Chapter 348 Distributing Leaflets
After hanging up this signboard, it feels like the whole store is flourishing.

The gold characters on the black background, with a bit of nobility flowing in the thick, directly raised the grade of the duck shop.

Seeing Lu Jiu's satisfied expression, Fu You finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Miss Lu, master really likes the roast duck in your shop, I wonder if I can..."

Before Fu You finished speaking, Lu Jiu said, "I'll bring you a few later, and you can try it too."

"Thank you Miss Lu."

Fu You didn't expect that she still had her share.

No matter who it was for, in the end it was Miss Lu who took the initiative to give it to the master, never saying that she took it on her own initiative.

Although Fu Lanqing said that he didn't like Lu Jiu, the authorities were fascinated by the bystanders. Fu You still felt that his master had Miss Lu in his heart, but he refused to admit it!

"What's this thing?" Lu Jiu said again: "In addition to roast duck, there are Jiujiu Duck and Zhou Hei Duck in the store. I will take it back for you and let your master try it."

Fu You complained endlessly in his heart, except for the roast duck being eaten by his master, the other two kinds went into the stomachs of their secret guards. Some of them were not too good at spicy food, so they had to go to the toilet several times a day, even though their hearts were fast. Crying out, but she responded with a smile on her face: "Miss Lao Lu is here!"

Lu Jiu hummed, and suddenly asked, "Can you write?"


For some reason, Fu You suddenly had a very bad premonition.

"Great!" Lu Jiu asked excitedly, "Then can you do me a favor?"

Fu You subconsciously wanted to refuse, but his strong desire to survive still made him smile and said: "Miss, just give orders, and the subordinates will definitely do their best!"

"Very good." Lu Jiu took out a large stack of paper and said to Fu Er, "Write a few words for me, okay?"

"It's that simple?"

Fu Er didn't quite believe it.

"It's that simple!" Lu Jiu took out a piece of paper and said with a smile, "Just write it like this!"

Fu You glanced at the paper, there were a few lines written on it.

After reading it for a long time, I could probably see what these lines of words said.

Lu Jiu's calligraphy is still a bit difficult.

——Jiufu Whole Duck Store opened on September [-]th, with free tasting and limited purchases, so hurry up if you want to buy.

——With this leaflet, you can get a beautiful little gift.

There are some discount promotions in the back. Anyone who spends a lot of money in this store can choose a discount or a free glass.

There is also a lottery, one hundred customers will draw a free order, and there is no cap.

In addition to these, there is a mouth-watering roast duck on the picture, and the address is on the bottom line.

Fu You flipped through the papers, only to find that there were no words but pictures.

"Come here and help me write."

Fu You greeted her subordinates and helped them write.

The handwriting they wrote, if you just take it out, it is better than Lu Jiu's dog crawling handwriting.

Lu Jiu only intends to distribute one hundred copies of the leaflet.

One hundred copies were written very quickly. Fu You thought she was relieved, but then she heard Lu Jiu say: "Fu You, can you help me distribute the leaflets?"

Fu You: "..." I knew it was like this!

If he could, he really wanted to say no.

But can it?
Fu You took a deep breath and smiled, "I would like to serve Miss Lu."

The glass factory has recently made a lot of glasses, which have already been shipped to the store.

Lu Jiu took out two glasses, then closed the store door, and took all the employees to distribute leaflets.

(End of this chapter)

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