The fast-wearing empress arrives

Chapter 341 The actor's assistant

Chapter 341 The actor's assistant (6)

"Either reduce it to seven years, but get rid of the two movie male leads each year." Mu Jin squinted at Li Mengtian with a half-smile.

You must know that the male lead in the movie is the most valuable condition. If Li Mengtian agrees to such a modification, unless she is out of her mind.

Of course Li Mengtian's brain was not flooded, she was pissed off by Mu Jin's words, if she doesn't make a movie, where does the actor come from? !

Isn't this just playing tricks on her? !
"It's impossible, do you have to force him to sign this contract?" Li Mengtian asked aggressively.

With obvious dissatisfaction on Mu Jin's face, he said, "What do you mean forcing him? He likes to sign or not!"

"You..." Li Meng stomped her feet angrily, but she couldn't say anything. Everyone said that she wanted to sign or not, so what else could she do?loose the temper?That's the rhythm I don't want to mess with!
"Let's think about it again." Li Mengtian left a word angrily, turned around and left.

She should have known a long time ago that Zhai Jing would definitely embarrass them when she found out about her relationship with Luo Yecheng.

But she didn't expect Zhai Jing to use this method.

How to persuade Luo Yecheng to leave Xinghai Entertainment?Li Mengtian was thinking with nerve-wracking thoughts.

Mu Jin's fingers tapped twice on the contract. Although she had prepared a contract for two people, she only needed to settle Luo Yecheng. As long as he stayed, even if she wanted to drive Li Mengtian away, she would not leave.

Of course, Mu Jin didn't want to keep her. The reason why she was asked to sign for ten years was to suppress her company.

Mu Jin has only been here for a day, and there is not much he can do, but it is still possible to write a few pop songs that are destined to be popular, and this happens to be the original owner's specialty, so no one will doubt it.

Now that there is a song, it is necessary to find a singer. Mu Jin left the office and walked to the singing room.

"Check who are the famous singers in Xia Kingdom now?" Mu Jin ordered.

[Yes, master. ] The little housekeeper was happy to have a job, and he replied after a while [There are about a dozen popular singers in the front line, each with their own style, and... I found Mr. Qi! 】

The little butler's expression was distorted. Isn't this guy hard to find?Why is he famous in this world, even if he can't find him.

"Oh?" Mu Jin stopped walking and asked, "Is he a singer?"

【Yes, the most popular rock singer. 】

"Which company did you sign with?"

[Dynasty Entertainment Company. 】

Mu Jin tightened her nose and pursed her lips. Dynasty Entertainment Company is the leader among entertainment companies, even if Xinghai Entertainment's assets are doubled, they will not be able to catch up.

However, that was without Mu Jin, and when she came, it would naturally be different.

Knowing the news about Qi Jun, Mu Jin didn't bother to inquire about other singers, so she came to the singing room and walked around casually.

There were only two or three trainees practicing singing inside, and their voices were not very satisfactory to Mu Jin.

So Mu Jin turned a corner and went directly to the general manager's office.

"Xiao Jing, why are you here?" Zhai Qing asked unexpectedly.

His younger sister usually doesn't come to see him once a month, but these two days she came to him every day. Could it be that she is eyeing another role for Luo Yecheng?But recently he doesn't have any good books in his hand!
"Brother, I wrote a few songs, who do you think is suitable for singing?" Mu Jin directly stated the purpose.

Zhai Qing's eyes lit up, he knew his sister's talent very well, so it was a pity for his family that she devoted herself to being an assistant.

"You finally figured it out now?" Zhai Qing asked with a complicated expression.

Mu Jin shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not that I want to understand, but the reality is in front of my eyes, and I don't want to understand."

"What reality?" Zhai Qing was at a loss.

"The reality is that talents are not met." Mu Jin laughed, she didn't want to tell Zhai Qing about Luo Yecheng yet.

"Heh, talents are not appreciated? Then who is to blame?" Zhai Qing glared at Mu Jin angrily.

Mu Jin smiled and said, "Isn't this the only way to meet you? Let's take a look."

Zhai Qing shook his head helplessly, he was quite sympathetic to this stubborn younger sister, and could only let her go, otherwise the relationship between the two siblings would definitely be tense.

Zhai Qing looked at the playlist in his hand, and the more he looked at it, the wider his eyes widened. He was also trained by Zhai's father, and he could tell whether the songs were good or not.

"I said, sister, how long have you been writing songs? You have actually saved ten classics!"

"It's just written in the past few years, but there are actually more. You can see who the song is suitable for." Mu Jin left a little leeway, so as not to scare Zhai Qing if he came up with another song.

"Isn't it too deep for you to hide it? You only give it to brother now when you have such a good thing?" Zhai Qing said angrily.

Mu Jin just laughed along and didn't speak.

To say that the original owner is also very sorry for this brother. Without the fact that she likes Luo Yecheng, it is impossible for the heroine to target Xinghai Entertainment.

And because of Luo Yecheng's quarrel with the family, this is an unbelievable thing in Mu Jin's view. After traveling through several lives, family love is the purest in her eyes, how can a man compare to it.

What's more, the original owner died in the end, how sad the Zhai family's parents and Zhai Qing were!

"These songs are very good. They definitely can't be sung by just one person. Let's see if they can be divided into several people. They can all be the title song of the album." Zhai Qing rolled his eyes and suddenly had a plan in his mind.

"Okay, brother can arrange it however you want." Mu Jin nodded noncommittally.

"By the way, didn't you say you still have it there? Bring it all, I still have a few songs here, fill in a few albums."

Mu Jin raised his eyebrows and said, "No way? You're robbing!"

"Of course, if you don't rob, who will you rob? You owe me that you haven't produced any works in the past few years." Zhai Qingqing said bluntly.

"Okay, okay, I'll bring it for you tomorrow." Mu Jin smiled and raised his hands in surrender.

The brothers and sisters looked at each other and smiled, and the warm family affection flowed through them.

Zhai Qing lowered his eyes, thinking whether he should take this opportunity to persuade his younger sister to go home and have a look, but the two elders hadn't seen her for a long time.

But he was also worried that his sister would quarrel again after returning home. He didn't want to be the one trying to persuade them to argue, it was too troublesome.

"Brother, I'll go get the sheet music in the afternoon and go home at night, so I won't be in the company anymore." Seeing Zhai Qing's expression, Mu Jin knew what he was thinking, and it happened that she should go home to help the original owner make up for the family relationship .

"By the way, should you announce the change of my position, so that those people won't look at me strangely?"

"You also said, who insisted on being an assistant at the beginning, and you didn't let people know your identity." Zhai Qing gave Mu Jin another look, and said: "Don't quarrel with your parents when you go home! They I'm getting old too, and I can't stand it."

"Understood, you should also be good, and find a girlfriend to come back, so parents don't have to be angry anymore." Mu Jin nodded, and at the same time sighed, being a parent is really not easy, and no one can worry about it.

But thinking back then, she didn't worry less about her children, so she could understand her parents' thoughts very well.

It's just that the original owner died, and he didn't even mention Zhai's father and Zhai's mother in front of her. It seems that he is also unfilial!snort!

 In fact, I also want to write more, but I really can’t write it!Let's see the situation, I have to visit relatives these few days, and then rush back from my hometown. It is estimated that there will be more time after August 8th, and it must be three times a day by then!Dear friends, please support...

(End of this chapter)

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