Chapter 44 Design Genius
Anyway, it has been four days since the last time Qiao Fei called him...

Then one or two days later, it doesn't matter if you think about it!

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaohan didn't want to do other things anymore, he tidied up the kitchen hastily, and returned to his bedroom.

That night, the two people separated by a wall tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep...

Early the next morning, Jiang Xiaohan woke up with a knock on the door.

She opened the door strangely, looking at the blushing-eyed and messy-haired fool, she lost her mind for a moment.

I rely on!

Does this man really want to be so good-looking?

If others didn't sleep well or didn't sleep, they basically looked extremely haggard.

As for him, although his eyes were red and his hair was disheveled, he had a strange feeling of bohemian.

Coupled with his graceful chin and deep facial features, the temperament of the whole person is leisurely but with a bit of indescribable freedom...

What does he look more, more like this?

In just a split second, Jiang Xiaohan immediately found a suitable adjective for the current idiot in his heart:
More manly!

Yes, he is more masculine than the usual cool guy!

The stupid man obviously didn't have time to understand Jiang Xiaohan's sluggishness, he just handed a piece of paper to her with a dull voice:

"Give you."


Jiang Xiaohan was pulled back to reality by his words, and subconsciously took the thin piece of paper.

"I helped you design the DM list, the promotional words and trademarks on it, if you think it is suitable, you can go to the advertising company to print them in batches in the afternoon!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked to the bedroom without waiting for Jiang Xiaohan's reply.

"Hey, J&D, what does this logo mean?"

Jiang Xiaohan looked down at the paper in his hand, confused about the meaning of this trademark.

The dumb guy who was walking back paused for a moment, then said without looking back:
"Simple pinyin abbreviation."

Accompanied by his answer, there was a loud closing sound of the door.

"It's so early in the morning, why are you going crazy again! You didn't finish your sentence, and you closed the door so forcefully... But this dm list is really interesting and very beautiful. Well, it's also good with this slogan, no wonder the trademark uses I need a simple pinyin abbreviation..."

Jiang Xiaohan said to himself.

On that piece of paper, there was a lively girl with a ponytail and big eyes drawn, her appearance and facial features were somewhat similar to her own.

At this moment, she raised one hand upwards, with a confident and happy smile on her face.

On her raised hand, several bold fonts formed a simple and easy-to-remember advertisement:
"Nutritious, delicious and inexpensive. A simple meal will give you a visual feast on the tip of your tongue!"

It sounds pretty grand!
Jiang Xiaohan Le's eyes were narrowed!

This idiot is really amazing!
He is good-looking, has a good figure, has enough brains, and even writes so beautifully!

He used to be young and Dangerous, what a waste of talent!

After simply washing up, she changed her clothes and ran straight to the advertising agency.

She has to speed up the time and make all the preparations quickly!
Hearing the sound of the door closing, the stupid guy who had been hiding in the bedroom looking at the draft designed by staying up all night last night sighed softly.

His hand touched the big "J&D" icon on the draft lightly, and he couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Jiang Xiaohan, oh Jiang Xiaohan, you are such an idiot.

Can't you see that the two letters "J&D" are the abbreviations of your and my names?
With a long sigh, the fool didn't know why he felt sore and stuffy in his heart.

In order to prevent himself from continuing to think about it, he simply climbed back onto the bed, closed his eyes, and said softly to himself:
"Sleep, don't forget your previous plan, before you regain your identity, you must not make mistakes and do things that make you regret and regret!"

Repeatedly chanting these few words, coupled with not sleeping all night, at this moment sleepiness flooded in like a tide, and the fool finally fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up again, it was already past five in the afternoon.

He was awakened by the sound of Jiang Xiaohan slamming on the door frantically.

With a trace of tiredness, Duo opened the door, yawned lazily, and leaned against the door frame with a sleepy look on his face:

"Jiang Xiaohan, can you be more gentle?"

How can a girl knock on the door as fiercely as a city management officer chasing a peddler?

"Sven, can I wake you up? Hey, idiot, do you know? I went to the advertising agency this afternoon, and their creative director accidentally saw the DM list you designed, and even praised you for doing it Great! By the way, the finished product will not be available until tomorrow."

Jiang Xiaohan looked excited.

"So what? He won't print it for us for free!"

The fool said lightly, not at all as proud as Jiang Xiaohan expected.

Jiang Xiaohan didn't care about his attitude, but grabbed him excitedly and wanted to go out.

The fool was still full of sleepiness, but he was so startled by her action that he immediately woke up:

"Jiang Xiaohan, why are you dragging me out? Hey, can you wait for me to put on my coat first?"

He held on tightly to the door frame, with black lines on his face.

I'm wearing boxer shorts and a pullover vest now, so if I go out like this, I won't be regarded as crazy, exhibitionist?

"Uh, I forgot...then hurry up, I'll give you 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, we'll go out and have a big meal!"

Jiang Xiaohan looked back at the fool's clothes, and then he blushed suddenly, and threw away his hand.

"Celebrating your birthday?"

Dumb slipped back into the bedroom and asked while changing clothes through the door.

"That's right! The most important thing is that the creative director said that your DM list was done well. I am happy for you. Since you are so talented in design, you have found a direction to work hard."

Jiang Xiaohan's voice sounded through the door.

"You don't want me to go to the wonton stand to help you?"

For some reason, Dumb suddenly felt a little unhappy again.

Is she deliberately keeping a distance from herself?
"How come? I think you are a design genius, and I just wronged your talent on my little chaotic booth. Hey, have you changed it?"

"All right!"

With a soft reply, the dumb guy who had already changed his clothes appeared in front of Jiang Xiaohan again.

His hair has been combed deliberately with jelly water, and he is dressed in a white shirt and white trousers casual attire. The fool at the moment is even more handsome and talented.

It made Jiang Xiaohan feel like a nympho in his heart.

This man is so damn good-looking!
(End of this chapter)

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