Chapter 309

Lu Jiu didn't care, "Have you ever seen someone wearing clothes while sleeping?"

She always liked to sleep naked, but in the conservative ancient times, she could only put on pajamas as the next best thing.

Fu Lanqing opened her mouth, but said nothing.

"Bring me the clothes."

"it is good."

Fu Lanqing looked at the clothes scattered on the ground.

Although the ground wasn't dirty and there were carpets, he just felt dirty.

After thinking about it, he went to get a women's dress.

Or his mother.

Lu Jiu took the clothes and thanked him: "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Fu Lanqing turned around, said "I'll wait for you outside!", and left the room directly.

It took Lu Jiu a long time to put on the clothes before she managed to put them on.

"come in."

The next second, Fu Lanqing came in with a meal.

Seeing that Lu Jiu was about to get out of bed, she quickly stepped forward to stop her, and pressed her on the bed: "Don't move around, you need to rest in bed now!"

Lu Jiu was dumbfounded, it was just a cold, is it necessary?
But the sisters also care about her.

Lu Jiu didn't reject Fu Lanqing's kindness, he didn't move when he was obedient, and he never admitted that he was lazy.

Fu Lanqing filled a bowl of soup and handed it to Lu Jiu with a gentle voice: "Drink a bowl of soup first to nourish your body."

The nutrition of pregnant women must be sufficient, after all, two mouths are eating.

"I'll do it myself."

If you don't get out of bed, don't get out of bed. It's okay to eat something.

But Fu Lanqing still refused: "No, you are not in good health now, and someone must take care of you."

"Then you don't have to serve me yourself, can you just find someone to serve me?"

You are like this, I am very psychologically stressed, sisters!
"No!" Fu Lanqing still refused: "There are no maids in my house."


Lu Jiu was completely defeated.

Fu Lanqing fed Lu Jiu a mouthful of soup, and asked, "How does it taste?"

"It's delicious."

"Do you still want to throw up?"

I heard that pregnant women always can't eat anything for several months and always feel like vomiting. This is called embarrassment.

Fu Lanqing thought for a while, and then asked, "Shall I prepare some grapes and pomegranates for you?"

Pregnant women like to eat things like sour gluconate and pomegranate.

"Don't be so troublesome."

Lu Jiu shook his head, expressing that he didn't want to vomit anymore, took the soup bowl and drank it down.

Seeing that Lu Jiu's appetite seemed to have improved, Fu Lanqing finally breathed a sigh of relief and continued to feed Lu Jiu.

But Lu Jiu thinks that he is slow to feed, so he always eats by himself.

After a meal, there is still some time before dark.

Fu Lanqing asked again: "Can I get out of bed now? I'll go out with you for a walk. "

Pregnant women do not eat and sleep, and live a life of raising pigs after sleeping and eating.

It also requires exercise.

Proper exercise aids in production.

This is backward in ancient times, and it is not a modern age where you can play games or play mobile phones. Lu Jiu is not sleepy now, and it is not the same thing to stay in the room all the time. She agreed without the slightest hesitation: "Alright."

Lu Jiu bent over to put on her shoes, but Fu Lanqing was very nervous, for fear that she would crush the child: "Be careful!"

"What can I do."

Lu Jiu quickly put on her shoes and smiled at Fu Lanqing.

Fu Lanqing was relieved to see that Lu Jiu's expression was normal, as if he didn't seem to have something to do.

"Come on, I'll help you out for a walk."

Fu Lanqing gently helped Lu Jiu up, and used his arms to protect her lower back, for fear that Lu Jiu would do something too violent, so she would move her fetus.

 Really baby, there will be~
(End of this chapter)

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