The fast-wearing empress arrives

Chapter 357 The actor's assistant

Chapter 357 The actor's assistant (end)

"You said... what is love?" Mu Jin asked Qiao Ke in a daze.

Qiao Ke caressed Mu Jin's long hair, raised the corners of her lips slightly, and said warmly in her eyes: "Love is seeing you, and I feel happy!"

Mu Jin turned her head, looked into Qiao Ke's affectionate eyes, and suddenly realized that she was stupid.

How could she think that Ying Yu loves her just because of a mark?If it was that simple, Qi Jun must have succeeded long ago, and it is not her turn to get to know Ying Yu.

Besides, she loves Yingyu, so what if he is because of the mark?Could she still take back her love?
Since you can't, why are you afraid, want to hide, and escape?It's nothing more than fear that a foolish heart will pay in vain, and fear that it will end up feeling distressed and dying.

But they had happy times in more than ten lifetimes, and these memories are her treasures.

Love, you can't stop giving for fear of being hurt, or you will lose love, and only jealousy will remain!

After Mu Jin suddenly figured it out, she felt that the soul power that was stuck at the peak of the seventh floor suddenly cleared up, and reached the eighth floor without any hindrance, and she had a clearer perception of Yingyu's soul.

At the same time, she also felt that the seal that bound her had reached its limit, and if she upgraded to another level, she should be able to break the seal.

"Thank you! I love you!" Mu Jin held Qiao Ke's face with a smile, and put her lips on it.

"Why did you wake up my memory?" Qi Jun asked Mo Chenghuan who was opposite him with a livid face.

Arousing his memory in the small world, besides making him more painful, what else could it do?And with the memory, he can't stop wanting to use spells. If he really uses them, there is a great possibility that the world will collapse.

"Don't worry, I set up a formation, we can't get out, and your memory can only be kept for half an hour, I have something to talk to you." Mo Chenghuan sat cross-legged on the futon, except for the same fiery red robe , his current appearance really has the feeling of a cultivator.

"Speak." Qi Jun sat down angrily and listened patiently.

"Reverend Jingxuan once came to me, and he told me that sometimes letting go is a new life! And after being born again, you will discover a new world, just like the qualitative change from a fairy to a god.

Then everything I see will be different, and I will feel different. Will you be with me? "

"I don't want to!" What nonsense!I know that old guy preaches these preaching all day long, but I have never seen a person who can really let go!

Mo Chenghuan nodded: "As expected! So... I decided not to 'let go', but to stay with you!"

After finishing speaking, Mo Chenghuan smiled evilly and said, "It seems that we are the same kind of person, so I knew you were the most suitable for me!"

Qi Jun: ...Damn it!I don't need you to accompany me, you'd better practice 'letting go'!

Mo Chenghuan squinted his eyes, and continued: "I originally planned to give you a chance, but unfortunately that girl disagreed. It seems that she likes to win! You have no chance."

"It's none of your business." Qi Jun pursed his lips, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

To say that the person he hates the most is Mu Jin, if she hadn't disturbed the situation, maybe he and Yingyu would have finally married long ago.

Of course, this was his idea, and Mu Jin didn't care.

"As long as it's your business, it's none of my business." Mo Chenghuan reached out and touched Qi Jun's face.

Qi Jun wanted to hide, but found that he couldn't move his body, so he could only stare at Mo Chenghuan bitterly.

"You know? I just like your eyes!" Mo Chenghuan slender fingers cruising on Qi Jun's face and said: "Like me!"

Qi Jun rolled his eyes, what should he do when he meets such a perverted uncle?There is no way, he can only hope not to provoke him, otherwise he will be the one who will be unlucky in the end.

In fact, Qi Jun didn't know whether Mo Chenghuan really liked him, because this person was so moody that no one could figure out what he was thinking.

"In the next life, I won't give you another chance. Be good, remember to wait for me!" After Mo Chenghuan finished speaking, he leaned forward quickly, touching Qi Jun's with his bright red lips, and then his figure disappeared. up.

Qi Jun stared blankly, until he fell into a coma, he couldn't believe it was true, Mo Chenghuan actually kissed him? !

At the end of this life, Mu Jin was already 114 years old, and Qiao Ke had always been with her, becoming a world-renowned loving couple.

With her heart knot untied, Mu Jin's life is very nourishing. Although she is affected by the seal, it can't stop her from deepening her feelings for Ying Yu.

Her children also have their own careers and lives, so she has nothing to worry about.

And although Qi Jun has always wanted to get close to Qiao Ke, Qiao Ke didn't give him any chance, and even banned him in the end to let him be honest.

When returning to the stone room, Mu Jin was still smiling.

【Master, you scored 120 points, the original owner is very satisfied. 】The little butler came bouncing over.

"Is it because the relationship with her family has been repaired?" Mu Jin guessed.

【Yes, the original owner is very grateful that you did this that she didn't ask for. 】

Mu Jin nodded, took a deep breath and said, "It's still about 100 years away. I guess there is only one task to do. It seems that you must succeed."

[Yes, master, if the next task is unsuccessful, you will miss the opening of the 'Punishment Volume'!Master, you must be careful in the next task! ] The little housekeeper said a little worriedly.

Mu Jin raised his eyebrows, wrapped his fingers around a lock of his long hair, and said in silence for a while: "Then accept the task!"

Both of them looked at the water mirror, only to see the white mist dissipate, and a girl in an emerald green dress appeared in the mirror, she looked about teens, but when she looked up, her eyes were full of vicissitudes.

Mu Jin frowned, it seems that this task is not easy to do!

"I killed my elder brother, that is my only family member!" The girl said indifferently, as if she had seen through everything, "I regret it, but it's too late to regret it."

"What is your wish?" Mu Jin went straight to the point.

"Wish? Can I really do it all over again? Can I go by myself?" The girl's eyes suddenly burst into a strong light, which made Mu Jin feel dazzling.

Her heart sank again. It seemed that this girl was a cultivator, but she didn't know what she was cultivating? !

However, the world with practitioners is very cruel, and the difficulty of completing the task will increase a lot.

Mu Jin pondered for a while and said: "I don't know about this, but I have never seen anyone who can go back by himself, even if it is me, I can't!"

The light in the girl's eyes gradually went out, and she regained her composure. She nodded and believed Mu Jin's words.

"I think, be a good sister, make my brother happy, make those who harmed us pay the price, and let that witch be despised!" The girl was a little excited, with pleading eyes in her eyes.

"Okay, I'll help you do it!" Mu Jin looked into her eyes and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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