Chapter 337 Jiufu Brand
However, Lu Jiu just stayed at home honestly for two days before starting to prepare for the opening of the duck shop.

Because it takes time to make a plaque, the name of the signboard must be drawn up in advance, and someone who can write well should be found to write it.

There is no way, this is ancient times, not now, the words on the signboard are synthesized by computer and it is OK!
Whether it's Fu Lanqing or Xu Zhiyuan, their handwriting is very good, anyway, it's much better than Lu Jiu's Goupai handwriting.

Lu Jiu planned to ask Fu Lanqing to help with the inscription.

Now the main thing is to discuss the name of the signboard with Qian Qian.

Be sure to choose a catchy name.

It is easy to understand and easy to remember.

The most important thing is that this name is not only a signboard name, but also the name of Lu Jiu's future business empire and a brand, so it must be chosen carefully and not be vague.

Lu Jiu chose the name Fei, so he didn't bother to think about it, so he said directly: "Then Lu Jiu is fine, Liuliu Dashun, for a long time, what a good omen!"

"What are you talking about?" Qianqian couldn't complain: "Are you so lazy?"

It's okay to be lazy normally, but is it possible to be lazy at this critical moment?

Lu Jiu was serious: "I think my name is pretty good."

"I don't think so."

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think!"

Lu Jiu had a domineering face.

Qian Qian simply broke the can and said, "Then you might as well just use Lu Ji."

"How can it work?" Lu Jiu said solemnly: "There are so many Lu Ji in the world, who knows who is who, I don't want to use the name of this rotten street."

"Then you should think about it carefully, think slowly, and don't think about the kind of repetition rate that is too high."

"Emmm..." Lu Jiu thought for a while, and then said, "Stay for a long time?"

Qian Qian: "..."


"Nine nine nine?"

"Okay come again?"

"Fortune arrived?"

"Lu Jiuqian?"


Qian Qian was completely shut up by Lu Jiu.

Lu Jiuqian?
Why don't you tell the cheater?
Lu Jiu said a dozen or so names in a row, one was worse than the other, she called out to Qian Qian: "Qian Qian, you choose one!"

Qian Qian: "..." How do you let me choose?
Qian Qian didn't speak, and Lu Jiu seemed to realize that he really didn't have much talent in naming, so he could only entrust this great task to Qian Qian.

Lu Jiu couldn't refuse: "Qianqian, think of a name for me!"

Since you dislike the name I chose, then choose it yourself!
╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮

Qian Qian thought for a moment, and said directly: "Then nine blessings will be good, good fortune will last for a long time, and the omen is also good."

Most importantly, the name of the son of luck is hidden inside.

With the name of the son of luck, coupled with the personal nomination of the son of luck, the business must be prosperous and the financial resources will be abundant.

Lu Jiu thought about it, and although she felt that it was similar to the ones she took, they were very catchy.

Not bad!

In the future, the signboard "Jiufu" will be used.

"Then it's called 'Jiufu Duck Shop'!"

Qian Qian corrected her solemnly: "Jiu Fu Quan Duck Shop!"

"Okay, okay, the whole duck shop is the whole duck shop."

Anyway, a duck is not wasted anywhere, it can be eaten anywhere, and more eating methods can be added in the future, which can be regarded as a whole duck shop.

After finalizing the name of the signboard, Lu Jiu went directly to the county seat and asked Fu Lanqing to inscribe it for her, and then went to order the signboard, trying to make it before opening.

On the opening day, Lu Jiu deliberately found an auspicious day, September [-]th, when the market should open.

(End of this chapter)

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