Chapter 342 Admission Passed
"very good."

Lu Jiu is very satisfied with Qi Sheng, this person can read words and demeanor, and has the experience of being a store manager, so he is indeed the best candidate to be the store manager.

However, this will be discussed later.

"Mr. Qi is right. If you are in the catering business, you must first ensure cleanliness. As long as the food is clean and hygienic, you will not worry about no one buying it." Lu Jiu glanced at everyone, and then said: "Unkempt, unwashed face, unclean hands people, you can leave now."

Five boys, you look at me, I look at you, and in the end there are only two people left.

Lu Jiu said again: "Are they all literate?"

The two interviewing store managers are naturally literate, not only literate, but also able to calculate accounts.

In a small workshop like Lu Jiu, the store manager and the accountant are the same person.

Of the remaining two young men, only one could read and write, and the rest could not.

"The shop is a bit dirty, can I trouble you to clean it up?"

The young man who couldn't read was the first to move, then Qi Sheng, and then the young man who could read. As for the middle-aged man interviewing the store manager, he didn't even move.

Lu Jiu took all their actions into his eyes. The young man who could not read was very quick at work, and he was also the best one. He cleaned very well. Obviously, he often did this kind of work. Qi Sheng must have never done this kind of work before, and he couldn't even sweep the ground clean.

After a quarter of an hour, Lu Jiu called to stop.

The young man who couldn't read put the broom back to its original place, and Qi Sheng did the same. As for the young man who could read, he just left the broom in the same place.

Lu Jiu's mind was roughly clear, she looked at the middle-aged man, and said directly: "I'm sorry, you failed my interview."

The middle-aged man was clear in his heart, but was rejected by a little girl, and his face was somewhat unbearable, and he snorted coldly: "I just don't want to do it!"

After speaking, he shook his sleeves and left.

Lu Jiu didn't care, and didn't take it seriously at all.

"First of all, congratulations, Mr. Qi, you have passed my interview." Lu Jiu paused for a second, and then said: "However, you need to work as a clerk in my store for seven days. During this period, you are not the store manager. Would you like to work as a store clerk and also as a store manager?"

Qi Sheng thought for a moment, then nodded: "I am willing."

"Very well, you can sit down, and we will talk about wages later."


Qi Sheng heaved a sigh of relief. He had been unemployed for half a month. During the autumn planting season, he helped his family with the work for a few days. He really couldn't bear the life in the country, so he still wanted to find work in the city.

Lu Jiu looked at the two young men and asked some simple addition and subtraction arithmetic questions, as well as checking the scales and memory, all of which were tested over and over again.

To be honest, two people are just as good as each other.

emmm In ancient times, it was all hexadecimal, and half a catty was eight taels.

It has to be said that a person's first impression is very important.

Lu Jiu looked at the young man who couldn't read, and asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Gousheng."

Pfft... What a fresh and refined name.

Lu Jiu still maintained a cold and forceful style: "Congratulations, you have also been admitted!"

Gou Sheng was overjoyed, he never thought that he would be admitted, he bent over and saluted: "Thank you Miss Lu."

"No need to be polite."

Gou Sheng was admitted, and the other young man was dissatisfied: "Why, I can read and write."

(End of this chapter)

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