Chapter 229
Speaking of this, Fu Lanqing said solemnly: "He is a plague god through and through. Whoever meets him will be unlucky. Do you know that I will hide from him in the future? I am doing this for your own good!"

Lu Jiu: "..." The person you are talking about is probably not a doctor, is he?
Even though he was very disgusted, Fu Lanqing dug some milky white ointment and applied it on Lu Jiu's wrist, and rubbed her wrist gently, like a gentle and considerate little daughter-in-law.

Lu Jiu felt quite comfortable, and her wrist was not as sore as before.

"You take this back, it loosens the meridians, it's very useful."

Fu Lanqing directly stuffed the box of ointment into Lu Jiu's hand.

Lu Jiu did not refuse: "Thank you."

Fu Lan cleaned her hands, hooked her fingers at Lu Jiu: "Come here."

Lu Jiu didn't move, I'll go if you let me go, why?
"Come here... I'll teach you a way to write without sore wrists."

Lu Jiu got up and ran over directly.

Fu Lanqing smiled captivatingly, bewitching all beings.

Lu Jiu picked up a pen and moved her wrist.

Fu Lanqing held Lu Jiu's hand and helped her adjust her pen holding posture.

Lu Jiu's back was directly against his cold chest.

Fu Lanqing looked down and saw that the girl in his arms, a small one, was almost huddled in his arms, which was inexplicably pleasing to the eye.

Her body was warm and soft, and exuded a faint fragrance, which was not at all the same as his body.

Soft fragrance and warm jade in the arms.

For some reason, such a sentence popped up in my mind.

Fu Lanqing looked at Lu Jiu with something strange inexplicably.

"is this OK?"

Lu Jiu's voice brought Fu Lanqing back to reality. He shook his head, held Lu Jiu's hand again, and said in a low voice, "No, it should be like this."

Just like that, Fu Lanqing held her right hand and wrote a letter.

The picture is beautiful and quiet, as beautiful as a painting.

Lu Jiu looked at the words written by her hand, and really couldn't believe that they were written by herself, so she laughed happily.

Li Dio smiled slightly, revealing two cute little canine teeth.


Fu Lanqing's heart was beating non-stop, and she looked at Lu Jiu intently, so... so cute.

But in Lu Jiu's eyes, it was a heart attack, and his eyes were dull and dull, which was a phenomenon of illness.

Lu Jiu quickly hugged Fu Lanqing up, put him on the soft couch, covered him with a brocade quilt, and shouted outside: "Fu Yi, Fu Yi, your master is sick!"

Fu Yi rushed in quickly and felt Fu Lanqing's pulse: "My heart beats faster, my eyes are dull..."

Fu Lanqing came to his senses and pushed Fu Yi away: "I'm fine."

He took a deep breath, suppressing the throbbing in his heart.

Maybe just had a heart attack.

When he was sick, his heart occasionally felt a little uncomfortable, and he even had difficulty breathing.

Fu Lanqing looked at Lu Jiu with a strange look that even he didn't notice, and suddenly said, "It's time for you to teach me."

"Okay." Lu Jiu remembered what happened to her, and with a sullen face, she asked very sternly, "Have you finished your homework?"

"It's finished."

Unlike Lu Jiu's fooling around, Fu Lanqing not only overfulfilled the task, but also passed the quality standard.

This class is a practice class, continue to practice perspective, draw polygons and other slightly complex objects.

In the afternoon, Lu Jiu was sent back to the village by Fu Lanqing with the class fee.

I have to say that this class fee is very easy to earn, and I also spent eight dishes and one soup.

 The male second came on stage, and the male protagonist confessed his love.

  The male lead used to have a crush on the female lead, but after the second male lead came on stage, he fell in love with her.

  Very soon, the male protagonist will get out of the misunderstanding, and start secretly hooking up with the female protagonist, starting a journey of secret love~
(End of this chapter)

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