Chapter 314 Coexisting in the same room

Fu Yi is a little helpless now, and he doesn't know who he should save first.

One is the master, and the other is the mistress & little master.

The minority obeys the majority, and Fu Yi resolutely saves Lu Jiu first.

Of course, this is also an order from the master.

As a subordinate, it is natural to carry out orders.

Lu Jiu's illness is also curable, but it was only caused by a cold at first.

But now the common medicine for treating wind-cold is not curable, and the medicine must be changed. This is just a small county town, where can there be any good doctors, and the real good doctors are all in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors.

Even the imperial physicians in the palaces of various countries are disciples of the Miracle Doctor Valley. The imperial physicians are different from the imperial physicians. The imperial physicians can treat the empresses in the palace, and they can also treat the eunuchs and maids, but the imperial physicians only treat the emperor.

The disciples of the genius doctor Guwaimen are all the targets of crazy wooing from all over the world, whether they are in the palace or outside the palace, they are all famous Xinglin masters.

Fu Yi was also a disciple who almost entered the inner sect at the beginning, and his medical skills were no worse than those of the inner sect disciples, otherwise, he would not have served by Fu Lanqing's side.

Prescribing medicines, decocting medicines does not require Fu Yi to do it himself.

Fu Yi began to check Fu Lanqing's injuries. Although he was beaten half to death, his life was not in danger.

This is also a blessing in misfortune.

As soon as Fu Yi walked in with the boiled medicine, Lu Jiu was awakened by the smoke.

Lu Jiu, who woke up leisurely, saw a vixen lying next to her, and was about to explode with anger: "I don't want to be in the same ward with him, change the room for me, I want a single ward!"

Lu Jiu was afraid that if she looked more at Fu Lanqing, she would strangle him to death.

Will the magistrate of the fucking county even sit down?

Simply out of sight.

"Change, change later!" Fu Yi was also afraid that Lu Jiu would kill Fu Lanqing while he was not paying attention, so he quickly said: "Miss Lu drinks the medicine first, and after drinking, my subordinates will change rooms for Miss Lu."

"No, I'll change it now!" Lu Jiu lost her temper: "If I don't change the ward, I won't take the medicine!"

Fu Yi, one head and two older, persuaded helplessly, "But this medicine must be taken while it's hot, so that it can heal quickly."

Lu Jiu refused with a face: "I won't drink until I change the ward!"

"Okay, okay, change now!" Fu Yi suddenly thought of a question: "Can Miss Lu walk now?"


She even struggles to speak now, it's all because of the fox spirit!
"Then how do you change rooms?"

"Does this need to be considered?" Lu Jiu said directly, "Help me up."

Fu Yi, on the other hand, had a frightened expression on his face: " way!"

Lu Jiu was speechless: "I won't hit you."

"It's not a question of whether to hit me or not." Fu Yi took a few steps back, a little further away from Lu Jiu: "Whether a man or a woman should kiss or not."

He didn't give up his pulse, and he had to wear a handkerchief. If he let the master know that he helped Miss Lu, he might tear his heart apart, right?

Lu Jiu pointed to Fu Lanqing with disgust on his face: "Since you won't help me, then get him away!"

Fu Yi thought for a while, but still refused: "Master is seriously injured, it's not suitable to move."

This is not allowed, and neither is that.

What can be done?
Lu Jiu is very irritable now.

But people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads.

He could only continue to share the same room and bed with Fu Lanqing.

"Miss Lu, it's time for you to drink your medicine!"

Lu Jiu looked at the bowl of black soup, her brows and nose were wrinkled, and she asked with some lingering fear: "Are you sure, there is no problem taking this medicine?"

(End of this chapter)

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