Chapter 512 Indebtedness

Lu Jiu touched Fu Lanqing's face again, and found that it was like touching a piece of ice, which was too cold.

This is just the beginning of winter, and the real cold time has not yet arrived.

Seeing Fu Lanqing frozen like this, Lu Jiu couldn't bear it.

She touched Fu Lanqing's clothes again. Although he was wearing thick clothes, he broke out in a layer of cold sweat.

Lu Jiu gritted his teeth: "Wait..."

She bought a set of thermal underwear from the system mall, which is the latest invention of future technology, which can stimulate the heat in the human body to the greatest extent and achieve the effect of keeping warm, but it is very expensive, unexpectedly expensive.

Moreover, Lu Jiu didn't have enough money.

Even though she had exchanged all the money in the duck shop into silver coins before leaving, it was still not enough.

Qian Qian spoke in a timely manner: "Jiu Ye, you can get a loan."

you shut up!
The loan is very expensive, and the interest is super expensive, don't try to coax me into taking a loan!

"Doesn't Master Jiu still have a batch of water writing cloth in his hand?"

Grass (a plant)!

Lu Jiu gave Fu Lanqing a hard look, this prodigal man!

But no matter what she did, she couldn't just watch Fu Lanqing freeze to death.

Moreover, she still needs Fu Lanqing to take her to find her second brother.

The most important thing is that her goal is to train Fu Lanqing to be the prime minister of the court, so she can't just die in such a vague way.

Not to mention, Fu Lanqing is still her sisters!

Lu Jiu gritted her teeth, stomped her feet, and borrowed the change to buy the thermal underwear and a pair of socks as a gift.

Under the balance of the system mall, there is a string of constantly changing numbers.

Lu Jiu didn't dare to look at it any more, and directly withdrew from the system mall.

"this is for you!"

Lu Jiu opened the box and took out the set of things from inside.

Fortunately, the things in the system mall do not have trademark logos.

"what is this?"

Fu Lanqing looked at it for a long time before realizing that it was a very strange set of... clothes.

"This is thermal underwear, worn close to the body." Lu Jiu looked impatient and fierce: "Put it on quickly, what are you talking about so much?"

As he spoke, he turned around and asked him to change his clothes.

The thermal underwear is red, which is Fu Lanqing's favorite color. It has only a thin layer, as if it doesn't weigh much.

After thinking about it, Fu Lanqing took off her clothes.

Although the compartment had been sealed as best as possible, when he took off his clothes, it was still freezing.

Fu Lanqing took the lead in putting on the upper body of the thermal underwear, and then put on the pants and those strange socks.

Because it was a gift from his sweetheart, and it was his favorite red color, Fu Lanqing was quite happy.

"Have you changed it yet?"


When Lu Jiu turned around, she saw Fu Lanqing who was dressed in red like an underwear model.

If it wasn't for that long hair, Rong Qing even suspected that he had returned to the modern age again.

Lu Jiu took a deep breath and put on Fu Lanqing's padded clothes and thick fur cloak.

She took off Fu Lanqing's hair crown, rummaged through the system backpack for a long time, and finally found a gift rubber band, and tied Fu Lanqing's black hair directly behind.

Lu Jiu became ruthless, and bought another hat from the system mall. Anyway, if you have too many debts, you don't have to worry about it, and if you have too many lice, it doesn't itch.

A furry little red hat was worn on Fu Lanqing's head, protecting his head and ears.

When Lu Jiu looked at the beautiful Fu Lanqing, it felt like she was looking at a lovely and beautiful girl.

If Fu Lanqing is raised as a daughter, it doesn't seem to be very contradictory.

 It is impossible to get rich suddenly, you must keep your feet on the ground and make money step by step.

  Even if we get rich, we have to find a way to lose.

  With the male lead here, I don't have to worry about spending money, I'm afraid it's not enough, hee hee!
(End of this chapter)

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