Chapter 189 His Past
"Don't think about it, there is no woman around me!" Fu Lanqing glanced at her and said angrily, "The clothes are new, no one has worn them."

Lu Jiu still looked at Fu Lanqing with her chin propped up, without saying a word.

Fu Lanqing felt terrified at the sight of her, so he had to tell the truth: "The clothes and jewelry are for my mother."

As soon as Lu Jiu heard that it belonged to his mother, no matter how unscrupulous Lu Jiu was, she would not accept it.

Just as Lu Jiu was about to speak, she saw that Fu Lanqing's mood suddenly became a little depressed, and her voice was also a little negative: "But, my mother passed away when I was five years old, and she jumped off the tower directly in front of me .”

Lu Jiu: "!!!"

"Before she died, she told me that she was sorry for me, but she wanted freedom more!" Fu Lanqing's voice was still low and deep: "I never blamed her, I can understand her, death is for her, It is not the end, but the freedom she has always yearned for!"

What he didn't say was that his mother had planned to jump off the tower with him in her arms, but at the last moment, this crazy woman woke up completely, left him, and jumped directly off the tower.

Lu Jiu doesn't know how to comfort others, so she can only spit out two words dryly: "My condolences."

"I hate the heartless person the most in my life!" Fu Lanqing's eyes suddenly became cold, with a horrifying coldness: "At the beginning, that man made a promise to my mother that he would be a couple for a lifetime, but after my mother When he was pregnant with Liujia, he betrayed my mother and had a secret marriage with another woman, causing my mother to mobilize her fetus and give birth to me early."

It is precisely because of the insufficient womb that he was born prematurely, so he has been weaker than ordinary people since he was a child, and he is very weak.

Fu Lanqing took a deep breath and continued: "Not only that, he also drove my mother crazy!"

Lu Jiu: "!!!" Isn't this too scumbag?
No wonder Fu Lanqing hates heartless people so much.

"My mother was born beautiful. If that man didn't lower my appearance, I would definitely inherit [-]% of my mother's beauty."

Lu Jiu: "..." I think you are no longer sad, but you still have time to be narcissistic!
Also, 18 years have passed, sadness is inevitable, but it is impossible to be immersed in sadness all the time.

"My mother was the most beautiful, and she liked clothes and jewelry the most, but since she went crazy, she didn't like to dress up, so every year on her birthday, I would personally design a set of clothes and jewelry, and seal it in a cage."

Fu Lanqing glanced at Lu Jiu, and couldn't help but said with a poisonous tongue: "I see that you are disheveled all day long, and you don't have a few clothes and jewelry that you can afford, so I gave you a few. As a girl, you should dress up well, anyway. It’s also dusty in a cage with me, so it’s better to give it to you, so as not to waste it!”

The last time I went to Lu Jiu's house, I saw that she was reluctant to eat and wear, and lived frugally in order to build a big house for her old mother. Fu Lanqing was touched by Lu Jiu's filial piety, so she thought about giving Lu Jiu some sets of clothes and jewelry Anyway, these clothes and jewelry are still dusty in his place, and they have been put down for so many years. Why not give them to Lu Jiu to help the poor, which is considered a good deed.

Lu Jiu originally wanted to pat him, but after thinking about it, forget it!
Originally, the determination to return the clothes was gone. Fu Lanqing even said that it would be a waste of dust to put it here with him, and he had accepted all the gifts in return. Why did he rush to return the gifts?
What's more, the clothes and jewelry are really beautiful, she is very fond of it.

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(End of this chapter)

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