Chapter 384
But Fu Lanqing's reaction was not slow: "The sun is about to set, and I happen to take you home."

Lu Jiu looked at the sky with innocent eyes: "But now, the application time has not passed yet."

That is, it's not like five o'clock in the afternoon.

There was no trace of embarrassment on Fu Lanqing's face, and he was even a little confident: "What are you going to do there if you have nothing to do, how dangerous it is!"

"What's dangerous?" Lu Jiu just felt that Fu Lanqing was a little baffled: "It's blue sky and daylight now, what's the danger? Besides, Qinghe County is under your rule, and there are few criminals. It's very safe. I don't close the door at night and don't pick up things Not far away."

At the end, Lu Jiu put a high hat on Fu Lanqing.

But Fu Lanqing's expression dimmed a bit: "What I did is far from good enough."

"Then do better, at least to satisfy yourself."

Satisfy yourself?
Fu Lanqing fell into deep thought.

Yes, as long as you are satisfied, don't care what others do.

Fu Lanqing finally smiled, like a hundred flowers blooming, so glamorous and indescribable.

"Lu Jiu, thank you."

"Sister...between brothers, why are you being polite?"

Lu Jiu said at the right time: "Put me down, I'm going to the west of the city."

"What are you going to the west of the city for?"

"I'm going to find a carpenter and make something."

"A carpenter." Fu Lanqing said lazily, "That's Fu You."

"What?" Lu Jiu was in disbelief: "Fu Er is a carpenter... a carpenter?"

It doesn't look like it.

Fu Lanqing hummed: "He is the one who made your plaque. If you need anything, you can just go to him. He won't charge you."

With that said, he called Fu You in.

"Master, what are your orders?"

Fu Lanqing buried her head between her arms, as if she didn't want to talk to him.

Lu Jiu looked at Fu You, still not convinced: "Fu You, I heard you are a carpenter?"

"Who did you listen to nonsense?"

Fu You was a little angry, he is not a carpenter, he is a master mechanism! !

Lu Jiu glanced at the vixen, and said slowly, "He said it."

"It's... master." Fu You knocked out his teeth and swallowed his blood, and said with a smile: "The master is right, my subordinates have learned how to be a carpenter for ten years!"

What kind of carpenter? It's obviously a skill of mechanism, Qimen Dunjia, besides that, he can also set up formations.

The combination of Qimen Dunjia and formation is enough for him to win more with less on the battlefield, invincible, invincible, and invincible.

Fu You was wronged, but Fu You dared not say it.

As if to prove it, Fu You hurriedly said, "This carriage was made by my subordinates."


Is it that great?

Lu Jiu looked envious: "That's awesome~"

"What is this?" Fu You said very modestly: "At the beginning...the carpenter wanted to take the master as an apprentice, but the master thought it was troublesome, so he might as well sleep when he has that time, which is cheaper for his subordinates."

"Too many skills do not overwhelm one's body, there is always no harm in learning more things."

Seeing that the two were still inclined to continue chatting, Fu Lanqing could only secretly kick Fu You.

Fu You gasped.

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Jiu asked politely, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Another blow as light as a feather made Fu You almost kneel down.

Fu You remained calm, and quickly returned to the topic: "Miss Lu, why don't you tell me what you want to make, whether you want to make a dressing table, a wardrobe, a desk or something like that, your subordinates can do it."

(End of this chapter)

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