Chapter 155 Monopoly Supply
"As long as there is no shortage of money, everything is easy to talk about."

Lu Jiu is very short of money now, and she wants to get the house out as soon as possible.

Originally, the family living in the second house was just right, but she never thought that the family would be separated in advance because of a small moon cake recipe.

She and the old lady couldn't fit in a second-grade house, but the task was a task, and she had to complete it.

It is autumn now, which is more suitable for building a house, and the decoration team has not left. After the vegetable greenhouse is completed, if it passes the inspection, let them continue to build the house, and it is best to move in before winter.

The Lu family's house is relatively simple, and spring and autumn are okay, but summer is warm and winter is cool, summer leaks rain, winter leaks wind, the old lady is old, and it is not suitable to live in this kind of house that can be called dilapidated.

Lu Jiu feels that her main task now is to make money!
"Sister, the snowy mooncakes you brought yesterday were sold out as soon as they were launched, and now many people are queuing up to want..."

Before Zhao Guanshi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Jiu: "Didn't the chefs of your Baiweilou come up with it?"

"Not yet." Speaking of this, Manager Zhao didn't feel embarrassed, and directly explained the purpose of his visit: "Not much to say, Baiweilou wants the recipe for snowy mooncakes. You can ask for a price, as long as it is not too much. Our Baiweilou can accept it."

Selling formula is indeed the fastest way to get money, especially Lu Jiu is short of money now, but the formula cannot be given.

Because there are many things on the formula that are not available in this world.

It's okay to coax an ignorant person like Mrs. Zhao, but Lu Jiu doesn't have the confidence to coax a knowledgeable chef.

The formula can't be sold yet, at least until she finds alternative ingredients.

"Guan Zhao, it's not that I don't want to sell it, it's just that I have some unavoidable difficulties, please forgive me!" Lu Jiu thought for a while and continued: "If you want these mooncakes, you can ask for them. If you don't want them, I will refund the deposit now. for you."

"Sister, what are you talking about? Formulas are the capital of your life. Most people are unlikely to sell formulas. The boss just asked me to test your tone. Since my sister doesn't want to sell, I don't force it. " Guanshi Zhao is still smiling, without the slightest look of anger: "But can we have a discussion..."

Lu Jiu is very talkative: "As long as it's not too much, you can say it." It's just that it's up to me to answer or not.

"Can this snowy mooncake be only for our Baiweilou family?"

It is autumn now, and the autumn tiger is still very powerful. Snowy mooncakes are a novelty. Because they are preserved in ice, they are very refreshing and very popular among diners.

The owner thought about buying the formula, but if he couldn't buy it, he would monopolize the supply and let Lu Jiu only provide it to their family.

Lu Jiu didn't speak, but Zhao Guanshi said carefully: "Sister, don't worry, our Baiweilou will not let you suffer."

"Then how much money do you plan to monopolize the supply of goods?"

As everyone knows, this move is exactly in Lu Jiu's arms. She is a person who doesn't like trouble very much. She only supplies goods to Baiweilou, which can save a lot of trouble, and she can't wait for it.

"100 taels, the same price!"

"Succeed, 100 taels is 100 taels!" Lu Jiu remembered a very serious matter again: "How much do you want as much as I give? Can you eat it?"

(End of this chapter)

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