The fast-wearing empress arrives

Chapter 343 The actor's assistant

Chapter 343 The actor's assistant (8)

Luo Yecheng who came to the set early the next morning was stunned.

Really want to change?Stop letting him act?
This is not acceptable!Although he has only acted for a few days and filmed a few scenes, he can tell that even if the movie doesn't become a hit, the box office won't be far behind. If a good opportunity is gone, it will be difficult to find it later.

Luo Yecheng immediately called Li Mengtian and asked her to solve the problem quickly, and he was waiting on the set.

Li Mengtian's heart tightened. She was thinking of procrastinating and testing Mu Jin's limit, but she didn't expect this guy to do such a good job. He said that three days would be three days, and one more minute would not be tolerated.

Mu Jin waited for Li Mengtian in the office, but the two broke up again.

Luo Yecheng waited on the set for a whole day, but no good news came.

After returning home at night, I didn't see Li Mengtian. This night, Li Mengtian struggled not to go back.

This night, Luo Yecheng also made a decision.

The next morning, when Mu Jin arrived at the company, she saw Luo Yecheng waiting at the door of her office.

"Good morning." Luo Yecheng smiled gently, showing no sign of anxiety at all.

Mu Jin nodded, pushed open the office door, and Luo Yecheng walked in after her.

"Is it about the contract?" Mu Jin asked straight to the point.

This stunned Luo Yecheng, who originally wanted to get close, and then said with a smile: "Yeah, it's about the contract, uh..."

"I'm sorry, it's impossible for me to agree to her conditions." Mu Jin sat on the chair with a straight face, crossed his hands on his belly, and looked at him coldly.

Luo Yecheng was a little embarrassed, he called Li Mengtian yesterday and didn't answer, so he didn't know what the two talked about.

"Then, how many years can the shortest term be?" Luo Yecheng is not a fool. The problem with the contract now is the term. As long as it can be shortened by a few years, it will be much easier for him.

"Seven years, cancel the male lead in two movies every year." Mu Jin smiled.

Luo Yecheng's brows immediately frowned. In the contract, he valued this condition the most. It was too bad for him to exchange this condition for three years.

"This... can we discuss it again?" Luo Yecheng's smile became a little more gentle.

Mu Jin stared at him until he felt uncomfortable, then said coldly: "There is no need to discuss."

"Xiao Jing, you see, I am now in the rising stage of my career. If those two movies are missed every year, it will have a great impact on me."

"I know." Mu Jin nodded coldly, and then corrected: "I am now the assistant to the general manager. Please call me Assistant Zhai, or Director Zhai. After all, this company also has my shares."

Luo Yecheng was surprised for a moment. Before, she only knew that she was the younger sister of the general manager, but she really didn't know that this company still had her shares in it.

But why Zhai Jing can always help him get difficult roles, this time there is an answer.

In fact, he was wrong. Xinghai Company was developed by Zhai Qing with a little loan, and it has not been listed yet. In other words, the company is his own, and the shares were given to Mu Jin by Zhai Qing yesterday. , 20%, even if you bought the scores and scripts in her hands, of course, including the scores and scripts in the future.

Now that the company has her share, Zhai Qing feels that he can command his sister more confidently.

Mu Jin really doesn't care about these things, but this is Zhai Qing's wish, and she won't be so stupid as to refuse, a family must be clearly distinguished sometimes, but sometimes it will hurt the relationship if the distinction is too clear.

" see, is there really no need to discuss it?" Luo Yecheng's heart turned cold at this time, and Mu Jin's attitude towards him was completely different.

It was as cold as ice, and he showed no sign of anger.

Could it be that she knew that he was with Li Mengtian, so she gave up and no longer treated her preferentially?

Is the five-year relationship taken back as soon as it is said to be taken back?Is she still angry?It shouldn't be like this to him all the time.

Luo Yecheng never imagined that this body has changed soul, and he has no feelings for him at all.

What worries him now is that Mu Jin is currently angry, so there must be no agreement on the contract. Unless he compromises, he believes that Mu Jin may really block him in a fit of anger.

"In that case, I'll sign it!" Luo Yecheng took a deep breath. Although he had thought of this solution last night, he still felt a little regretful at this point.

But the future is still important, he has to go back to filming quickly.

Mu Jin didn't say anything, and directly handed over the ten-year contract.

Luo Yecheng also simply signed his name quickly, and then asked, "Can I go back to the set now?"

"Of course." Mu Jin replied.

The loss suffered by the original owner could not be said in the open, who told Luo Yecheng that he really didn't ask for anything, he just hinted, and the original owner rushed over, Mu Jin even looked down on such a woman.

In fact, the original owner was unlucky, there are so many good men, who let her run into such a selfish ghost!

After Luo Yecheng left, Mu Jin didn't call Li Mengtian, but I believe she will know soon, but she doesn't know what will happen between the two.

"Keep an eye on Li Mengtian." Mu Jin instructed the little housekeeper.

[Yes, master. 】Jiner has been watching Li Mengtian through surveillance everywhere. At least this woman has a system. Although it is not very advanced, it is useless except to help her earn some money and provide some information. up.

But Jin'er hasn't encountered a system in several worlds, no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat!She doesn't dislike it at all.

Going back in the evening, Mu Jin called up the little butler's surveillance screen and watched a big show.

The two started arguing not far from the set. Fortunately, they knew to find an inconspicuous place where the noise was not too loud, but there happened to be a surveillance camera there, so Mu Jin didn't see it as a live broadcast. I saw it.

It just looked good, although the two had quarreled, but there was no crack in their relationship.

Mu Jin doesn't care whether the two of them are good or bad, anyway, it is certain to hit Li Mengtian, and it is impossible for her company to develop.

As for Luo Yecheng, as the original owner said, letting him fall from the position of actor is the greatest punishment.

Mu Jin thought that Li Mengtian would come to her in the past few days, but to her surprise, Li Mengtian remained silent and had no plans to renew her contract.

Could it be that she is relieved of Luo Yecheng?Mu Jin didn't think so.

So what the hell is Li Mengtian doing?Her contract is almost here.

No matter what Li Mengtian thinks, Mu Jin is starting to pick a new agent for Luo Yecheng.

And she hasn't made any cover-ups, and now everyone in the company knows about it.

(End of this chapter)

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