The fast-wearing empress arrives

Chapter 298 Special Mission: Encountering the Phoenix Man

Chapter 298 Special Mission: Encountering the Phoenix Man (End)

Cui Jiaqi is dead!
It's so dead that Mu Jinqun can't guard against it!
After being disgusted for so long, she still hasn't started to deal with him. How could he die?

After inquiring, it turned out that Cui Jiaqi couldn't bear the violence from his fellow inmates, so he committed suicide.

Before committing suicide, he left a note, which was addressed to her, and it said: I will wait for you in the next life first!
Mu Jin immediately wanted to tear him into pieces, but he was already dead, even Cui Jiaqi couldn't feel it if he whipped the dead body!
Sure enough, if you have a grudge, you have to avenge it, otherwise it will not wait!
Mu Jin finally knew where he was wrong?Why didn't he deal with that scumbag just because he was afraid of being controlled by the Dao of Heaven?In the end, he let him slip through her fingers with death!

I can't vent the depression in my chest, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

Zhou Xinran also soon learned of Cui Jiaqi's death. She was sentenced to ten years for attempted murder, and she committed suicide on her first day in prison.

Mu Jin didn't know whether it was because she had no hope, or because Cui Jiaqi died that she decided to stay with her forever. Anyway, she didn't have any affection for this woman, and even if she died, it would be considered as atonement for the original owner.

When the crisis of the king's father and queen mother was lifted, Qi Jun's bodyguards naturally retired. In the next few decades, Mu Jin never saw him again, and naturally she didn't find Yingyu.

This life is the most embarrassing life Mu Jin has ever lived. If suicide would cause the mission to fail, she might have died long ago.

The father's body was still affected, and he died five years later. After that, the queen mother was depressed and left within two years.

After Mu Jin returned to the stone room, the suppression of heaven disappeared.

【Master, this mission got 360 points. 】Jin Er pointed at her finger, this score is really not good, special tasks are usually 500 points, and usually the taskers will try their best to be perfect, because one task can be worth several, but Mu Jin doesn’t want to wrong herself , so she can't help it.

"Is it the problem of not leaving any descendants again?" Mu Jin let out a long breath, the feeling of returning all his strength is really sour!

[Yes, and the original owner's parents died too early. 】

Mu Jin nodded. This was also her regret. The father and mother sincerely treated their daughter well, but in the end she was negligent, and the two of them were injured.

[Congratulations to the master for passing! 】Jin'er tried her best to throw flowers to celebrate, hoping that Mu Jin's mood would get better, and continue to struggle.

"How many points do you have now?" Mu Jin glanced at her lightly. Traveling through so many worlds, only this silly butler followed her, so that she would not be too lonely.

[Report to the master, it is 173 points, master, come on, you will become a one-star tasker soon. 】

Mu Jin is very relieved, Nima, after working hard for so long, it is finally not a negative number!
"Let's take on the task." Mu Jin sat for a while, and realized that there was really nothing to do. She had enough rest and aggrieved enough in the last world. She had to find a place to vent.

Jin'er immediately accepted another 50-point task, and she was still looking forward to it. If Mu Jin successfully completed this time and was promoted to a one-star tasker, then next time she would be able to accept a 100-point task, so she should be able to catch up to the 300-point task. Will the punishment volume be opened after many years? !
In the water mirror, there is an enchanting woman, with red hot wavy hair and a curvy figure, but her exquisite face is a little numb.

"What wish or unwillingness do you have?" Mu Jin asked.

"Why are you prettier than me?" The woman focused her eyes on Mu Jin, and then showed a surprised expression.

Mu Jin was speechless, she sadly found that this beautiful woman seemed... a bit dick!

After the woman was surprised, she said in admiration: "It's so beautiful! If you are here, he should like it very much."

Mu Jin: ...

"He killed my brother and me. He said that he wanted to save mankind, so we must die. Tell me, why is that?" The woman's eyes were a little sad.

Mu Jin blinked, looked the woman around again, and asked, "Are you not human?"

"Well, I'm not, I'm a vampire." The woman opened her mouth, showing her fangs, and her eyes turned blood red.

"Then what do you wish for?" Mu Jin thought it would be nice to be a vampire, but... "Except for world peace!"

"Uh...can't vampires and humans live in peace?"

The woman really had this idea, and Mu Jin instantly felt that she had a foresight.

"Impossible, change to another." Without thinking, Mu Jin knew that there was no way to live in peace, unless the vampire changed the recipe.

Just as humans cannot live in peace with their food.

"Well, that's what my brother said." The woman said in frustration, "Do whatever you want."

"Follow me?" Mu Jin was taken aback for a moment, this was the first time she encountered such an original owner who didn't ask for it.

"Well, it's up to you. If you want to kill him, you can kill him. Anyway, he killed me once. I don't owe him anything. My brother always says that I am too soft-hearted. If that's the case, I don't care." The woman puffed her cheeks. , looks a little cute.

Mu Jin couldn't help but laugh, this vampire is too simple, right?I don't know how I was educated to have such a personality, but there is no required task, she really loves it!
"Since this is the case, I'll see what to do. Then you can say you regret it." Mu Jin said with a smile.

The woman nodded hurriedly and said, "Go!"

Mu Jin disappeared into the stone room. The woman stared blankly at the empty stone room for a long while before sighing leisurely.

When she opened her eyes, it was dark, but Mu Jin's vision was not affected, and she could see that she was locked in a narrow place.

Mu Jin reached out to push away the obstacle in front of him, sat up, looked at the environment in front of him, a little dazed.

A few seconds later, she laughed. It turned out that vampires really lived in coffins. She thought it was just a legend.

Since it was the original owner's 'bed', Mu Jin didn't reject it, and lay down again, merging the original owner's memory.

The original owner was still a child among vampires this year, and it won't be long before she meets a man while hunting.

And it was this man who changed her life, and by the way, also changed the detached status of all vampires.

From a human point of view, he can be regarded as a savior.

Because in this world, human beings are the food that vampires keep in captivity.

Whenever they are hungry, they will fly to the city, looking for someone who suits their appetite.

Some will directly suck people dry, but more vampires will replace a few people to feed themselves, so that it is not easy to cause human rebound.

After all, in the history of vampires, there was once a human resistance that caused the death of a large number of vampires.

It cannot be denied that humans are still very smart, and their population base is huge, and the weapons they create can also cause harm to vampires.

So since then, the far-sighted vampires have specifically attacked those smart people, hoping to limit the development of human beings.

(End of this chapter)

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