Chapter 534 I want to fly solo
Fu Lanqing wanted to cry but had no tears. Looking at his big brother-in-law, he silently shed two lines of bitter tears.

Lu Sidong's brain is not very smart, but when he destroyed the intimacy between the two of them, it was like cheating, leaving no chance for Fu Lanqing.

The reason why Fu Lanqing followed Lu Jiu to Lin'an Mansion was to hook up with Lu Jiu, and it would be best if he could hook up Lu Jiu to bed.

His subordinates will disappear when they shouldn't be, but the big brother-in-law will not.

Especially watching my uncle guarding himself like a thief, I feel even more frustrated.

Just be on guard against yourself, even your own sister.

Isn't that just unreasonable?


He had to think of a way to get rid of all the people who were in the way.

When the group arrived in Suzhou, Lu Jiu went to sell her own water and cloth, so Lu Sidong naturally followed, and Fu Yi sent two guards to Lu Jiu to help her carry things.

Fu Lanqing called Fu Yi into the carriage and discussed countermeasures with him.

"What?" After hearing Fu Lanqing's overall plan, Fu Yi's first reaction was to object: "No, you shouldn't have traveled far in winter, and now you want to act alone, and your subordinates disagree!"

Fu Lanqing's plan is very simple. When he is about to arrive in Lin'an Mansion, let the secret guards pretend to be assassins to chase them down. Fu Yi pretends to be invincible, and then gets lost due to some accident, so that he can stay and fly with Lu Jiu.

At that time, Fu Yi took Lu Sidong and his subordinates to look for Lu Shuangxia. He cultivated a relationship with Lu Jiu for a few days, and it would be best if he could hook Lu Jiu into his bed and then join them.

"This is an order!"

"Orders are not easy to use, and my subordinates can't make fun of your body!" The stern face was full of rejection, and the voice was even colder: "If anything happens to you, your innocence will collapse at that time, and you will die!"

"No, with Jiu'er protecting me, nothing will happen."

Speaking of this, Fu Yi suddenly thought of something: "What do you think, if our hidden guard and Miss Lu confront each other, who will win?"

Fu Lanqing: "..." It's really hard to say.

Maybe his hidden guards will be wiped out.

"I'll find a way to hold Jiu'er, and you can call more people over." Fu Lanqing thought for a while, and then said: "If you are worried, you can let the hidden guards protect you in secret, as long as you are not too close, Jiu'er shouldn't doubt it."


"Don't worry about my body. I have internal energy to protect my body, and the treasure Jiu'er gave me. Now I am no different from a normal person. Didn't you also check my body and say that I am healthy?"


Fu Yi was faintly moved, but still worried.

"I've made up my mind!" Fu Lanqing said with a strong face, "That's the matter, so there's no need to say anything."

Fu Lanqing never missed what he wanted to do.

When I was three years old, I heard the story of lying on the ice and begging for a carp.

Then I really went to work, not to mention that the carp didn't get it, but I almost lost my life, lying on the bed for more than half a year.

Fu Lanqing has always acted recklessly, regardless of the consequences.

It was precisely because Fu Lanqing was so out of tune that all his subordinates were exhausted physically and mentally. They thought that the little master would be born soon, and they didn't want to serve this out of tune master anymore.

But you idiots, have you never heard of the words like like father, like son, blue out of blue is better than blue?

Fu Yi shook his head and hurried down to make arrangements.

(End of this chapter)

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