Chapter 259
"It's nothing, I'm just kidding."

The matchmaker smiled and was full of hospitality.

Fu Lanqing turned cold directly: "Don't tell the truth, huh?"

The low and alluring voice made the matchmaker shudder violently.

Although the county magistrate is beautiful, his methods are also quite cruel.

The matchmaker didn't hold on for long before selling out Wang Yingying.

Nothing can be said to people.

Moreover, if this matter is revealed, it will only gain a good reputation.

The most important thing is that the county magistrate really can't afford to mess with him.

"Lin Wenyi's new wife, in order to make him feel better in prison, sold herself directly, and just finished the reconciliation and divorce procedures." Speaking of this, the matchmaker's face was filled with righteous indignation: "Master County Magistrate, how can you say that in the world? With scum like Lin Wenyi, it doesn't count if he harmed Miss Lu, but now he has harmed another woman!"

Wang Yingying was very smart. She told Lin Wenyi that she sold herself to save him, but she told the matchmaker that she sold herself only to make Lin Wenyi feel better in prison.

Because the relationship between Fu Lanqing and Xu Zhiyuan was so good, if Wang Yingying said that she sold herself to save Lin Wenyi from prison, this statement would not stand up to scrutiny at all and was full of loopholes.

Fu Lanqing was a little surprised when he heard this.

Little is known about this woman.

But I still know the Wang family well.

The Wang family has a pastry shop in the county town and a two-story house. The Wang family is very loved by his parents and elder brothers. If he really loves Lin Wenyi more than Jin Jian, he can use money to atone for Lin Wenyi. Why sell himself? Let Lin Wenyi live better in prison?
Fu Lanqing just laughed it off and didn't delve into it.

He would not put his mind on such irrelevant people.

Fu Lanqing adjusted her clothes lightly, and was about to step in when she bumped into someone head-on.

Xu Zhiyuan was dressed in a dark short jacket, which was very different from ordinary literati's attire. He looked tall and neat.

"Lan Qing."


Fu Lanqing looked at Xu Zhiyuan's attire and was a little curious: "Are you going hunting?"

But on second thought, something was wrong.

A Yuan is a very kind man, and he has always disliked such harmful behaviors as hunting.

"No." Xu Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Miss Lu's vegetable greenhouse is planting seedlings today, and I want to help."

When Fu Lanqing heard the words, alarm bells rang in his heart.

What trick did that woman Lu Jiu use to make A Yuan miss her so much.

No, he must prevent the two from continuing to contact!
"Let me tell you, the village is very dirty, there are animal feces everywhere, and the road is rough. You'd better not go, how about I accompany you on a boat tour?"

Looking at the nervous Fu Lanqing, Xu Zhiyuan was very surprised: "Have you been there?"


Fu Lanqing didn't want to admit it.

Before he could answer, Xu Zhiyuan said in confusion, "Lan Qing, you have a cleanliness habit, but I don't."

Fu Lanqing: "..."

"Besides, animal manure is farmyard manure. Last time Miss Lu spent money to buy a lot of Yexiang."


Fu Lanqing almost spit out when he heard the words.

"Fu Yi, quickly help your master to take a bath and change clothes." Xu Zhiyuan looked at the sky, and said directly: "I'm in a hurry, so I'm leaving first!"

"No!" Fu Lanqing grabbed Xu Zhiyuan's arm and said directly, "I'll go with you!"

"Your body..."

"I'm fine." Fu Lanqing straightened her back: "That's it, I'll go with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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