Chapter 509 Bribing Subordinates
"I can do it." Lu Jiu said to the old lady: "Mother, the county magistrate and I are good friends, don't you always worry about me going to Lin'an Mansion alone? Now that the county magistrate is protecting you, you should be at ease Bar?"


The old lady gave Fu Yi a hard look, why is this young man so obtrusive.

"Mother..." Lu Jiu shook the old lady's arm coquettishly: "You are an adult, you can't count your words, coax your daughter to play!"

"All right, all right." The old lady was so entangled, she looked at Fu Yi and asked, "How many people are there to protect your magistrate?"

"Ten or so, our master's gold is very expensive, of course we can't afford to lose it."

The old lady felt relieved when she heard this, and patted Fu Yi, only feeling like she was being patted on a rock, Lu Jiu hurriedly helped the old lady rub her hands.

"It's... quite strong." The old lady knew that she couldn't be Lu Jiu's master, so she said, "Since you have to go, then go!"


The old lady took Lu Jiu's hand and said goodbye: "Ji'er, you have to be good, don't be coquettish, the outside is different from home, others will not tolerate you without a bottom line, if there is anything, let your fourth brother do it! Listen to the words of the magistrate, don't make people angry, you know?"

"I know, I know everything, mother!"

The old lady wiped her tears, groped her body for a long time, found out two ingots of silver and a few bank notes, put them directly into Fu Yi's hand, and begged: "Please, please take good care of my daughter, I The old woman is just such a precious girl, if something happens to her, I will die!"

This is the master's mother-in-law! !

How dare he accept money from his master, son-in-law and mother-in-law.

Fu Yi was about to refuse, but saw Lu Jiu shaking his head.

So, he took the money and promised the old lady: "For the sake of money, I will protect Miss Lu no matter what!"

I just don't know who will protect whom at that time.

"I can rest assured that!"

So what if you don't worry?

Will the girl give up her mind?

of course not.

The old lady has been controlling her emotions, for fear that she will act too much and make her daughter feel uncomfortable, but as long as she thinks that her little padded jacket will have to leave for several months, how will she, an old lady, live in the winter!

When the group arrived at the gate of the county government office, the old lady breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the group of strong guards, and then bribed all the guards, begging them to protect her daughter.

All the coffin books of the old lady were used to bribe Fu Lanqing's subordinates.

"Mom, hurry back and show me the vegetable shed. Brother Si is not here. What if someone is lazy?"

All the things in the carriage were unloaded, Lu Jiu helped the old lady into the carriage, and told Lu Sanqiu: "Third brother, I'm not at home, you take care of your mother, buy her whatever she wants, don't worry Don't worry, you know?"

Saying that, he stuffed two ingots of silver into Lu Sanqiu's hand.

It's not that she doesn't want to give more, the country guys can't read at all, and they don't know how to use bank notes. Besides, how much money can the village spend.

"Jiumei..." Lu Sanqiu was about to refuse, but he received Lu Jiu's eyes, so he could only accept it, and said in relief: "Jiumei, don't worry, I will take good care of my mother, and I will never wrong her! "

"Then I'm relieved!" Lu Jiu breathed a sigh of relief: "Third brother, take your mother back quickly."

 Think of it early honeymoon trip!

(End of this chapter)

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