Chapter 378
Qinghe County is neither big nor small. Although Lu Jiu often stays in the county recently, he is still not as familiar with Qinghe County as the people in the county.

As far as she knew, Qi Sheng lived in Qinghe County for a long time, so he should know better than her.

"Qi Sheng, come here."

"Boss, are you looking for me?"

Qi Sheng was cleaning the table when he heard the words and hurried over.

Lu Jiu didn't hold back, and asked directly: "Which carpenter in Qinghe County is the most skilled?"

Qi Sheng didn't even think about it, and said directly: "If the craftsmanship is the most exquisite, it should be Sun Qiaojiang from the west of the city, but his fees are very expensive, and he often opens his mouth. For a dressing table of the same wood, others only need two taels of silver at most, but he does not." Twelve!"

"As long as you have real skills, it doesn't matter if it's expensive." Lu Jiu didn't care: "Do you know where Sun Qiaojiang's house is?"

Under normal circumstances, a carpenter is an occupation that receives orders and does not know how to open a shop.

Qi Sheng directly told Lu Jiu the address of Sun Qiaojiang's house.

Seriously, it's a little far.

Lu Jiu's shop is in the east of the city, and Sun Qiaojiang's home is in the west of the city.

But it's still early, it's too late.

Lu Jiu hired a carriage and planned to take the carriage to Sun Qiaojiang's house. Her footsteps are not slow, and she can go there on foot, but the skirt she is wearing now is too long, which is not suitable for walking at all.

The driver is a very strong handlebar, and he drives steadily without shaking too much.

There is no way, the ancient carriage did not have a shock absorption system.

At the very least, there is no small place like Qinghe County, and there must be the carriage of Fu Lanqing.

After all, with Fu Lanqing's temperament of lying down wherever he goes, if the carriage shakes too much, it will definitely disturb his sleep.

The carriage stopped after only a quarter of an hour.

Lu Jiu opened the curtain of the car and saw that there seemed to be an accident ahead, and it was blocked, and it was impossible to get through.

"What's going on in front?"

"Miss, wait, little one, go and have a look."

"It's troublesome."

"You're welcome."

The coachman came back soon, and before he had time to tell Lu Jiu, he heard Lu Jiu say, "Does it have something to do with Fu Lanqing?"

She saw the red figure from a long distance.

"Fu... Fu Lanqing?"

The coachman was a little confused and didn't know this person at all.

"Is it related to the county magistrate?"

The coachman nodded blankly: "Yes."


The county magistrate seems to be named Fu.

Could it be that what Miss just said was the name of the county magistrate?

How bold!

This matter is simple and simple, and it is complicated and complicated.

To put it simply, when Fu Lanqing was walking, he almost stepped on a pile of cow dung.

Fu Lanqing is a clean freak, and this move is no less than poking a hornet's nest.

It is quite common to throw garbage casually in modern times. It is an uncivilized behavior. Even if you litter, nothing will happen.

But in ancient times, if you littered garbage casually, the end would be extremely miserable.

"Han Feizi Nei Chu Shuo [-]" contains, "The law of Yin, those who abandon ashes to Taoism will cut off their hands."

Ashes are rubbish, or called filth.Residents will be punished with the criminal law of amputating their hands if they randomly dump garbage on the road.

That's right, in ancient times, the end of littering was a broken hand.

Ancient garbage should not be littered, even in ancient times, there were cleaners.

According to the records of "Meng Liang Lu", there were professional cleaners in the city of Hangzhou in the Southern Song Dynasty, called "Qingjiaotou".

(End of this chapter)

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