The fast-wearing empress arrives

Chapter 333 The NPC who was traversed

Chapter 333 The NPC who was traversed (22)

Duan Huanqing was not stupid, she soon realized that she had fallen into a trap.

Who set this trap?

The first person that flashed in her mind was Zhao Kun, after all, she only revealed her identity and origin to Zhao Kun.

Looking at Mu Jin, who has an elegant temperament and exquisite facial features, she secretly hated how she could be so stupid, trusting a man so easily, and letting anyone stand between a beautiful and rich young beauty and a virtual human made of data , will choose that beauty?
Why did she never think that Zhao Kun would betray her? !

It has to be said that Duan Huanqing's mind was wide open at this time, and all guesses came out.

After thinking for a while, Duan Huanqing turned her head sharply and ran back to the lobby of the villa. Cheng He and the others immediately ran away to avoid her.

Then there was a scream in the living room, the corners of Mu Jin's mouth turned up slightly, it seemed that Duan Huanqing had seen himself in the mirror.

"Bastard, you found such an ugly woman for me, I am at odds with you!" Duan Huanqing roared in the villa.

Cheng He was a little embarrassed, after all, they got this body over, but Duan Huanqing blamed Zhao Kun in the end.

"When will they arrive?" Mu Jin walked into the living room, saw Cheng He's expression as if he was going to defend Zhao Kun, so he asked, interrupting what he was about to say.

"Ah? Who?" Cheng He was stunned, and it took a few seconds for him to react, and shouted: "You know? How did you know?"

Mu Jin had black lines all over her head, and she rolled her eyes silently. She really didn't want to talk to Cheng He anymore.

Even if she wanted to say it, Duan Huanqing wouldn't let her!
Seeing Mu Jin's figure in the mirror, she sneered and kicked Mu Jin from behind.

Mu Jin just turned slightly sideways, and then dodged past, but Duan Huanqing didn't give up. Although she had never learned martial arts before, in the game, that character was equivalent to her body, so Duan Huanqing could do many tricks in the game. Use it.

Maybe her current skill is feasible against others, but she still owes a lot to Mu Jin.

Mu Jin is even more unafraid of her to fight directly. If she chooses to compete in mental power, Mu Jin will pay attention to it. After all, she doesn't know if Tiandao will do anything during their competition.

The three of Cheng He stared blankly at the two women jumping up and down in the living room. The competition scene was like a blockbuster movie in country M, and their jaws almost dropped.

Women are scary!These five words have been echoing in Cheng He's mind!He shrank himself even smaller.

So a ridiculous scene formed in the room. When Mr. Gao arrived with his people, he saw their three men huddled in the corner. They looked like they wanted to dig a hole to hide themselves, but The two women were fighting in full swing.

In fact, it was very easy for Mu Jin to deal with Duan Huanqing, but she purposely got into a lively fight with her, firstly, not to let Duan Huanqing calm down and think, and secondly, to cover up for herself.

Although she is not afraid of anything, she doesn't like people to stare at her.

"Grab her." Mr. Gao gave the order, and the special forces behind him rushed forward.

Mu Jin got out of the way in time so that they could face Duan Huanqing. These special forces also saw that Mu Jin was not their target, so after seeing that she hadn't moved, they ignored her.

Mr. Gao walked towards Mu Jin and said, "I didn't know you have such a good skill."

"You don't know much." Mu Jin glanced at him lightly.

Mr. Gao stretched out his hand to support his glasses again, and said not to be outdone, "You know a lot."

Mu Jin didn't answer, and he didn't look at Mr. Gao again, let him have any doubts, anyway, Mu Jin wouldn't answer his doubts.

Duan Huanqing's situation became more and more difficult. The saying that two fists are no match for four hands is not a joke, and although this living room is not small, it is still not suitable for fighting.

Seeing that she was about to be arrested, Duan Huanqing forced out her mental strength in a hurry. For a while, no one in the room could stand except Mu Jin.

The others were all unconscious on the ground, and blood was still oozing from some weak orifices.

Duan Huanqing was also dazed for a while, and almost fell down. When she recovered, she gave Mu Jin a bitter look, and looked around for an escape route.

Mu Jin leaned back against the wall, motionless, watching Duan Huanqing busy there with cold eyes.

She didn't stop Duan Huanqing from showing off her power, because she felt that these people had to know how powerful Duan Huanqing was before they could lock her up. Otherwise, this darling of heaven could come out anytime and anywhere, so wouldn't it be a waste of effort for her to co-operate so well with the Ministry of Science and Technology? !

It didn't take long for those special soldiers with strong physiques to wake up one by one.

Before they got up, they held the guns in their hands.

After relieving their severe dizziness, they got up slowly, and when they saw Mu Jin leaning against the wall, they asked, "Where's the target?"

"Running and playing in the villa, go find it yourself." Mu Jin has decided to sell the villa after the matter is over.

So let the heroine spoil it.

Several special forces exchanged a few glances with each other, and then began to move, checking the past room by room.

Mu Jin curled her lips, since she had a gun, why did she go?It's also fortunate that the heroine didn't grab a gun to kill people, otherwise she wouldn't be able to watch the fun.

If she is killed, she will be implicated too!
"You, what are you doing, are you alright?" Mr. Gao hugged his head and curled up on the ground, but he insisted on questioning Mu Jin.

Mu Jin blinked and said, "I'm a woman!"

ah?Mr. Gao didn't understand Mu Jin's meaning for a while, and then he lay there and thought hard. It wasn't until 5 minutes later that he suddenly realized, "You're kidding me!"

Mu Jin chuckled, thinking about such an obvious thing for so long, could it be that the heroine's mental power made him stupid? !
Mr. Gao barely stood up, and when he was about to say something, he heard gunshots from upstairs.

It was just one shot at first, and a second shot was fired after two seconds, but after a few seconds, there were countless shots. It is estimated that at least seven or eight shots were fired together.

In just half a minute, the gunfire stopped and the silence returned.

Mr. Gao was stunned for a while, and immediately said: "Go up and have a look."

Mu Jin pointed to his nose and asked, "Are you trying to order me?"

Mr. Gao glanced at her, resigned himself to getting up from the ground, and ran upstairs staggeringly, but within a few steps, he fell down again.

But he didn't need to run upstairs, those special soldiers lifted Duan Huanqing who was tightly bound down.

Mu Jin glanced over and saw that Duan Huanqing had suffered three gunshot wounds, none of which were fatal, but a lot of blood had flowed out, and her face was also very pale. It is estimated that she had used too much mental power and lost too much blood, so Just got caught.

But Mu Jin knew that the trap he had set up was a meritorious service, otherwise Duan Huanqing would have run away long ago, and it would be their turn to catch him? !
(End of this chapter)

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