Chapter 214 Winemaking
On the eighth day of August, the weather was fine.

For Xingfeng Village, today is a good day.

The wild grapes and prickly pears in the back mountain are almost ripe, so Lizheng decided on the eighth day of the eighth day of the eighth lunar month, when two people from each household went to the back mountain to pick them.

Each household can get two or three catties at most, which is just for the children to eat sweets, and they can't make much money.

Lu Jiu once went to see the large area of ​​wild grapes and prickly pears, and they are indeed growing well. She plans to buy wild grapes and make wine.

In order to buy wild grapes, Lu Jiu deliberately got up early that day.

Lu Jiu deliberately exchanged a lot of copper plates, bought a steelyard, and set up a stall in a random place in the back mountain.

After the completion of the vegetable greenhouse, Lu Sidong took a break for the time being, and came here today to help Lu Jiu weigh himself.

Because the grapes grow in the wild, Lu Jiu's asking price is not very high, three dollars per catty, two or three catties for each household, which can almost buy a catty of meat.

Meat is more attractive than wild grapes.

So as soon as Lu Sidong yelled, the people in the village rushed to sell the wild grapes to Lu Jiu.

But Lu Jiu also has conditions. Those who are not good in appearance, those that have been pecked by birds, those that are rotten, and those that are crushed are not acceptable.

In the morning, Lu Jiu collected about 150 catties of wild grapes and a small basket of thorns.

After lunch, Lu Jiu started to make wine.

In order to see the fermentation status inside, Lu Jiu bought some glass bottles in the system mall. Fortunately, the glass bottles in the system mall are still cheap, not very expensive.

Glass will be used more and more in the future. It seems that it is very necessary for her to open a workshop as soon as possible to make glass.

After the glass bottles have been sterilized, the first step is the first fermentation.

For the first fermentation, the crushing method is very simple, just crush the grapes, just separate the skin and flesh, put the skin and seeds together, and fill it to two-thirds of the container, leaving the remaining space for fermentation There is room for the grape skins to rise.

Fermentation is the production of alcohol and carbon dioxide from the sugar in the grape skin juice through the action of yeast. The pre-fermentation process of red wine is mixed with the skin juice. There is yeast, so homemade wine can be fermented without additional yeast.

After working all afternoon, I put all the grapes into glass bottles, and waited a day or two to see how the fermentation progressed.

The next day, Lu Jiu began to recruit workers to build the house.

Because he wanted to live in it before winter, the construction period was very tight. Lu Jiu planned to invite the strong laborers in the village to do some hard work like preparations.

Lu Jiu asked Xia Ping'an that to dig the foundation, it would take twenty people to dig for three to five days.

Because she didn't know much about the people in the village, Lu Jiu asked Lu Sidong to help take charge of this matter, choose some practical and capable villagers, and never choose the kind of people who steal and play tricks.

Since it is not clear when the digging will be completed, the wages are paid daily, [-] yuan per person per day, including a meal.

Lu Sidong quickly recruited twenty people, all of whom were strong laborers from the village, practical and capable, and none of them were cheating or cheating.

In the afternoon, the foundation began to be dug.

The best temperature for wine fermentation is 15-25°C. The weather is just right now. Lu Jiu found that the liquid level was still calm yesterday. At this time, weak carbon dioxide bubbles have been produced, which means that the yeast has begun to multiply.

A heart finally fell into the stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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