Chapter 237 Visiting the door
In the early morning of the next day, Lu Jiu was about to sleep in, but someone always disturbed her rest.

First of all, Xu Zhiyuan sent his boy over to give the gift. The reason why he couldn't come in person was because he was still his host, so he could only let the boy come by.

In ancient times, people always rushed early rather than late, and usually visited in the morning.

Lu Jiu returned the gift and sent the boy out.

Before turning around, he saw a carriage approaching from afar.

Not long after, the carriage stopped at the gate of Lu's house.

The car curtain was lifted, revealing Xue Datong's elegant face.

Xue Datong got out of the car, bowed to Lu Jiu and said, "Miss Lu."

Lu Jiu didn't quite understand what Xue Datong was here for, but based on the basic courtesy of hospitality, he invited Xue Datong into the main room.

Unlike the down and out a few days ago, Xue Datong is now well-dressed and obviously made a lot of money.

"Shopkeeper Xue, this is..."

Seeing so many gifts piled up in the room, Lu Jiu was confused.

"Miss Lu is the great benefactor of our entire Ruyi Study!" Xue Datong's elegant face was full of excitement, and even his voice was a little excited: "You don't know that our Ruyi Study was originally crowded out by the opposite study. It’s about to close, if it wasn’t for Ms. Lu doing publicity for Xue, Ruyi Study would not have become the most prosperous study in Qinghe County, Ms. Lu saved our family, and Ms. Lu is also invited to be worshipped by Mr. Xue!”

With that said, he bowed directly to Lu Jiu.

How could Lu Jiu make him worship, and quickly stopped him: "What is the shopkeeper Xue talking about, you paid the advertising fee, and it is my duty to help you with publicity, you are serious!"

"Miss Lu also helped Xue to formulate a series of promotional activities. Not only did Xue sell the goods that had been overstocked for many years, but she even sold out the goods directly, so he had to close the store early!" Speaking of this, he He bowed to Lu Jiu, and said again and again: "Miss Lu's great kindness, Xue will always remember it in his heart, and he will never dare to forget each other in this life."

Originally, Xue Datong couldn't make up the advertising fee. He sold his family's property to make up 100 taels. His wife thought he was crazy and insisted on going back to her mother's house.

Later, it was the son who made peace in the middle, which made the wife change her mind, but let him sleep in the study all the time, and did not allow him to enter the room at all.

Later, Lu Jiu also formulated a series of promotional and price reduction activities for him. It was not enough to pay 100 taels, and now the price was reduced. When his wife heard about this, she had a big fight with him, and she insisted on fighting with him. And leave, he disagreed, the wife had to take the child back to her natal home.

However, no one expected that, instead of losing his fortune through advertising and price reductions, he made a lot of money. There are even several academies who want them to supply pens, inks, papers and inkstones for a long time. .

But in a few days, Ruyi Study has become the most popular study in Qinghe County. Even his wife did not make peace with him, but became much more docile. He has a successful career, his wife is virtuous and gentle, and his son even made it to the finals. , is simply a winner in life.

"Shopkeeper Xue is serious. It's normal for friends to help each other!"

At the beginning, the system issued a mission to find two advertising sponsors for the competition, but no one was willing to pay for it, and even said a lot of nasty words, which made Lu Jiu unable to get off the stage.

 Aww~ It's a new week, cast a vote, hello and me!

(End of this chapter)

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