Chapter 267
After laying the groundwork for so long, he kept mentioning the senior brother, not only because the senior senior brother is the master's deadly enemy, but also because there is no one else in the world who can be compared to the master, except the senior senior brother.

The master has always lived in seclusion and has many identities. Although some identities are famous, they are far less famous than the big brother.

Now that she can stand shoulder to shoulder with her elder brother, Miss Lu should fall in love with her master even more.

Fu Yi thought to himself, he praised his master so highly, if he let the master know, he would definitely give him a monthly salary increase.

However, in fact, if Fu Lanqing knew that he slandered Ci Jing frantically in front of Lu Jiu, and his subordinate, the most loyal subordinate, would justify Ci Jing's name, I don't know if Fu Yiling would be executed later.

The most important thing is that Lu Jiu is a visitor from outside the sky, and he doesn't know this person at all, and he doesn't even have the memory of the original owner.

Fu Yi really did something bad this time with good intentions.

It ruined Fu Lanqing's good deed.

Lu Jiu was silent for a while, still a little unbelievable, she felt that she could still be rescued: "Isn't your master a clean freak? Ginseng grows in the ground, and the act of digging ginseng is very dirty. Fu Lanqing's vixen who is obsessed with cleanliness will definitely not dig ginseng, you are Fu Lanqing's subordinate, you must be facing him, you want to avenge Fu Lanqing, so you said that on purpose, right?"

"No." Fu Yi put his three fingers together, with a serious face: "I swear, what I said just now is true, and there is absolutely no falsehood!"

Lu Jiu put on a tight face: "I not only allow you to have half a lie, but also two or three sentences!" As long as you tell me, that person is not a vixen, but you are just kidding me.

Qian Qian: "If he teases you, can't he be beaten?"

Lu Jiu thought for a while and said, "I can do it lightly."

Qian Qian: "..."

Fu Yi felt a little helpless: "Some things can be made exceptions."

"for example?"

"For example, you can't do things that your rival can do, and you are even ridiculed as inferior to your rival. Do you think face is more important than cleanliness?"

Lu Jiu thought about it seriously: "Eating is the most important thing."

Fu Yi: "..."

When Fu Lanqing competed with Ci Jing back then, the competition was to dig ginseng.

In the end, Fu Lanqing won.

The two entered the same valley to dig ginseng for three days.

As soon as Ci Jing entered the valley, he began to observe the terrain to find references.

When Fu Lanqing entered the valley, he was not in a hurry to find ginseng. He was in poor health and wanted to find a place to rest. As soon as he found a clean place, he trampled on a ginseng leaf. He was about to change his shoes when he realized that this was the ginseng leaf. ginseng.

Competitiveness overshadowed cleanliness, and Fu Lanqing dug up a thousand-year-old ginseng.

Things like thousand-year-old ginseng can be encountered but not sought after. No, it should be difficult to encounter.

It is very likely that in a mountain, there is not even a single ginseng that is more than a hundred years old, let alone a ginseng that is more than a thousand years old.

But Fu Lanqing was lucky, he didn't need to look for it at all, he dug directly, and after a day and a night of digging, he dug out the ginseng.

But Ci Jing wandered around the whole valley, and finally only found a 50-year-old ginseng.

The final result was obvious, of course Fu Lanqing won.

But because ginseng is cold-resistant and likes to grow in a cold environment, the night is dark and dew is heavy, and he has always been sick and delicate. He fainted as soon as he dug out the ginseng and stored it.

(End of this chapter)

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