Chapter 200

Lu Jiu touched her thigh... oh, she rubbed the bruises on her thigh very vigorously.

In her opinion, leaving such a large bruise on such a perfect thigh is really an eyesore.

"What are you doing?"

A weak voice came slowly.

In the end, Fu Lanqing still couldn't bear Lu Jiu's torment and woke up leisurely.

It really hurts, where it hurts the most, where she kneads, but the strength is amazing.

He really couldn't pretend anymore.

"Lu Jiu..." Fu Lanqing felt the coolness of his lower body, looked at Lu Jiu with a face of condemnation, and slapped him: "I didn't expect that you are such a person!"


"You, you, you can do things like taking advantage of others' dangers, what else can you not do!" That enchanting and beautiful face was dyed with a faint red tide, and there was no charm: "Go away, don't touch me!"

Don't look at Fu Lanqing who looks like a goblin, but he is still very innocent. His body has never been touched by anyone. Even if he applies the medicine, he does it by himself. Fu Yi will do it for places he can't see.

Most importantly, looking at the whole world, only Lu Jiu dared to punch him.

Lu Jiu looked innocent: "I'm just giving you medicine."

"Do you need to take off the medicine so clean?" The enchanting and beautiful innocent boy said angrily with a shy and timid face, "I see that you are clearly trying to take advantage of me!"


This time, Lu Jiu was really speechless.

But judging from this posture, it should be just taking it off and not putting it on, that's good, and it can save some trouble.

The pure county magistrate cast a sideways glance at the speechless woman, and said in a low voice, "Hurry up and bring me the shin coat."


Anyway, the medicine was almost ready, so Lu Jiu directly threw the shin coat to him.

"You..." There was a thin layer of powder on the tips of the ears, and the voice was full of shame and anger: "Turn around!"

Lu Jiu looked at the dark yellow medicinal wine in her hand, and went to wash her hands.

Leaving so simply made someone feel a little uncomfortable again.

But he didn't say anything, but took a moment to put on the shin coat.

The smell of medicinal wine is not very pleasant, but there is no way, who made him want to hug other girls' waists in the first place, and then he was treated as a disciple and taught a lesson!

Putting on his shoes, Fu Lanqing went out and saw Lu Jiu standing outside the door.

"Didn't you say there was going to be a calligraphy competition?" Fu Lanqing looked at Lu Jiu with her head lowered, and wanted to touch her head. He thought so, and he did the same: "Tell me the date, and I'll find someone to do it for you." , by the way, I will invite some calligraphy masters to comment on it for you... It hurts, let go!"

Before touching his head a few times, Fu Lanqing's hand was almost broken by Lu Jiu.

Lu Jiu's face was tense, and his whole body exuded hostility.

Can the boss's head be touched?
"There are fallen leaves on your head. I just pick them up for you. There is really no other meaning."

As soon as the words fell, a leaf fell on the top of Lu Jiu's head.

Lu Jiu touched his head, and sure enough, he touched a leaf.

She let go of Fu Lanqing's hand, with a serious face: "Don't touch my head, understand?"

Fu Lanqing looked aggrieved: "...Understood."

"As for the competition date, it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival."

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a good day for family unity, but it is only celebrated at night, and the county town is quite lively during the day.

Fu Lanqing rubbed her red palm and said hello.

(End of this chapter)

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