Chapter 393
I have to say, the old lady's words are very domineering.

Although the old lady is in the country, she has also heard a lot of gossip about rich people. There are wives who torture concubines, who treat concubines as slaves, beat and scold them casually, and wives who are robbed of men by concubines. , who can only stand alone in the empty boudoir and weep silently, and there are those who make you have a miscarriage at every turn, and even more ruthlessly, there are those who give you infertility drugs.

In the eyes of the old lady, it means that she is full and has nothing to do.

It's not that they are idle and have nothing to do. If they are placed in the countryside, their stomachs will not be full.

Moreover, if a big living person insists on being split into two halves, or even more pieces, can he be busy?
If her daughter wants to marry, she wants to marry a good man who loves her wholeheartedly, not such a half-hearted philanderer.

"Old sister, you have no intention of letting your daughter marry at all!"

In the end, someone still asked this sentence out of their mouths.

A second-married head who wants to be a decent lady, not only that, but also wants to be the only wife, really yawns like a toad, what a big tone!

"I'm reluctant, but my daughter is going to marry after all, I can't let my daughter marry into someone else's house and be wronged!" The old lady said directly: "If this is the case, it's better not to marry!"

"Old sister, don't you look at how old Miss Lu is. I heard that it's Dongyue's birthday, and she's already eighteen. She hasn't married yet. Do you want to keep your daughter as an old girl that no one wants?"

Lu Jiu: "!!!" She is not yet an adult, so she cannot get married!
Fortunately, she didn't think about getting married either, hehehe!

Is it not good to be the little padded jacket of the old lady for a lifetime?

"It's not your turn to worry about this matter!" The old lady looked at the matchmakers, her eyes no longer had the kindness just now, but she still smiled and said: "In the eyes of my old lady, my daughter is the best , I can match anyone, if a few girls sincerely match my daughter, then they can say some young talents who don't take concubines, anyway, my daughter is impossible to be a concubine for others!"

"You...are crazy!"

"Not only is it crazy, it's simply wishful thinking!"

"Old sister, if your girl is a pure and innocent girl with yellow flowers, I can make peace with you, but your girl..." It's clearly a worn-out shoe, a ruined flower, how can you pretend to be noble!
Although the matchmaker didn't say what she said later, what she was thinking was written all over her face.

The dragon has reverse scales, which cannot be touched.

The Ni Lin of the old lady is her precious daughter.

How dare someone say that about her daughter now, how could the old lady be willing to do it.

Coincidentally, she has been pretending to be dignified for so long, and she has already had enough of her fucking pretending!
The old lady rolled up her sleeves and slapped her directly.

The matchmaker was unprepared, and was directly beaten up, her hair was messed up.

"My daughter deserves the best, and she deserves the best!" The old lady held down a matchmaker and began to beat her, with a fierce look on her face: "You women are patriarchal, aren't you women? My daughter is also ten The meat that fell from the moon's pregnant body is still the most intimate little padded jacket, shouldn't it be worthy of the best? You want me to send my daughter to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix to pave the way for my son. You can do it, but my mother can't. The daughter belongs to my mother Heart, if you push her into the fire pit, you are gouging out my old lady's heart!"

The old lady is not a positive person, she is a vicious mother-in-law, a tough shrew, a top-quality old lady who only favors the heroine!

(End of this chapter)

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