi came back to his senses, glanced at Zhou Xinran, and asked in a deep voice, "Did the person who sent the photo say anything?"

"It's 20." Zhou Xinran twisted his fingers in confusion.

Cui Jiaqi was relieved when he heard that he asked for money. Although the person might not be familiar with him, asking for money proved that he had no intention of sending the photos to Mu Jin, which also gave him time to maneuver.

I took a closer look at the date on the photo. Sadly, there are photos before and after marriage.

Looking at the environment, it was obviously the room he rented.

Unexpectedly, someone put a pinhole monitor.

"Jiaqi, what should we do?" Zhou Xinran's heart was very complicated, she even hoped that Cui Jiaqi and Mu Jin would break up, so that Cui Jiaqi would be hers.

Recently, Cui Jiaqi's unusual care for Mu Jin made Zhou Xinran's sense of crisis even stronger.

She was very afraid, if one day Cui Jiaqi found that his goal was difficult to achieve, would he just give up and live with Mu Jin peacefully?What should she do?
Zhou Xinran is very clear that she loves Cui Jiaqi, so much that she would not lose him even if she loses herself, so no matter what, she will keep Cui Jiaqi by her side.

A flash of determination flashed across his face, and Zhou Xinran looked at Cui Jiaqi who had calmed down. She just liked his expression now, as if no matter how big it was, it was no problem for him.

"Give me the money, first give [-] yuan, and ask him to hand over some of the negatives..." Cui Jiaqi said here, remembering that there were no negatives in the video, and he couldn't control how many copies the other party copied, so he changed his words: " Let us see his sincerity and tell him that we can't be his cash machine, and if we have this idea, then let's open the matter."

"Open it? Jiaqi, have you decided yet?" Zhou Xinran was a little happy. Does this prove that Cui Jiaqi doesn't care about Mu Jin at all?

Cui Jiaqi glanced at her and said: "Don't worry, since the other party is asking for money, he will definitely not reveal the matter, otherwise he will use it to blackmail us."

The light in Zhou Xinran's eyes went out. As expected, he was the man she loved, and he always considered things so comprehensively.

"I see." Zhou Xinran smiled wryly and said, "But, I don't have that much money now."

"How much do you have?" Cui Jia asked with a frown. He is also very nervous about money now.

"Less than [-]." Zhou Xinran thought for a while, and specifically said that it was [-] less.

"Then I'll call you [-]. You pay him first, and then we'll talk about it later." Cui Jiaqi rubbed his forehead. Things have been going wrong recently. Should he go to the temple to burn incense?

Then he shook his head with a smile, he is not a superstitious person, but it is possible to change your luck, if it works, it is the best, and if it does not work, nothing will happen.

Not long after, there was an additional email in Mu Jin's mailbox, which was sent by Zhou Xinran.

fifty thousand?Mu Jin sneered, she only raised 20 yuan after investigating Cui Jiaqi's property status, how could she be persuaded so easily.

He replied an email, asking Zhou Xinran to remit 20 to her within three days, otherwise the video of the two of them would be sent to the Wang family.

Mu Jin is looking forward to Cui Jiaqi's response, no matter what, she is taking the initiative now.

Cui Jiaqi soon knew the other party's reply, and his face was very bad. He didn't expect the other party to be so tight.

This really made it difficult for him, even if it was only possible, he didn't dare to gamble.

So... where is he going to get the money?
If it was impossible with Mu Jin, he had never done such a thing before. With just one opening of his mouth, he would be half shorter than Mu Jin, which would make the prince look down on him even more.

So, the only thing that can move now is the room where I live. Although the head of the household is Mu Jin, but he is married to Mu Jin, so it's okay to make some fuss.

"Don't worry, I'll call you the money the day after tomorrow." Cui Jiaqi finished with a straight face, left Zhou Xinran's place, and then went to the rental house, where he found the pinhole lens.

Cui Jiaqi checked all the places in the house blankly. Cui Jiaqi's face changed. The most suspicious person was the landlord, but he knew that the landlord's family was abroad, and even the rent was charged to the bank card.

After getting rid of the landlord, Cui Jiaqi couldn't think of anyone, but the person behind the scenes must be very cunning, and the monitoring of him must not be a day or two, probably at least half a year, otherwise it would be impossible to find out his details.

What Cui Jiaqi is afraid of is not that the person behind the scenes will ask him for money, but he is afraid that after his plan is successful, this person will guess something.

Since it was impossible to catch the person behind the scenes, Cui Jiaqi chose to do it as soon as possible, at worst, he would keep Mu Jin for a longer time.

The next day, Cui Jiaqi found a lending company and directly mortgaged the house for 80 yuan.

This was already very low, but to him, it was a windfall.

Transferred 20 yuan to Zhou Xinran, told her to call the other party when the three days were almost up, and then took a taxi to the suburbs.

He knew a gangster, in fact, seriously speaking, he is not a gangster, that person does not always hang around outside, especially in the past year, he set up a small stall, and his life is stable, but Cui Jiaqi knows that as long as he has money, This man can do anything.

He is the kind of dog that doesn't bark, and is especially good at biting people, every bite is accurate, and he also has a life in his hand.

If it weren't for a coincidence, Cui Jiaqi would never have known him, let alone know his secret.

Such a person is very dangerous and has no bottom line. If someone gives him enough money, he will say anything to him, so Cui Jiaqi didn't want to find him at first, but now he has no one in his hands, and wants to get rid of Wang as soon as possible. Father, you can only take risks.

Half an hour later, the two reached an agreement, and Cui Jiaqi walked out of the rental house with a pale face. It was 50 yuan, which was a serious bite, but as long as he could get rid of the prince, it was worth it!

After 80 yuan turned around in his hands, only [-] yuan remained.

Looking at the time, it was almost eleven o'clock, Cui Jiaqi immediately went to buy lunch and went to the hospital to see the prince.

Mu Jin was sitting by the bed peeling apples while the Queen Mother went home to rest.

"Qingyi, are you tired? I've brought some food, let's have some with dad." Cui Jiaqi greeted him with a smile.

"Well, why are you here now? Where are you going?" Mu Jin asked seemingly casually.

"I didn't go anywhere, I just slept soundly and got up late."

Mu Jin couldn't tell from Cui Jiaqi's expression that there was any unnaturalness, but she couldn't believe this sentence. He was blackmailed yesterday, so he can still sleep? !
(End of this chapter)

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