Chapter 520
Fu Yi arranged for the guards to clean up the room, while he directly requisitioned the kitchen of the inn. In order to save time, he also left two cooks who cut vegetables.

The quilts are all brought by yourself, not from the inn.

The three first-class rooms are all next to each other, with Lu Jiu sleeping in the middle, and Fu Lanqing and Lu Sidong on the left and right.

After the inn was packed, Lu Jiu went straight back to her room.

The room was cleaned very clean, and there were charcoal basins all around, and the fire inside was burning vigorously, bringing warmth to the cold room.

I have to say that Jiaohua...'s subordinates are really necessary tools for home affairs.

To be honest, Lu Jiu is really curious about Fu Lanqing's identity now.

According to Fu Yi, it takes about ten days to travel from Qinghe County to Lin'an Mansion, but the caravan takes nearly a month.

Because the caravan had to take the road, because they were afraid of encountering robbers, and they carried a lot of things, they needed to go through layers of investigations, and it was impossible to take shortcuts.

But they are different. They don't sell things, they are not afraid of robbers, they can take shortcuts, and more importantly, their horses run fast.

Lu Jiu slept almost all day today, her whole body was limp. Lu Jiu took off her coat and moved her body a few times, one is to make her bones not so stiff, and the other is to provide herself with some heat in winter.

Just halfway through the activity, Lu Jiu heard a knock on the door.

She still kept her lower back posture, and said slowly: "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and Fu Lanqing saw Lu Jiu's weird posture at first sight, and hurried forward to help her, with a concerned tone: "Is it twisted? I'll help you up!"

He carefully supported Lu Jiu, for fear of twisting her waist.

"Don't mind your own business." Lu Jiu supported the ground with one hand and slapped his paws away: "I'm exercising my body and keeping my figure. Since I came to this wretched place, my vest line is gone... "

"What vest line?"

Seeing that Lu Jiu really seemed to be in trouble, Fu Lanqing breathed a sigh of relief and got up to close the door.

"The vest line is here..."

Lu Jiu lifted up her clothes, revealing her belly without a trace of fat, slender and fair, but without muscle lines.

Fu Lanqing's face was blushing, and he quickly put down Lu Jiu's clothes, his face was black and red, and he reprimanded in a low voice: "Do you still have the half-reservedness of a woman! How can you take it off in front of a man?" Where are the clothes!"

"It's just showing your belly, it's not like you're naked, it's true!"

Ancients without knowledge!
If I wear a swimsuit, can't I scare you to death?
"You still want to get naked?"

Fu Lanqing was angry and angry, and her heart was itchy because of her teasing.

If Jiu'er stripped off...


I can't think about it anymore!
Fu Lanqing, you are so vile, you are greedy for Jiu'er's body!

Fu Lanqing controls her body, and must not be embarrassed in front of her sweetheart.

Looking at Fu Lanqing's stinky face, looking like she wanted to beat her up, Lu Jiu said awkwardly: "I was wrong, I won't be like this in the future, I more reserved, okay? "

She had forgotten that this was ancient times.

Lu Jiu began to reflect on herself, she must pay attention to her words and deeds, and not be too shocking.


Fu Lanqing snorted coldly, turned her head awkwardly, her ears burning.

I really want to, I really want to...the bridal chamber in situ.

 520 love you (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

(End of this chapter)

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