Happy Enemy: The Chief Dumb Wife of Amnesia

Chapter 13 The Perverted Gambler

Chapter 13 The Perverted Gambler

"I don't know either. Anyway, before he gives me a clear answer, I think I can't bear to let go easily..."

"Then why don't you ask him directly and let him give you a clear answer."

Looking at Li Tianci's numb and frustrated face, Jiang Xiaohan felt distressed in his heart.

"I dare not ask. I'm afraid the answer won't be the one I want... Huh, let's not talk about me, Jiang Xiaohan, are you really going to date Qiao Fei without telling your mother?"

Feeling a flash of warmth in his eyes, Li Tianci quickly blinked and changed the subject.

"That's right, didn't you say that? Qiao Fei's family background is very ordinary. I'm afraid that after telling my mother, she will bother me. Besides, Qiao Fei and I haven't even spoken yet, so I don't know if we can leave. In the end..."

As soon as he heard him ask this question, Jiang Xiaohan also felt that he had one head and two big ones!
"Speaking of your mother, she has been missing for a day and a night, are you not worried?"

"Worried? Worry about the wool! Don't worry, she won't even be able to afford food if she doesn't lose herself in Macau. She will never come back."

Jiang Xiaohan sighed.

Sure enough, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite...

The one who gave me a headache now was the perverted gambler's mother.

As for Li Tianci, he still has to worry about his relationship problems and sexual orientation.

Hey, in short, when people are alive, they have to keep worrying...

The two looked at each other silently, each thinking about their own thoughts.

The car drove towards Jiang's house in silence.

As soon as he walked downstairs, Jiang Xiaohan's cell phone rang suddenly.

Jiang Xiaohan picked it up and looked at it, and suddenly frowned, with a bad premonition:

"It's my mother!"

"Then hurry up and pick it up!"

Li Tianci urged her while reversing the car.

Jiang Xiaohan answered the phone, but before he could speak, Li Xiuling's super high-decibel soprano came out of the microphone:

"Jiang Xiaohan, you bloody girl! You are so courageous and your wings are stiff, aren't you? I only went out for a day and a night, and you dare to bring a man back! You said, why are you so hard to learn? Boyfriend, you even made such a poor guy, who doesn’t even have any clothes, and has to wear your Hello Kitty pajamas... By the way, you haven’t set up a stall today. How can you make money if you don’t set up a stall..."

Jiang Xiaohan held the phone far away from him with a bitter face, and waited until Li Xiuling scolded for 5 minutes, then took advantage of her time to breathe, and whispered:
"Mom, can you keep your voice down? Are you afraid of waking up the neighbors?"

"What's the point of waking up the neighbors? You can do it, and I'm not allowed to say it? Let me tell you..."

Before Li Xiuling finished speaking, the door was already opened from the outside.

It turned out that while she was talking, Li Tianci and Jiang Xiaohan had already gone upstairs.

"You damn girl, you... Hey, Tianci, why are you here too? Please come in and have a seat!"

As soon as she saw Li Tianci, Li Xiuling's expression changed from the ferocious one just now to an extremely obsequious one.

She warmly greeted Li Tianci, and she didn't forget to wipe off the non-existent dust on the sofa with her sleeve, and motioned Li Tianci to sit down and rest.

"Mom, where is that man?"

Seeing that the mysterious man was no longer on the sofa, Jiang Xiaohan blurted out anxiously.

"You...hehe, Tianci, I'm so sorry to let you see a joke. Here, that person hid in your bedroom, and I won't open the door no matter what."

Li Xiuling sighed first, and then warmly greeted Li Tianci:
"Tianci, come, sit on the sofa!"

"Auntie, you misunderstood Xiaohan. That man is my friend. Because he was drunk last night, fell all over his body and had no clothes to change, so he borrowed Xiaohan's pajamas... I'm really sorry, you came back just now , Scared you? By the way, Xiaohan didn’t set up a stall today because I begged her to do me a favor, so I didn’t have time to go.”

Li Tianci looked sincerely apologetic.

Li Xiuling was taken aback, waved her hand, and pretended to be magnanimous and said:
"Ah, so that's what happened? The dead girl didn't explain it to me on the phone just now..."

"That's because you've been so focused on cursing people that I never had a chance to speak!"

Jiang Xiaohan defended himself from the side.

As long as that man is still in this room, she won't worry about it!
Li Xiuling glared at her fiercely, then patted her chest at Li Tianci:
"If I knew it was your friend, I wouldn't be so scared just now. Oh, you don't know, I was really scared just now. When I turned on the light, I found such a tall man wearing a woman's pajamas lying on the sofa , Ouch, my mother, half of my three souls and seven spirits have been scared away..."

"Auntie, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I blamed me for not letting Xiao Han say hello to you in advance. This is a small thing, you can buy some ginseng or something to replenish Qi..."

Li Tianci took out a stack of money from his bag with great experience, and handed it to Li Xiuling without counting.


Jiang Xiaohan desperately stopped him with his eyes.

"Damn girl, I'm talking to Tianci, why are you interrupting! Oh, what a shame, how can I, an elder, take your money?"

Li Xiuling was still pretending to decline.

"Yes, Tianci, my mother is your elder, it's not appropriate for you to give her money like this."

Jiang Xiaohan also followed Li Xiuling's words.

"Auntie, it's my fault that scared you. Isn't it right for you to buy some tonics for such a small thing? Besides, you can be regarded as an elder who watched me grow up. I respect you. Isn't it a matter of course?"

Li Tianci turned a blind eye to Jiang Xiaohan's obstruction, and stubbornly stuffed the money into Li Xiuling's hands.

"You child, you are really too polite... Well, then Auntie will accept your filial piety... By the way, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, go out first, you can sit here casually , just like my own home, don't be polite!"

Li Xiuling secretly weighed the thick stack of banknotes in her hand, knowing that the amount was not small this time.

So she immediately turned around with a satisfied smile, took the leather bag on the sofa, said some polite words, and hurried out the door.

"Li Tianci, didn't you tell her to go to Macau again immediately!"

Jiang Xiaohan sighed, wishing he could lower his face below his chest.

Mom's performance really made her too ashamed!
"Come on, Xiaohan, if your mother is at home all the time, how will we deal with his affairs? There are so many questions, and he needs to tell us in person!"

Li Tianci pointed to Jiang Xiaohan's bedroom door, which had been closed tightly, and said something.

"Oh, yes, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot...Hey, come out!!"

(End of this chapter)

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