Chapter 350 The Hype
"Good good!!"

Fu You wanted to say something, but was drowned out by the crowd's "yes" and applause.

"Girl, you haven't said yet, what kind of shop is this?"

"That's right, I'll hold a show at that time!"

"We sell roast ducks." Because only roast ducks appeared in ancient times, Lu Jiu didn't introduce the other two, and it won't be too late to introduce them after a free trial on the opening day. She then said: "Our shop is called 'Nine Fuquan Duck Restaurant' will open on September [-]th. After the show, there will be a free food tasting event. You can eat it before you buy it.

Fu You has also accepted this fact, and hastened to help Lu Jiu do publicity, so that he can claim credit in front of Fu Lanqing in the future: "That's right, on the opening day, anyone who spends more than five taels of silver at one time in this store can enjoy a [-]% discount, or It's a gift glass."

"Do you know what a glass is?" Fu You picked up a transparent glass and raised it high: "This is a porcelain that has never appeared before, a transparent glass, even the emperor I have never used it before, and now I give it away for free, as long as I make a one-time purchase of five taels of silver, I will give a glass as a gift, only on the opening day, and the quantity is limited!"

"'s really transparent!!"

"I've never seen a glass like this before!"

"Don't talk about it, I haven't even heard of it!"

"Where can I buy this?"

"Didn't he just say that it only cost five taels of silver?"

"Some expensive."

"No matter how novel it is, it's just a cup for drinking water. Why is it worth so much money?"

Everyone is ordinary people, and few people will spend so much money at one time just to buy a cup.

"Besides glass cups, we have other activities!" Lu Jiu held the flyer and continued, "As long as you come to the store with the flyer on the opening day, you can get a free exquisite gift. It's free. !"

"It's free again?"

"Free tasting, free delivery, is it possible that the owner of this roast duck restaurant is a fool?"

"Stop talking, the boss is here."

After the voices of the crowd gradually died down, Lu Jiu said: "The last event is a lottery event. When the number of customers exceeds [-], a customer will be drawn for free. No matter how much you spend, you will be free of charge. !"

Listening to the discussion below, Lu Jiu didn't give them time to digest, and said again: "Now, please line up in an orderly manner and get the leaflets."

With the concerted efforts of everyone, [-] leaflets were quickly distributed.

Many people didn't get it.

"Don't worry if you didn't get it, as long as you introduce five customers to the store on the opening day, you can also get a beautiful gift!"

Lu Jiu asked Fu You to lead his men to perform another chest crushing boulder, and this was the successful conclusion.

As soon as it was announced that it was over, Fu You slipped away after telling Lu Jiu, even losing her staff.

Lu Jiu said to one of his subordinates: "Tell Fu You, don't forget the performance the day after tomorrow."


Fu You's men were much more obedient than him, not only told Fu You, but even Fu Lanqing.

Fu Lanqing asked Fu You to perform well, so don't embarrass him.

Fu You, who originally thought she had escaped, said, "..."

After Fu You's men left, Lu Jiu directly announced that he was off work.

(End of this chapter)

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