Chapter 81 Secret Meeting
After speaking, Penny left the box with a satisfied and happy smile.

In the huge private room, only Lu Shaoyan and Le Zhenghong were left.

Lu Shaoyan, who took off his black windbreaker and only wore a simple black shirt and trousers, looked even more personable and talented.

So much so that Le Zhenghong exaggeratedly said:

"Damn, it's no wonder that girl Petunia fell in love with you at first sight. Goodbye. If I were a woman, I would also like your style. Oh, that's not true. Even if I am a woman, I should be a woman with connotations. You can't be as superficial as that girl, Petunia, who only likes pretty..."

"Are you finished? Don't hurry up and get down to business."

Lu Shaoyan, who had just sat down, threw him a slap in the face angrily and amusingly.

"I'm serious, Shaoyan, in fact, how Penny treats you, we all know it in our eyes, and we know it in our hearts. You should express your opinion on how you treat her, don't delay her... ...By the way, do you dislike Penny's identity?"

In the middle of speaking, Le Zhenghong seemed to have figured out something, changed the subject, and asked gossip.

"Crazy, who doesn't know that Petunia doesn't sell her body here... She is so innocent and much cleaner than you!"

Lu Shaoyan frowned, but said confrontationally.

He naturally knew how Penny treated him.

However, even though he knew that Petunia was very nice, he still didn't feel like a man and a woman towards her.

What's more, he knows he can't give her a future, so why bother to provoke her and make her feel sad...

But now that even Le Zhenghong could see what Penny was thinking, Lu Shaoyan felt that it was necessary for him to have a talk with Penny, so he cut her off.

"Tch, you don't see yourself much better than me, and you haven't slept in a woman's nest every day for the past six months... Hey, the most uncomfortable thing is the beauty..."

Le Zhenghong shook his head and said that there are too many women who admire him, and it is difficult for him...

"Don't get cheap and act good. If you don't talk about the business, believe it or not, I will throw you out right now!"

Lu Shaoyan stretched himself and threw his whole body onto the couch, looking at him with a half-smile.

Le Zhenghong was so frightened by his eyes, he quickly sat up straight, took out a stack of thin documents from the briefcase he carried with him, and handed them to him:
"Just talk about business, don't keep looking at me like this, like a weasel seeing a chicken..."


Ignoring his jokes, Lu Shaoyan took the document he handed over and read it carefully.

Seeing his serious look, Le Zhenghong also began to look serious:

"Liu Mengqi, female, 22 years old. She just graduated from a foreign university in July this year. She is now working in the municipal government. She has a cheerful and lively personality, but she is a bit coquettish and domineering. Of course, this is what it should be. Who would let her father It's the mayor of our city A..."

"Also, is there anything about her hobbies?"

Hearing Le Zhenghong's talk over there, Lu Shaoyan simply put down the document in his hand, looked at him closely with a pair of eyes, and asked.

"There must be. Do you think I got such a little information after going abroad for more than half a month? Then I'm sorry for your air tickets and five-star hotel room fees... I learned from her old classmate, Liu Mengqi's favorite color is white, and she is obsessed with nonsense such as constellations and tarot cards. She worships heroes, and her favorite star is..."

"that's it?"

After listening to the information that Le Zhenghong had inquired about, Lu Shaoyan was still a little unsatisfied.

"Brother, I almost found out about her age and menstruation. Are you still not satisfied? Look, on the information, her height and weight measurements, including how many times she has been in love, who is the other party? I have printed it out for you in detail..."

Le Zhenghong said dissatisfied.

The half month of going abroad this time really exhausted him!

On the one hand, it is necessary to plan to run into Liu Mengqi's college friends, and to pretend to be casual and inquire about Liu Mengqi's specific situation.

On the other hand, you have to rack your brains to make your inquiry appear so natural and unobtrusive.

He betrayed his lust for his buddies, isn't he doing his duty enough?

Although this time, he is also very lucky...

"Okay, let's stop talking about Liu Mengqi for now. How is the connection with the Land Bureau?"

Seeing that there was really nothing more to ask about Liu Mengqi, Lu Shaoyan changed the subject and asked about the land grant.

The Lu Corporation is currently preparing to buy a piece of land in the east of the city as one of their supermarket chains, but that piece of land is extremely sought after due to geographical reasons, and now it is being eyed by several international consortiums.

In other words, the Lu family, who has always covered the sky with one hand in City A, had to be forced to bid with several other big consortiums to get the land this time.

"Director Liu is easy to communicate with. That person likes money and is easy to spend. It's Director Zhang who is mainly in charge of this bidding..."

The two were talking, when suddenly there were three rhythmic knocks on the door outside the box.

Judging by the signal, it should be that girl Petunia is back.

After all, in front of outsiders, she and Lu Shaoyan are "two people" staying in this box, and if she goes out for too long, it will easily make people suspicious.

So after ordering Petunia to come in, the two continued to discuss without seeing each other:

"The Director Zhang has been single all his life, has no wife and no children, is not greedy for money, and is not lecherous. Such a person is really difficult to deal with. If you can't find a breakthrough point, you can't pry him open..."

"Director Zhang? Is it that thin, serious-looking little old man from the Land and Resources Bureau?"

Just as Le Zhenghong was reporting the specific situation to Lu Shaoyan, Penny, who had put fruit plates and drinks on the table, suddenly raised her head and asked.

"Yes, that's him. Why, you know him?"

Le Zhenghong's words were unexpectedly interrupted, but he was not angry. Instead, he turned to look at Petunia in surprise.

"Well, I saw him quarreling with his colleagues last time here. So I have a little impression of him..."

Petunia nodded, and then sat down on the sofa.

"more specific."

Lu Shaoyan frowned, habitually touched the bridge of his nose with one hand, and pressed it gently...

"It seems that he was dragged here by his colleagues that time. As a result, the other party ordered a singing lady for him without authorization, but he got angry and yelled that his life's reputation would be ruined by his colleagues... Anyway, it's a pretty girl." A staid little old man, not easy to get along with."

(End of this chapter)

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