Chapter 339 Brand Only
Lu Jiu picked up the seal on the ground and began to observe it.

It's made of jade, it's nice to the touch, and it looks like an animal.

Can't tell what animal it is.

The overall color of the seal is also gold and jade. The animal has scales, but it is not a dragon, but a bit like a tiger or leopard. In short, it is a very strange animal.

Seeing Lu Jiu pick up the seal, Fu Lanqing realized something belatedly.

—He might have lost something wrong.

But he can't grab the things in Lu Jiu's hands, that would make him look guilty.

Fortunately, Lu Jiu just took a look at it, then handed the seal to Fu Lanqing, and asked very understandingly: "Did you stamp the wrong seal?"

Fu Lanqing nodded in embarrassment, but it's not that she made a wrong stamp!

Don't you usually use his private seal?

This seal is not in this place at all, it has been placed in a corner.

Fu Lanqing figured it out after a little thought. It must be that piece of trash Fu You who stamped this seal when he wrote the official document. He didn't put the seal in the corner again, but put it in the cabinet. Look, he picked it up and stamped it, which made him stamp the wrong chapter.

Fu You in the front yard suddenly sneezed.

"I... I will write to you again."

Fu Lanqing put away the hot... seal and sat down at the desk.

Using the cover of the desk, he used his internal force to turn the rice paper in his sleeve pocket into powder.

Without making a sound, the powder slowly fell from his hand to the ground.

Fu Lanqing held her breath and rewrote five big characters.

His characters do not belong to any genre, are unique and have their own strength of character.

Even a layman like Lu Jiu thought it was super pretty.

After finishing writing, Fu Lanqing opened the cabinet and picked up a seal.

He looked at it, and it was indeed his private seal.

The private seal is his character, Lan Qing.

Fu Lanqing stamped the seal, and then said to Lu Jiu, "I'm worried about what gift to give you, why don't I give you a plaque?"

Lu Jiu was about to say no, but Qian Qian made her agree.

There are cheap but not the bastard!

Lu Jiu thought it was the same reason, but didn't say anything, and directly agreed: "Okay, just save me some money."

Qian Qian has been stealing music, the name of the store has the name of the son of luck, the characters are inscribed by the son of luck, and even the plaque is made by the son of luck, so it is not issued this time?
Although it is impossible for the son of luck to do it himself, the style of the plaque needs to be selected by the son of luck.

Little money fan!
Fu Lanqing curled her lips into a smile, charming all living beings.

The two were chatting, and happened to be talking about court rewards.

Lu Jiu suddenly said: "I don't want that court award anymore, I want to change it."

"What do you want to replace it with?"

"I want two words."

"What word?"

"The word 'Jiufu' belongs to me only, no one can use it!"

Lu Jiu thought very clearly that there were no trademarks in ancient times, and they were not protected by the law. If her Jiufu brand became popular, many Jiufu would emerge and deceive consumers in her name.

Therefore, she must take precautions to prevent this phenomenon from happening.

She doesn't need any court awards, she only wants these two words.

Lu Jiu thought for a while, and added: "If the court is unwilling, I can give up the reward money. I only need these two words, and these two words can only belong to me!"

 Four more!
  A total of eight chapters, all updated.

  So tired.

(End of this chapter)

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