Chapter 311 His Panic
No matter how important children are, they are not as important as adults.

Fu Lanqing was very worried. Although he had sent a letter to Fu Yi, Fu Yi was far away from Qinghe County, and he might not be able to come back for a while.

In desperation, Fu Lanqing could only give Lu Jiu medicine.

Fu Lanqing sent Fu Er to the medical clinic to get the cold medicine.

But after eating for two consecutive days, Lu Jiu still didn't show any signs of improvement, and his condition worsened instead.

Fu Lanqing lost his temper: "What kind of medicine did you let the quack doctor catch? It can't even cure a cold. This is not curing the disease to save people, it is clearly a quack doctor harming people!"

Fu You bowed her head obediently and listened to the training.

"Seal the clinic for me!" Fu Lanqing ordered directly: "All the doctors in the clinic will be put in jail!"

Because Fu You knew that Fu Lanqing's deadly opponent was Ci Jing, she didn't go to Jishi Medical Clinic to get medicine, but went to another prestigious medical clinic, but unexpectedly, she ran into a quack doctor!
"Subordinates take orders."

Fu Yi was about to leave, but was stopped by Fu Lanqing: "Where is Fu Yi?"

"Sir, Fu Yi will arrive in Qinghe County in at most three days."

"Three days is too late!" Looking at Lu Jiu, whose face was as pale as paper, lingering on the sick bed, Fu Lanqing only felt a throbbing pain in his heart, and directly ordered: "Send a letter to Fu Yi, if you can't come back tomorrow, don't come back in the future!"


Fu You quickly retreated.

Lu Jiu is now groggy, and most of them are in a coma.

Every time I open my eyes, I can see a pair of peach blossom eyes full of worry.

Ladies are so kind!
"Fu Lanqing..." Lu Jiu felt that it was difficult for her to breathe, and it was even more difficult to speak: "Am I going to die?"

"No, don't talk nonsense!"

Fu Lanqing is very depressed now, and he is very scared now.

Scared like never before.

Even if he saw his mother jumping from the tower with his own eyes, he was never so scared as he is now.

Fu Lanqing posted a notice offering a reward of [-] taels of gold for Lu Jiu's treatment.

At the beginning, it attracted many doctors to come for consultation.

But the results were mixed.

Some people said that Lu Jiu just contracted a cold.

Some people said that Lu Jiu had an incurable disease.

Some people said that Lu Jiu had an infectious disease and asked Fu Lanqing to prepare for the funeral as soon as possible.

The words "preparing for the funeral" directly angered Fu Lanqing.

Fu Lanqing beat up the quack doctor and threw him out.

I don't know if Fu Lanqing cares about chaos or something, he only cares about Lu Jiu's body, and has long since left the "child" out of the blue.

Fu Lanqing didn't ask, and the doctors didn't mention it, because Lu Jiu wasn't pregnant at all.

Just when Fu Lanqing was about to be overwhelmed by panic, Fu Yi finally arrived late.

"Subordinates see..."

Before Fu Yi saluted, Fu Lanqing said directly: "It's so critical, and you still pay attention to what these vain rituals are for, come here and show her, what's wrong with you?"


Fu Yi cupped his hands at Fu Lanqing, then walked to the bed, opened the curtain, and saw Lu Jiu with a pale face.

"What are you still doing?" Fu Lanqing said eagerly, "Get her pulse quickly!"

"Master, Qihuang pays attention to seeing, hearing, asking..."

"I don't care about this!" Fu Lanqing was burning with anxiety: "I just need you to cure me and give me back a lively Lu Jiu, otherwise, come and see me!"

At this moment, Fu Lanqing even had a killing intent.

Anyone who can't cure Lu Jiu is a quack doctor and deserves to die!

 Now the system supervision is too strict, the "fragrant picture" updated yesterday is now only "picture"~
(End of this chapter)

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