Chapter 527
First get rid of the fourth brother, wait until Lin'an Mansion, see the second brother, and then get rid of the second brother, the third brother has no idea, and finally get rid of the big boss mother-in-law.

In fact, the mother-in-law is the most important thing.

As long as you can please the mother-in-law, everything will be much easier.

Because Lu Jiu is a very filial daughter.

There is a saying, mother's order must be obeyed.

In fact, just as Fu Lanqing thought, the reason why Lu Jiu let go in the future is all due to the iron and blood orders of his mother-in-law.

Lu Jiu took out a poker card and said quickly, "Let's fight the landlord today."

Three people, just playing Doudizhu.

There's really no point in playing with two people.

If there are four people, you can play mahjong.

It's a pity that she didn't make the mahjong tiles.

However, you can play Pai Gow.

"Fighting the Landlord?"

"The landlord asked you to provoke you? Why did you fight him?"

Faced with the questions of the two ancients, Lu Jiu was speechless, because this was really a torture of the soul.

Fighting the Landlords is a card game popular in China.

Lu Jiu didn't want to talk about this issue, so she said solemnly: "Because you hate the rich!"

"Hate the rich?"

"That's right!" Lu Jiu said nonsense seriously: "Because the landlord has money, we will fight him, two against one."

Fu Lanqing: "..."

Lu Sidong: "..."

"Any question?"

The two did not speak, and remained silent.

"If there is no problem, I will say the rules."

Lu Jiu finished talking about the rules, and then said: "Youdao means that small bets are fun and big bets are harmful to the body. Let's not play big ones. Can you pay a hundred dollars at a time?"

When Lu Sidong heard that Lu Jiu wanted to gamble, his heart ached and he stopped her immediately: "Jiuer, you can't gamble!"

Lu Jiu pulled Lu Sidong aside and whispered: "It's okay, with my fourth brother helping me, nothing will happen."


"It's okay. If you are the landlord, we will partner with Fu Lanqing. If Fu Lanqing is the landlord, we will fight two against one. Brother and sister join forces, and we will be invincible!"

Lu Sidong thought it made sense, so he nodded: "Okay."

All the whispers between the siblings fell into Fu Lanqing's ears.

If you want to win against me, you don't go out to inquire about it. Back then, I closed five gambling houses in the capital.

Fu Lanqing made his fortune from this.

Who told him that he didn't have much talent for doing business and could only take shortcuts.

"So shall we begin?"


"Put the bet on yourself first."

Fu Lanqing took an ingot of gold directly.

What Lu Jiu took was a broken piece of silver, and in front of Lu Sidong was a pile of copper plates.

Cards are dealt, a deck of cards, three hole cards are reserved, and the others are distributed to three players.

(My little brother has never played Doudizhu, so I checked it online. I watched the gameplay for a long time, but I still didn’t understand it. If there is something wrong, it’s just my own game, it’s empty anyway!)

first round.

Lu Sidong is a landlord.

The siblings looked at each other and smiled.

Lu Jiu said to Fu Lanqing: "We are in the same group."

Fu Lanqing nodded, and asked very silly and sweetly: "You two brothers and sisters won't join forces to bully me, right?"

In the end, it was all pathetic.

"Of course not!" Lu Jiu said nonsense seriously: "There are rules on the gaming table. There are no relatives and friends here, only opponents and allies."

Fu Lanqing wrote a very "stupid and sweet" letter: "Yeah, Jiuer, let's win him together!"

Lu Jiu nodded: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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