Chapter 136 Selling Mooncakes
Early the next morning, as soon as Lu Jiu woke up, she saw Mrs. Sun busy in the kitchen. There were several large wooden basins on the floor, filled with snowskin mooncakes and covered with a layer of crushed ice.

Lu Jiu yawned: "Sister-in-law San, are you working too hard?"

"Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle. Make it early, and you can go to the city to sell it." Sun shouted to the outside: "Master, hurry up and move these mooncakes to the donkey cart!"


Lu Sanqiu walked into the kitchen, picked up a big wooden basin, and said to Lu Jiu: "Jiumei, the third brother will take you to the county town today, you go and clean up first, we will set off right away!"

"Trouble third brother!"

Lu Jiu saw that he was so diligent, so she couldn't continue to be lazy.

She hurriedly washed up, and went to the county with Lu Sanqiu.

Before going out, Mrs. Sun also stuffed some cakes for Lu Jiu to eat on the way.

Lu Jiu took it over with a smile: "Thank you, sister-in-law San!"

"Third brother, eat cake!"

"Third brother is not hungry, you keep it for yourself."

Lu Jiu didn't want to talk too much with him, so she directly stuffed the cake into his hand, with a domineering expression on her face: "Eat!"

Lu Sanqiu looked at Lu Jiu, and then took a bite, his mouth was filled with the smell of meat, he looked down and found that there was still meat inside.

He suddenly didn't know whether he should eat it or not. If it was an ordinary pancake, he didn't have to be polite to his sister, but it was a meat pie.

However, looking at the meat pie that he had already taken a bite out of, he thought about it and ate it anyway.

After entering the county seat, Lu Jiu found a stall and peddled along the street.

"Mooncakes, the snowy mooncakes from the capital. They are fresh and delicious. I guarantee that they have never appeared in Qinghe County!"

Lu Jiu yelled, and attracted many passers-by. She lifted the white cloth on it, and brushed away the finely shattered thin ice, revealing the translucent snowy mooncake.

" is it translucent?"

"What a novel mooncake, how do you sell it?"

"it's beautiful!"

"However, I want to buy it too!"

Lu Jiu said directly: "Fifty big bucks for one piece, buy ten yuan and get one free."

"So expensive?"

Lu Jiu's asking price was so high that it not only frightened the pedestrians away, but even Lu Sanqiu couldn't help shivering.

He never thought that Lu Jiu would ask such a ruthless price!

You know, he ate two of yesterday's snowy mooncakes.

This took in a hundred big bucks?

"This is a novelty that came from the capital, and it doesn't even exist in the capital!" Lu Jiu said solemnly: "Look again, this is preserved with ice. It's not winter now, and ice is very expensive. You get what you pay for, I promise it’s worth it!”

Ice in ancient times was very expensive, one or two silver dollars.

Snowy mooncakes preserved in such expensive ice turned out to sell for a few bucks, and any fool knew there was something wrong.

So Lu Jiu took a compromise price.

"Everyone can try it first, and then decide whether to buy it or not."

Lu Jiu put a snowskin mooncake on a porcelain plate and cut it into ten pieces with a knife.

She knew that not everyone could afford this snowy mooncake, so she specially let those who were clean and decently dressed, had a good complexion, and were from wealthy families to taste it.

Sure enough, most of those who had tasted it bought some.

While loading the mooncakes, Lu Jiu said, "I declare in advance that this kind of snowy mooncakes are not easy to preserve, and can only be preserved for one hour at room temperature, but my snowy mooncakes are all iced, and they can be preserved for three or four hours, so everyone Try to buy as little as possible, don't waste it!"

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(End of this chapter)

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