Chapter 159 Koi Physique
Lu Jiu didn't even give him a look, and cupped her fists at Xu Zhiyuan: "Farewell!"

After the words fell, he turned around and left, and soon disappeared.

Xu Zhiyuan wanted to send Lu Jiu off but failed, because Fu Lanqing's current situation was very dangerous.

"Don't go!"

Fu Lanqing took out a white jade porcelain bottle from his sleeve pocket. He uncorked the bottle with trembling hands, but couldn't pour it out.

Xu Zhiyuan didn't care about Fu Lanqing's obsession with cleanliness, so he snatched the medicine bottle from his hand, poured two or three pills into his mouth, and gave him a glass of warm water.

After taking the medicine, Fu Lanqing's breath gradually stabilized, his complexion improved a lot, and his whole body had strength, so he pushed Xu Zhiyuan away and walked out.

"Lan Qing, where are you going?"

Xu Zhiyuan's anxious voice came from behind.

Fu Lanqing didn't speak, just jumped up to the roof.

He glanced around, found a familiar figure, and chased him directly.

Only a red afterimage remained in the air.

Xu Zhiyuan is just a literati, he doesn't know martial arts, let alone light kung fu, he took a look at Fu Yi: "Don't chase after him to see."

Only then did Fu Yi put down the food box belatedly, and went to chase Fu Lanqing.

After chasing all the way to the busy city, Fu Lanqing suddenly found that Lu Jiu was nowhere to be found.

He jumped off the roof and landed firmly on the ground.


A wailing sound suddenly sounded.

Fu Lanqing looked down and found a person stepped on under his feet.

As soon as he moved his foot away, he realized that this person was somewhat familiar.

Especially the mung bean-sized mole on the chin is particularly conspicuous.

So he stepped on it again.

The miserable scream resounded in my ears.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for someone to run over panting.

"My lord?" The policeman in plainclothes was taken aback the moment he saw Fu Lanqing, and then he saw the person at Fu Lanqing's feet and hugged his fists at Fu Lanqing: "My lord is really brave and invincible, and he personally arrested the Jiangyang thief!"

Fu Lanqing: "..." He wanted to catch Lu Jiu more than the Jiangyang thief.

Lu Jiu couldn't catch up, so Fu Lanqing could only go back to the county government office to settle the case as soon as possible.

Originally, the catchers changed into plain clothes as Lu Jiu said, but since catcher Liu had met Jiang Yang's thief, the purpose of the arrest was to let catcher Liu not participate in this operation, otherwise it would be easy to startle the snake.

But Captain Liu was afraid that the thief Jiang Yang would hurt his mother, so he insisted on participating in this operation. In the end, Captain Liu became confused because of his concern.

The head catcher and the rest of the guards hunted for two days before finally finding the whereabouts of Jiang Yang's bandit. Just as they were carrying out the hunting plan, Jiang Yang's bandit ran away again.

Speaking of which, he was also unlucky. It was not a good place to hide. He insisted on squatting under the wall, and he was almost trampled to death by Fu Lanqing.

Bandit Jiangyang was trampled on the spot by Fu Lanqing and broke eight ribs, directly losing his ability to move.

It's strange to say that a group of people worked so hard and failed to catch the prisoner, and even broke two arrests to go in, but Fu Lanqing was able to trample the escaped prisoner half to death after chasing everyone. This luck, no one else.

The male protagonist has a koi physique, which has something to do with his real identity. Lanqing is just his character, not his name, which will be revealed later.

Also, the main reason why the male lead is so delicate is because of the koi's physique. There is an old saying that if you want to get something, you have to lose something first, so the male lead's body is a bit weak.

The female protagonist is immune to beauty, which prevents the possibility of the male protagonist relying on beauty to ascend to the top position, so there is only one reason why he can ascend to the top position in the end, the county magistrate has a prosperous wife! !

(End of this chapter)

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