The fast-wearing empress arrives

Chapter 336 The actor's assistant

Chapter 336 The actor's assistant (1)

In Jin'er's view, her owner has done a good job, and the original owner is really too fussy, demanding a lot!

Mu Jin pressed her forehead in frustration, she really neglected to experience the heart of the original owner.

It was also because the original owner was really abnormal this time, unable to communicate like a lunatic, so she avenged the original owner as she wanted.

But that was not what the original owner wanted.

In fact, even if the original owner wants Duan Huanqing to die, it is very difficult. Duan Huanqing is the heroine, and the person Tiandao cares about the most. If the luck on her body is not worn away, if Mu Jin kills her, she will be rejected by Tiandao. Failed.

To wear off her luck, it is naturally best to send her to the laboratory, so the result is still the same.

So although Mu Jin was a little annoyed, she didn't regret it.

That Zhao Kun deserved to die, and the original owner was worthless enough. He helped the heroine to take her body, and she was not happy that Mu Jin killed him.

"Forget it, how many points are left? How many years?"

[Now it is 303 points, and there are 182 years left. 】

"Okay, let's move on to the next one." Mu Jin waved her hand casually, 182 years is enough for her to do two tasks, maybe she can do three if she is tight, so try to complete the tasks as satisfactorily as possible.

As soon as Mu Jin left the small world, Ying Yu naturally returned to the gap in time and space. He frowned and remained silent.

In this life, he felt that Mu Jin had become a little colder again. Could it be that someone played tricks again?
Half of his memory was opened, but there was no way to unseal it, which made Yingyu depressed and helpless.

As for the matter of Mo Chenghuan and Qi Jun, he is not in his consideration at all. He only wants to quickly lift the seal, restore his strength, and then take Mu Jin to the higher world.

There is no need to be too anxious about cultivation, anyway, not everyone in the advanced world is a master.

Ying Yu flicked out the sound transmission array that he had worked so hard to condense, hoping that guy didn't die, otherwise it would take thousands of years for him to be freed.

The time in the small world is different from that in the high world. Basically, it is one year in the high world and 100 years in the small world.

So don't look at Yingyu's reincarnation in the small world for more than 1000 years. In fact, it has only been a dozen years in his real world.

Qi Jun's face was dark, and he didn't plunge into the small world again, but was worried about how to get rid of Mo Chenghuan.

You must know that Mo Chenghuan is his uncle, this guy is arrogant in his own way in the sect, no matter in terms of strength or status, not many people dare to provoke him.

At that time, Qi Jun had just entered the sect not long ago, and was always bullied by his brothers. His master happened to be in retreat at that time, so he couldn't help him.

After Mo Chenghuan bumped into him once, for some reason, he took care of him and taught him a lot.

A large part of Qi Jun's ability to stand out among his seniors is due to Mo Chenghuan.

But as Qi Jun grew up, Mo Chenghuan became more and more strict with him, so that he didn't have time to chase anyone he liked.

Finally, Mo Chenghuan retreated, and Qi Jun happily went to chase him, but in the end he ran into a hard nail.

Qi Jun has been with Mo Chenghuan for a long time, so he naturally learned his temperament, so he was not willing to give up, so he set up a trap for Ying Yu, sealed his memory and six emotions and six desires, and came to cultivate feelings in the small world.

But everything did not go according to Qi Jun's script. In the small world, his sweetheart found true love, but it was not him, and he faced the pursuit of an elder who was also a teacher and a friend.

Qi Jun felt that he was going crazy!
He really didn't think about Mo Chenghuan at all!

But judging by the progress, it is estimated that if he is not sensible, Mo Chenghuan will directly lock him into the cold pool in the back mountain and never release him again.

Qi Jun has a bitter face, he doesn't even want to enter the small world!
Mo Chenghuan had a rare expression on his face, and sat upright, listening to an old man's words.

Opposite him was the phantom of an old man, his voice was elegant and honest, which made people feel a sense of tranquility.

The old man's beard and hair are all white, and the wrinkles on his face make him look more kind and gentle, and his temperament is beyond dust.

The eyes seem to contain everything, they can contain everything, but they seem to be able to see through everything. When people look at it at a glance, they will feel a sense of respect from the heart.

Mo Chenghuan nodded and shook his head from time to time while listening, and sometimes even retorted a few words.

The old man didn't care, and continued to say what he wanted to say at a slow frequency.

After the old man disappeared, Mo Chenghuan was silent for a long time, then raised his head, looked at the stars in the sky, and sat all night.

When the starlight disappeared, Mo Chenghuan left here and returned to the gap in time and space.

As soon as the little butler waved his hand, a figure appeared in the water mirror.

modern!Mu Jin was very happy when she saw what she was wearing. She was really reluctant to do ancient missions now.

In ancient times, there were too many restrictions on women, and life was very uncomfortable.

"I was stupid, I was too stupid to lead to that result, he didn't ask for anything, I gave it on my own initiative."

The girl in the water mirror didn't look up, but just said this.

"So? You don't intend to take revenge on him?" Mu Jin asked with raised eyebrows.

The girl in front of me actually looked like a tomboy, with short hair, a T-shirt and jeans, because she lowered her head, she couldn't see her face clearly.

"He never asked for anything." The girl seemed powerless and disappointed, but it was to herself.

"Hasn't he spoken or shown it?" Mu Jin simply asked, after all, she didn't know the specific situation.

Maybe it's the girl's willingness to take the initiative?There are quite a few girls like this now.

But this time, the girl didn't speak, but raised her head, her eyes full of confusion.

"I don't know," she said.

Mu Jin looked at her, she had beautiful features, very delicate and attractive, but she was not an eye-catching beauty.

"What do you want?"

"I want to know... is he doing it on purpose? Is he using me? Has he... ever liked me?" The girl's tears fell down, and the sadness in her eyes could flow like a river.

Mu Jin was silent for a while and said: "Actually, you know it."

As soon as these words came out, the girl burst into tears, shook her head vigorously, covered her ears and said, "I don't believe it! I don't believe it! He wouldn't treat me like this, absolutely not!"

Mu Jin: ...I don't believe you are crying!You've cried like this, and you still say you don't believe it?You can't even lie to yourself!
"So, if he did it on purpose, what are you going to do?" Mu Jin still decided to ask clearly, so as not to fail to meet the original owner's expectations and only get a passing grade.

How to do it?These three words echoed in the girl's mind, but her face was full of confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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