Chapter 381
Lu Jiu gave an example: "For example, if the horse is frightened, what if there are children on the road, and the children will not be trampled to death if they go down with one hoof?"

Fu Lanqing thought about it and found it very reasonable: "It is indeed possible."

"What is this possibility?" The owner of the cow said at the right time: "There is a boy in our village who was trampled to death by a frightened horse when he was going to the market. And went away, leaving the rich and noble couple holding the lifeless Gouwa and crying to death."

"It turned out to be true?"


"The county magistrate doesn't care?"

"It doesn't matter." The owner of the cow said indifferently: "He has power and power, and it's too late for the magistrate to curry favor with him, so how could he care?"

As the saying goes, a country gentleman who is iron-clad, and a magistrate who runs water.

Under normal circumstances, the two are in the same boat and oppress the people.

"Gouwa is the only child of Fugui's family. Ever since he passed away, the rich wife has been crying all day long, thinking that the child was crazy, and accidentally fell into the river and drowned. Find the culprit to settle the score, but before entering the gate of the house, he was beaten to death by the servant, and the body was thrown into the mass grave and fed to the wild wolf!"

The owner of the cow saw that Fu Lanqing didn't look angry, and continued to talk about the follow-up: "There was a blind old lady in Fugui's family. After a few days, her grandson, daughter-in-law, and son were all gone. She hanged herself with a hemp rope." .”

Fu Lanqing: "..."

Lu Jiu: "..."

"Maybe God has eyes. The Jia family committed a crime and the whole family was exiled. It can be regarded as avenging the rich family!" At this point, he glanced at Fu Lanqing: "I heard that the Jia family was exiled by you. Unexpectedly, you still have some ability to control those gentry and wealthy households, and the rich and noble families have spirits in heaven, and they will definitely appreciate you."

Fu Lanqing: "..."

Lu Jiu: "..."

After the story was finished, Fu Lanqing was silent.

Fu Lanqing's body is not good, and he has been pampered all the time, so he doesn't understand what is suffering among the people.

For a long time, the environment Fu Lanqing lived in was extravagant, full of bells and lanterns, bright and beautiful, bustling and lively, full of intrigue, intrigue, and death were common occurrences.

In his eyes, dying a person is as simple as drinking saliva, and he doesn't take it to heart at all, and even takes a lazy look at it.

But this time, he just heard people say the cause of the death of a family of four, and he never witnessed it with his own eyes. Never felt so depressed.

When he was sent to such a barren land by his aunt, he refused from the inside out, but it was useless to refuse again, so he was still packed and sent to Qinghe County.

Now, he can probably understand his aunt's intentions.

There is no intrigue or intrigue here, but there is poverty, hunger, suffering, grievance, helplessness and resignation.

For a long time, Fu Lanqing only regarded the five words "Qinghe county magistrate" as a piece of clothing, which would be thrown away after wearing it for a few days, because he also had more beautiful, delicate and gorgeous clothes. In his eyes, this The clothes are barely worn for a few days, and they are not taken seriously at all, let alone the responsibility that this clothes represent.

(End of this chapter)

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