Chapter 242 Sweepstakes
Lu Jiu smiled slightly: "As long as you like it!"

It now appears that even advertising fees are saved.

The two chatted briefly for a while, and did not end the conversation until the staff urged Xu Zhiyuan to take the stage.

Xu Zhiyuan had obviously put in real effort, and the hosting was decent. Even Lu Jiu, who had read Qianfan and watched countless variety shows, found it quite interesting.

The show soon came to commercial time. After Xu Zhiyuan finished the commercial, one of the judges also smiled and said, "This Fifth Treasure of the Study Room is really good. It can be written ten thousand times with clear water. It is economical and saves paper and ink. It is clean and hygienic. Environmentally friendly and efficient, the first time you use it, it looks as good as rice paper, and after a long time it will become fresher, and the effect will be wonderful."

This judge is the head of an academy in Qinghe County. He is over 60 years old this year and is very respected.

Ancient people also chased stars, especially this kind of mountain leader who is respected and has countless peaches and plums, is even more sought after by everyone.

Xu Zhiyuan said in a timely manner: "Calligraphy water writing cloth, Ruyi Study is the first sales point, the quantity is not large, hurry up and buy!"

Seeing that the audience was a little eager to move, and they seemed to leave immediately to buy water and writing cloth, Xu Zhiyuan smiled and said: "Ruyi Study will start selling after this competition is over. Don't worry, just concentrate on watching the competition and wait until the final decision is made." After the ranking, ten lucky viewers will be drawn to give away a piece of exquisite water writing cloth!"

As soon as they heard that there were still gifts to be given, the audience immediately suppressed their eagerness to move and concentrated on watching the game.

In addition to pens, inks, paper and inkstones, the competition prizes are water writing cloths. The higher the ranking, the more high-grade the water writing cloths.

It is impossible to give away money in this kind of calligraphy competition, because scholars have always regarded money as dung, noble and arrogant, so they can only give more elegant prizes.

Xue Datong's son is quite competitive, although he did not win the championship, but he got a good result of No.2.

"Now I announce that the first Qinghe County Calligraphy Competition has come to a successful conclusion!"

"The next step is the lottery."

The lottery was very simple and rude. Xu Zhiyuan asked someone to bring up a big box filled with receipts. He grabbed a handful, counted out ten, and read out all the seat numbers, and said directly: "Ten people please Lucky viewers go to the backstage to receive the award, they must hold the ticket stub, otherwise they will not be counted.”

The competition was a complete success, Lu Jiu invited everyone to a restaurant for a meal, and also paid some announcement fees by the way.

This competition did not make much money, the main purpose was to sell the water writing cloth.

In the end, there were only more than 100 taels of silver left.

The venue fee was paid by Fu Lanqing, and the judges' appearance fee was also paid by Fu Lanqing. If these expenses are also included, this competition is almost a loss-making business.

When Lu Jiu returned to Lu's house, the Sun family was preparing for the reunion dinner. Lu Sanqiu took the children to paste lanterns. Because of this condition, he was willing to buy some colored paper and make a lantern.

The door of the big room was tightly closed, and no one came out for a whole day.

According to Mrs. Sun, Lu Dachun came over licking his face, wanting to have a reunion dinner with the old lady, but was sent away by the old lady. Mrs. Zhao said a lot of nasty things, and then took Lu Dachun and a few children to I went to my natal family for the festival.

As soon as Lu Jiu heard about this, she immediately went to the old lady's room and found that the old lady was sighing.

I thought it would take a long time to coax, but just after Lu Jiu said a few words, the old lady put aside those troubles and chatted with Lu Jiu.

 Aww, begging for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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